Avatar of themadhatter420


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9 yrs ago
Current Welcome to Wonderland! Its just down the nearest Rabbit Hole! Come on down and visit.
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9 yrs ago
Brand new to the site...still an amazing role-player :) dont be afraid to give me a chance.
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I am a weird person and can be a bit random at times but don't let that scare you away from role-playing with me. I find myself to be very creative as far as coming up with different story lines and creating new posts :) PM me if you ever want to rp and I can come up with something.

Most Recent Posts

A virus is killing everyone. Looking all around people are dropping like flies. Only...this is no normal virus. The people are coming back to life! They are coming back to life and biting people, eating them alive in some cases. It is extremely painful and people do not survive at all.

If anyone is bitten by these people, it is signing a death wish. The virus spreads too fast through out the body and the world. There is no hope for a cure anymore. All forms of communication have been cut off due to the loss of power in most places. Emergency frequencies run on the radio non-stop for the first few months changing the more people know about these terrible monsters.

"Stay in your homes. Do not have any contact with the infected. Looting is still illegal and so is stealing. Barricade your homes and try to stay alive. The CDC is still working on a cure to save the world."
The radio message has not played in a few months now. People don't even know if there will ever be hope of life returning back to normal or not. There is no way to even tell either. How is everyone going to survive this? No one may never know. But the better question is....how will you survive?


Ashley was riding on her trike into the city of Cleveland. She was still desperate to find signs of life. She had a special compound that could feed as many people that she could...you know, the whole greater in numbers idea. She was hoping if she could find some good, helpful people that maybe there will be a chance and bringing back society. After a year of the walkers killing everything they could...and her time gathering cattle, horses, seeds for food, weapons...She had to know it was all for something. She knew it would easily feed about 30 people for a few years if she kept the place secure.

She rode her trike into the depths of the city running down the main street to downtown. There was no zombies she could see but she still got off her bike to head out on foot. She saw a nearby food store. They would have food that would still be good in cans or boxes if she could find out where they would be hiding. She thought maybe some people went inside. She saw the door was pried open. She grabbed her baseball bat off the side of her bike as she walked over to the store cautiously.

Will be making the post *drum roll* RIGHT NOW!!!!!
*made you go gm @Pripovednik

Sure I would not mind picking you and yes you can still have your character. Let me find out how to make you co-gm
****Creating the IC Soon******

I am also looking for a co-gm as well. If anyone is interested please let me know :

lol sounds like an interesting tactic until you lose your shoe. than you will be running around with one boot looking like your limping from the height difference.
Soon. Let me pm those guys before I head to work and by tomorrow I will post the first setting. So far Cleveland Ohio has won the vote.
no worries
Do you want me to make a small map for looting missions and maybe make it a bit larger to show the survivor camp or something? I do it all the time in my free moments so it wont take too long.

Actually yes that would help me out a lot! PM Me and we can come up with something together if you want
<Snipped quote by themadhatter420>

Scoped. Mosin. Nagant.
-Being shot by a blind guy.

*applauds choice of uber-custom Remington 700*
-Before that, Marine-snipers used the Winchester Model 70, the rifle used by Carlos in his infamous "through the scope" headshot.

Also, I vote for Cleveland, Ohio.

Also, I'm probably going to hold-in what happened to my first cat and the story of how I learned headshots (and blunt-force) aren't nearly as instant as the movies sell it to be. (he nearly lived to be 21... was planning on sharing a beer with him)
-Yes, even if a chunk of brain gets ejected out the nose. Which kinda makes you wonder how if 90% of the time headshots kill from blood-loss, if it'll ever reliably work against zombies (especially in the case of pistol-rounds such as the .380 ACP).
^That lil tidbit makes zombies, IMO when coupled with the difficulty of making a headshot in the first place, a lot scarier.

Another story was of how a hunter dumped an entire shotgun-tube of 20-gauge 7/8 oz slugs into a deer's head at point blank... still wasn't quite dead enough for field-dressing. It also slid quite a distance down the cliff (the idea was to completely stop it from moving so it would not slide into the rivine).

And then there's the Thompson-LeGarde tests, which were pretty much best-case pistol-headshot scenarios... rather disappointing performance from the .500 Express.

I will add your vote to the first post
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