Prince of Seraphs said
Hey are you guys still casting?Also assuming you are I'm a little unclear on the character sheet. Are we filling it out for the parent or parents of our character before the time skip or are we doing it for the present day character?Also what constitutes being from one class or the other I'm not really clear what the difference between the golden and the filthy is. Are the filthy just more animal than the golden?Would a girl whose part hawk (AKA can fly) be all right. There are a couple of nerfs I could add to make it more fair.
Yes we are still accepting
For the character sheet you are primarily making your parent (or parents) CS, then I will announce when we are skipping and you will primarily play as your kid (who at this time is 20 or so) some people chose to go ahead and make their kids CS but if it's easier you can wait till I announce the skip
The difference between golden and filthy is filthy has visible traits of their splice where golden don't...for example a filthy hawk girl might have visible wings or yellow eyes, where a golden hawk girl would have any of these showing when they aren't in use.
And hawk is totally acceptable :) hopefully this answered all your questions