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9 yrs ago
Current Welcome to Wonderland! Its just down the nearest Rabbit Hole! Come on down and visit.
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9 yrs ago
Brand new to the site...still an amazing role-player :) dont be afraid to give me a chance.
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I am a weird person and can be a bit random at times but don't let that scare you away from role-playing with me. I find myself to be very creative as far as coming up with different story lines and creating new posts :) PM me if you ever want to rp and I can come up with something.

Most Recent Posts


Artemis could see that David looked a little nervous. "Hey what if I ran with you David. I can pace myself." She said smiling to see what he would say. She knew she was taking a chance for him to say no. But she really wanted them to be close friends. He seemed like he would be able to help her out in the long run. She smiled adjusting her bow a little more so she would not damage it by running. Other students stared at her bow and it was making her blush the more she noticed it.
@Remipa Awesome@Pripovednik

Ashley heard the voice from inside the store. "Yes. I am alone." She said holding up her bat so he could see it. "I will not hurt you...Are you bitten?" She asked curiously wondering how he was going to react. She walked a little more to see he was up against a short shelf. She stood facing him so he could see her weapons on her holsters. An AR-15 was strapped on her back and a glock was on her shoulder holster on her left side.

As she waited for his response she heard a gunshot go off outside. From inside she could still tell it was a sniper rifle far off but she became worried it would draw walkers closer. She just hoped she could get back to her bike if she needed to leave quickly.
Rainbow Dash was very confused. "How do you think we can stop this with out any magic or your help for that matter?" She said curiously. She was trying to come up with any ideas that came to mind but there was nothing. She could not even figure out if they figure out a plan. They would have to find a great person that really knew information about this kind of stuff. "I...I think Zecora's sister knows a little about this stuff. She just came to town." Rarity spoke up as soon as the thought came to her mind. "She is a Wiccan or some sort of religion that they worship eclipses. She would know how to help them on a spiritual level." She said to Twilight wondering if that would help.
I will post later tonight back to you guys. I have to head work in a few and gotta clean up my house. xD stupid chores.
@ChaoticNeutral yes that would be very helpful info actually. Pm me and I will see if we can find that stuff
@ChaoticNeutral@Remipa Awesome@Foster@Pripovednik@RumikoOhara@XxLyraxX@noxlux

ALRIGHT EVERYONE! I am so excited about this! Lets get this party started
@Remipa Awesome

I will reply back to you as soon as a few more people make some posts :) I did notice it and will get back to you soon :)
yes I am okay with the skip too
@King Kindred

She smiled at everyone around them as they explained the registration act. "That does not seem very fair...isn't there a law saying we have certain types of freedoms?" She said remembering what her mom used to tell her when she was "teaching" her. She wondered if it was all fake just so she would seem like she was going to school. Her mom would have been in a lot of trouble if they found out.

--Thursday Morning--

Artemis was wearing shorts and a t-shirt when she arrived at gym class. She knew where it was when David showed her around. She smiled running over to Alex and David. "I am ready." She said getting excited. She was bouncing up and down with her bow still on her back. She literally never left to go anywhere with out it. It was almost as if it was out of habit. She always had to be prepared for anything living in the woods.
I do xD no one else posted yet, Would you like to be a co-gm @Foster?

Also!! *drum roll*

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