Avatar of themadhatter420


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9 yrs ago
Current Welcome to Wonderland! Its just down the nearest Rabbit Hole! Come on down and visit.
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9 yrs ago
Brand new to the site...still an amazing role-player :) dont be afraid to give me a chance.
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I am a weird person and can be a bit random at times but don't let that scare you away from role-playing with me. I find myself to be very creative as far as coming up with different story lines and creating new posts :) PM me if you ever want to rp and I can come up with something.

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thats one vote for Cleveland :)
a kitten my female cat had :) only it didnt make it so this is what she would have looked like.

but not as much as this :)


love the minions :)


-instantly face palms my face hard- oh...my....god....i am so blind
@HHShetland@Legion02@Dark Eternity@King Kindred

Artemis smiled at everyone. She handed David her schedule that was written down on a piece of paper. "Here is the list the headmaster gave me. I tried finding a few of the buildings but I got lost." She said with a giggle. "Thank you...I'm sorry I didn't catch you name?" She smiled at the other female in the room holding out my hand. "My name is Artemis." She said smiling brightly. She than looked down at her id and placed it in her pocket so she wouldn't lose it. She also smiled at the guy who walked up to them not knowing his name or what he was talking about either. "The Mutant what act?" She asked curiously. She had not been in the loop about everything. Her mother told her that normal people wouldn't like someone like her and she understood that...but not enough to know all the political information.
@King Kindred

posting right now :)
@Pripovednik apparently I have to. xD lolol
@Pripovednik *does not know how to add in smilely faces* xD
@Pripovednik *hugs you forgiving you* lol its okay don't be sad xD we might make them watch it now
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