Astro struggled to find the perfect angle, his video camera was placed up on a tripod, pointing out at the open desert expanse. His Pokemon had been released from their balls and were assisting in the filming of the very first scene of Astro's exposé on Team Cipher and their agenda. Backing away from the camera, he released a sigh of relief and said, "OK, Grimer, Tyrogue.". Grimer began to spew purple gas from his mouth, making the desert appear infinitely more menacing. Tyrogue held a film clapper in his hands, he clapped it and Astro began.
"Welcome to Orre. a region plagued by a criminal organization known as, Team Cipher. Most likely you're not even aware of the plight of the Orre people because contact with the outside world has been completely cut off. Just getting past the border was an exceptionally difficult task. Join me, Astro Turf, as I expose this organization to the rest of the world. And CUT."
Astro packaged his camera back into his backpack and threw it in the back of the beat-up dune buggy he was using as transport. He signaled to his Pokemon that it was time to leave and they hopped into the back seat. Astro turned the key to no avail. The buggy made a tremendous clinking sound and seemed to sink down into the sand, exhausted. Astro's eyes popped with concern. The rusted vehicle had broken down, leaving him and his Pokemon alone in the desert. "This is a problem." Astro said with discontent.