Human Name: Sebastian Walker
Age: 23
Human Appearance:
Bio: Sebastian had a privileged life, all his wants and needs catered for by the time he could demand for something. Money was not an issue for Sebastian or the Walker family. A long lineage of knights, lords and kings dot the Walker family tree, a fact that Sebastian's parents loved to rub into his conscious. Another reason Sebastian became the rollicking hedonist, a lifestyle he has had since he was able to readily keep himself at least half drunk at all times.
God or Goddess: God of Revels, Pleasure and Desire
God Name: Trice, God of Revels, Pleasure and Desire
God Appearance: dependant on the person looking at him. His appearance is mutable.
Symbols: A coiled Snake
Alignment: True Neutral
Weapon: His touch can cause ecstatic pain or pleasure, his words are able to muddy a clear mind, his visage manipulates and transmutes to the viewer. He needs no weapons. He is a weapon.
Animal: Snakes
Followers: Rebels, hedonist, lovers, users, alcoholics
Hope this is fine :)