THe imperial guard is like the marines. YOu're a grunt first and then your job after. So you can have those skill sets, but if someone needs you to fire a las rifle well guess what. You're gonna go fire a las rifle lol.
Vendettas are part of the Imperial Guard. They can be piloted by Imperial guard pilots. The only problem with you being NOTHING but a pilot would be the fact you'll miss out on quite a bit and you'll be more likely to die than anyone else.
uh huh. Guys guys. Vehicles you get will be pretty much assigned if you are to be assigned one. I just need you to put down what skills you have at piloting. Vendettas will be getting used (and yes they can carry space marines and ogryns) Rhinos and Chimeras will pop up. For the most part you guys will be using pretty heavy vehicles when you are using vehicles. Let's not argue capiche?
well we could use a pilot that can operate varying forms of armour. If you want You can have that skill to pretty much pilot anything from a chimera to a dette. and randomly take one from other troops throughout the RP. Sentinels are cool and all but kind of flimsy at the best of times.