I like how they've allowed Monster Mash decks to actually work, with Magicians and Majespecters playing alongside Odd-eyes and PePe in one big gooey mess of a deck. They've also arrived just as Konami started taking a leaf from how Blizzard designs their game balance; Make something broken and give it to different things every six months. They've learned the right lesson from DRuler format, with Shaddolls and Nekroz, PePe, Kozmo, Monarchs and ABCs and even Zoodiacs being all broken for different reasons, having their moment in the sun and becoming irrelevant in turn. Putting pendulums in the extra deck was the right kind of nerf to the graveyard-as-a-second-hand problem the game has, and the mechanic was clearly designed with it in mind more then anything else they've thought up since.
That being said, fuck the pendulum zone. Just play it in the backrow like anything else and it would have been fine. We've had artifacts and Crystal beasts for years, it would have been fine to play monsters as spells and traps for an inherant bonus. That and the fact that having their own zone was the foot in the door that allowed
Wavering Eyes to be a thing, and that card can burn in hell.