Avatar of Sugar and Spite


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10 days ago
Current What if I need a big tiddy goth, not therapy?
15 days ago
Hot take, but I'll allow it.
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15 days ago
Beer is liquid bread. Pop-tarts are ravioli. Corn dogs are Popsicles. I will not be explaining.
22 days ago
Having a panic attack? Try shaking your ass to the Mama Mia soundtrack instead.
1 mo ago
In that case, *I* am looking for six men to sacrifice.


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley or pretty much anything else. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

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My playlist is a combination of every person who has ever touched my life - with a sprinkle of my own insanity, of course.
No u.

Starring: Lilith Montgomery

It had taken a bit longer that Lilith would have liked to get Carlisle into the basement. Most of her rescue party was under the influence, and Lilith had spent most of her time wondering how it was that she was still standing. Between Grandpa John, Carlisle, and Miles - the young woman had drunk two full bottles of alcohol over the course of roughly seven hours. Adrenaline in her veins or not - she was still very much drunk.

With the group coming back upstairs, Lilith had broken away from the party to stand by the snacks table once more. Now feeling the munchies coming on, she had been eating on some of the various chips before her empath abilities seemed to pick up on what could only be described as outsiders. Part of Lilith’s ability was being able to sense familiar emotions, and the ones that she felt right now - full of anger and aggression - belonged to none of the Coven.

The realisation made every hair stand on her arms as she looked up just in time to make eye contact with a stranger walking through the door.

In her drunken state, Lilith couldn’t deny the fact that the man was attractive. Tan skin, dark eyes, and what kind of magic was he working on his hair? Lilith really needed to learn that glamour spell. Or maybe she just needed better hair products. Either way, seeing the werewolves behind him made Lilith’s body and mind shift into high alert once more this evening. The more the stranger spoke, the more anger Lilith felt rising to the surface.

Seeing the werewolves behind him, Lilith allowed the man to continue on his power trip long enough for her to raise her personal shield. A faint blue glow now surrounded the young woman's body, her hands held behind her back as shadows began to swirl in her palms. As the man introduced himself as Lucien Crowe, Lilith felt a chill run through her body once more as her eyes flicked back to meet his. Glaring daggers at the man, Lilith now wrapped her hands around her shadow weapon of choice - a baseball bat.

Lilith had only heard Victor briefly mention his brother on a few occasions - but the information that she did have on the other man was enough to let her know that Lucien should not be here. More importantly, he shouldn’t be anywhere near Victor. Hero complex and personal loyalty now in full swing, it took every fiber of Lil’s being not to claw at Luciens flesh after he had winked. If there was one thing Lilith always hated to be seen as, it was some weak, feeble minded girl - and Lucien was making her feel anything but.

At Lucien’s mention of harming the Coven, Victor seemed to take over for a brief moment. Lilith watched as her friend froze one of the werewolves in their tracks, the spectacle making her raise her brows both out of impression and shock. Lilith had always known that Victor was powerful - but it was a rare thing for her to see his powers in full swing. Nonetheless, she was appreciative and impressed with what Victor had done. Hearing her friend's words, Lilith took that as a go ahead to go absolutely feral on the piece of shit before her.

The truth was - Lilith didn’t hate men. Sure, she made jokes and she avoided them like the plague, but not all of them were bad. Her grandfather was proof enough of that. Standing there listening to Lucien speak, watching him try and start a dick swinging contest, a small smirk formed on her face. Victor was right to mention that Lucien was arrogant.

Raising the bat in both hands, Lilith raised it above her right shoulder before swinging with all of her might and connecting with the right side of Lucien's face.

How fucking dare you, she thought.

Lucien tried to lean back to avoid the shot. But it was no use as it connected and knocked his whole body to the side. He stumbled a few steps before stopping a metre or so away from Lilith, a nasty smirk on his lips. "Wow, someone is angry? Guessing you didn't think I would be able to get to you all that easily?" With that Lucien focused his energy and projected his mind forward to try and probe into Lilith's mind, seeing if he could somehow find an opening.

His comment had only made Lilith that much more enraged as she raised the bat and swung once more. She could feel her shield flickering around her, but the emotions running through her body were too strong for her to focus on anything else. Lilith had needed an outlet for her emotions for a while now, and it seemed as if Lucien had showed up at just the right time. Lilith had taken the barrier falling personally. That was her great grandmother's barrier, after all, and now the barrier had become Liliths baby over the years. Lilith truly felt that Lucien had endangered every aspect of her family in every form that he could find. He had petrified Carlisle, and John was dying - though that wasn’t Lucien's fault. Even still, she found herself shifting the blame momentarily. Regardless of anything she had going on in her personal life, however, Lilith wasn’t going to just stand there and let Victor be taken away.

As the bat collided with Lucien for a second time, Lilith felt the barrier around her collapse. She didn’t have time to inspect herself for damages - all she knew is that she didn’t feel any. Not yet.

”Fuck you,” she growled through gritted teeth.

"You aren't as strong as I…" Before he could even finish he got hit by a double whammy. The unsuccessful mind probe bounced back and hit himself, only to get smashed by the shadowbat a second time, this time drawing a hefty amount of blood from his mouth and causing his vision to blur. He coughed slightly as he struggled to compose himself.

Seeing Lucien stunned, Lilith let the bat dissipate from her hands as she held her palms down by her sides, facing them towards the floor.

Maybe she wasn’t as strong as another witch in their prime, but she was Lilith. More importantly, she was a Montgomery. Reminding herself of the facts, the brunette focused her concentration on the pit of energy growing in her stomach. The lights in the main room began to flicker, the chandelier shaking. Shadows seemed to float into the house, being pulled from outside as they formed shapes. Soon, there were five skeletal warriors standing behind Lilith, various forms of ancient weaponry in their hands. As they clicked and chattered in their own language, Lilith found herself blending in with the small army as they surrounded her, pushing her to the back of the crowd.

Lilith might have been a power hungry, angry, drunken bitch in that moment - but she wasn’t stupid. On a sober day, she would have happily continued to beat Lucien until there was nothing left of him or herself left to be found. For now, however, the Coven still needed her.

Lucien had recovered, only to see Lilith summon henchmen and begin to retreat into the crowd. He raised his left arm, firing off a small fireball towards one of the chattering skeletons. He took a step forward to attempt to give chase to Lilith. "Don't you want to know how I did it?" He said, clearly trying to fill his own ego.

”The only thing I want to know is why my grandfather hasn’t already killed you himself,” she called back, still hiding behind her army.

Lilith knew how her emotions worked. If she stayed in Lucien's vicinity for long enough - she would kill him. Would she be walking away herself? Only the gods knew that. But what Lilith did know was that if she was going to Hell - Lucien was coming with her.

Now doing the best that she could to cast her projectile shield in front of herself and her comrades, Lilith slowly continued to creep backwards.

"Telling you would ruin the fun. But I will say one thing" Lucien waited until Lilith's eyes were looking directly into his. "Be careful who you trust. One of your own isn't a loyal as you think" With that Lucien would take several steps back, clearly not interested in trying to tangle with Lilith anymore. He knew when he was outmatched, plus his head still felt like it had been cracked open.

”Well if anyone would know how to spot a snake in the grass, it would be you, wouldn’t it,” she half mumbled, mostly to herself. Lilith was far too drunk to keep on trying to work her way around Lucien. For now, she would have to let the rest of the Coven go to work.

I've finally come to the conclusion that I will always be a batshit crazy, barefoot, free spirited, foul mouthed, Southern Applachian child.

I might be goth, or a hippie from time to time - but I'll always default back to the little girl that likes to play in the river.
@Hedgehawk did some fleshing out

I'm interested! I am curious about the setting though. Is this modern, or in a vintage era? I assume modern but thought I should ask lol. Anyway I'll brainstorm a bit on a character!

Modern Era, yes.
"You reached for another bottle of gin,
and I'm sorry that I treated it like a sin.
But you judged a boy named Tim,
when you were just the same as him."
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