The Emperor of Mankind a mysterious figure who appeared one day on the old world of Terra and united it under his banner. From there, he would make an agreement with the Cult Mechanicum and secure their support for the Emperor's ambitions to create a human empire with Terra as its capital, and he would venture out to unite the shattered remnants of humanity.
But he was missing one important thing, his children, his Primarchs. Twenty superhuman individuals who were created from the Emperor's genes, his personal project that these individuals would aid him during the unification of humanity. Only for the ruinous powers of Chaos to ruin his plans and send his primarchs across space and to other worlds in the galaxy.
Despite this setback, the Emperor continued his plans, and once the empire was able to expand outside of the Sol system. Did the hunt for the missing primarchs begin, and one after one, the missing primarchs were discovered and returned to the imperial fold. All except for one that, despite searches, has yet to be found. Still, this did not stop the Emperor of Mankind from going forward with the Great Crusade and uniting humanity under the Emperor's rule.
Which, in the closing days of the Great Crusade, this was accomplished and now the Imperium of Man was officially the only voice of humanity in the galaxy. However, a question still remained. Where is the last primarch and why has they not been found yet? A question that their legion, the twentieth legion or otherwise known as the Star Raptors, are eager to find and unite with their missing primarch.
Still, with the Great Crusade coming to an end and a victory celebration to be held in the world of Talos. Rumors say that the Emperor plans on choosing one of the Primarchs to be the Warmaster. To most, it seems like a golden age under the Emperor of Mankind is at hand with humanity untied and with most threats to the Imperium vanquished at the moment. None would suspect the coming storm that would start with the sudden return of the last primarch and the chaos that would come with it.
Rules: 1. Expected to follow standard site rules 2. No godmodding or powergaming or etc... 3. No OP characters 4. A max of one character 5. Minimum of one paragraph
Hello and welcome to the rp. So, in this rp, you will be playing as one of the original nineteen Primarchs who were spirited away by Chaos and ended up on a human world where they would grow up and later come into contact with the Imperium and the Emperor of Mankind. Joining them and after fighting in the Great Crusade. They are now expected to attend a victory celebration in the world of Talos celebrating the success of the Great Crusade, and this is where the rp will begin. The year is somewhere in the 31st Millennium.
Now you are free to make up what world and how your character was brought up, only that they had to join up with the Imperium and the Emperor of Mankind and become the leader of your space marine legion. Which you are free to make and customize to your liking. As long as it does not conflict with another, mainly in how your legion conducts warfare.
So, to say this now, while the spare marines will be male only, the Primarchs can be of either gender. Plus, while there will be a civil war like the Horus Heresy in the rp, I am going to have it that there will be a third option for players that may seek it where they can form into a third faction that opposes both the Emperor and Chaos. This may be a harder route to do, but players can do it if they wish. Though as long as not too many people go for it.
Also, since I am not a 40k-30k lore master, if anyone wishes to help me with the rp and be a co-gm than say something.
That is all I have so far, and if anyone has any questions, then feel free to ask.
[b][u][color=white]Background[/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=A1A1A1][b] background here [/b][/color][/indent]
Name here
number here
domains here
Legion Appearance
legion appearance here
Combat Doctrine
combat doctrine here(A general sense and limit it to three words)
Legion Organization
legion organization here(In the general sense)
Special Units
special units here
Legion Equipment
legion equipment(In the general sense)
Legion Vehicles
legion vehicles here(In the general sense
Legion Fleet
legion fleet here(In the general sense
Legion Relics
legion relics here
background here
[hider= Space Marine Legion CS]
[center][b][u][color=white][h2] Name here [/h2][/color][/u][/b][/center]
[b][u][color=white]Number[/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=A1A1A1][b] number here [/b][/color][/indent]
[b][u][color=white]Domains[/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=A1A1A1][b] domains here [/b][/color][/indent]
[b][u][color=white]Legion Appearance[/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=A1A1A1][b] legion appearance here [/b][/color][/indent]
[b][u][color=white]Combat Doctrine[/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=A1A1A1][b] combat doctrine here(A general sense and limit it to three words) [/b][/color][/indent]
[b][u][color=white]Legion Organization [/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=A1A1A1][b] legion organization here(In a general sense) [/b][/color][/indent]
[b][u][color=white]Legion Special Units[/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=A1A1A1][b] special units here [/b][/color][/indent]
[b][u][color=white]Legion Equipment [/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=A1A1A1][b] legion equipment(In a general sense) [/b][/color][/indent]
[b][u][color=white]Legion Vehicles[/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=A1A1A1][b] legion vehicles here(In a general sense) [/b][/color][/indent]
[b][u][color=white]Legion Fleet[/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=A1A1A1][b] legion fleet here(In a general sense) [/b][/color][/indent]
[b][u][color=white]Legion Relics[/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=A1A1A1][b] legion relics here [/b][/color][/indent]
[b][u][color=white]Background[/color][/u][/b] [indent][color=A1A1A1][b] background here [/b][/color][/indent]
This town is surely something, Ethan thought as he drove to the place listed on the letter that sat neatly on the passenger seat next to him. He came to this place searching for answers, and now, it has given him more questions. Just his luck, but this letter with its own questions like how does this person know he has magic and other things. It does confirm what he has come to realize about themself. He has magic, but what this means and why now is the bigger question.
Ethan could only sigh at the thought that he came for a mission, a personal quest. Now, it seems like he may have a new one or at least a side venture. Still, having magic will not get in the way of his mission, but he will see where this path goes. Who knows, it may somehow be related to his parents.
Though Ethan has considered that part to be a stretch but, after what happened a week ago and now this letter. Magic is back, and he is a mage. Thus, anything could be on the table at this point.
Still, it is something that he is a mage, a title that he thought was a myth. It was both a concerning and happy feeling once Ethan figured it out. What does this mean, and what are the consequences of this? Questions that Ethan hoped the Archivist can answer, and if not. He is already in one investigation, and he does not mind having a second one, even if the focus is on the first one.
By the time Ethan reached the mansion, its dark and foreboding nature did not faze him. He is here for a reason, and he will see what his Archivist has in store for him.
He also saw that he was not alone as he parked his car nearby and walked to the gate with the letter in hand. So he is not the only one in town with magic, and how many people are going to be here, he wondered as he walked to the front door. Slowly noticing, it was wood carved with intricate patterns. So this Archivist likes ornate things, he thought.
You can say that Ethan, despite his nature, is nervous about this. What does all this mean, and who is this Archivist? He does not know what to expect and with magic being a factor. What can you expect, really? That thought rose in his mind as he tried to open the front door as it opened by itself. "Magic," Ethan said in a low but surprised tone and briefly stepped back in response.
Who is the Archivist? It echoed in his mind, but he is here now, and he will see this through. So, with one final long bated breath, Ethan walked inside as the doors closed behind him. Time to see who this Archivist is.
_______________________________________________ Ethan Alexander Marsh
He/Him | 24 | Caucasian | 5'8 | 150lbs _______________________________________________ Determined _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "Just some things my stepparents wanted me to know" ___________________________________
[Astronomist] ⫻ Ethan has a personal interest in the stars and is an expert about them.
[Blending in] ⫻ Due to some insistence by his stepparents, Ethan learned how to be stealthy and to go under the radar.
[Myth Lore] ⫻ More insistence by his stepparents, Ethan learned and became an expert on myths, mainly those related to gods and the soul.
[Perceptive] ⫻ Ethan has the tendency to notice details and other things that most would ignore or not notice.
Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "I like to keep things simple"
Ethan stands at a modest height for a man and has an above average build for someone who rarely workout. He likes to keep his brown hair semi-styled and tends to let the back of his hair grow out to his neck before he cuts it. The rest he maintains at a length so they do not grow pass his ears and over his forehead. Like his hair, Ethan maintains a five o'clock shadow as he does not like it when his beard grows too big for him. He has brown eyes and has two scars, one on his right palm and the other on his left foot.
Ethan tends to exhibit introverted traits, though he is not against going against his comfort zone and trying new things. The main thing you could gather from him is that he is an inquisitive soul who seeks to understand both the world around him and his family. Mainly out of a sense of small sadness. As most would question why he lingers in town despite having the money to leave. Still, he does enjoy living in the town somewhat and is a friendly and kind person who likes to spend time with himself.
Ethan tends to wear clothing based on the weather. Which given the cold weather of Twin Pines, he tends to wear jackets and coats to keep warm. Favoring cool colors and sometimes black. The style he likes to wear can be called semi-formal, though he can wear more casual or formal attire when required.
Psychology ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "I want to understand"
MAIN GOAL ⫻ Ethan wants to know what happened to his parents and learn why they left him behind all those years ago. The last thing they said to him was that before dropping him off with a friend's family, they would return for him. That was when he was four, and now, twenty years later, nothing, and he is worried if his parents are still alive.
PHILOSOPHY ⫻ Ethan tries to keep a positive attitude in life despite his worry for his parents and the deaths of his stepparents. Hoping that things will be okay and that things will turn out well for him and others he cares for. Even if that number can be counted on one hand and more so given his travels. Still, Ethan keeps a hopeful mood and is not afraid to help out what few people he cares in the world.
SECRETS AND FEARS ⫻ Ethan hides his concern and status of his parents since he does not want others to react to him negatively or think he is naive. He fears that if his parents are dead, then that leaves him alone in the world and with no idea why he was dumped all those years ago. Along with possibly making a mistake ith leaving his home and traveling to find his parents his way.
SEXUALITY ⫻ Straight
WHAT WAS THE FIRST DAY WITH MAGIC LIKE? ⫻ Ethan was lucky at the time, he was home alone when magic came back, and at first, it started as a headache, soon turned intense until it felt like something turned on in his head, and suddenly everything looked weird, like ethereal weird. Everything was shaking and he could see his hands and arms were blue and having a strange blue aura around them until the disorienting experience forced him to the floor and when it was all over. He just felt like what just happened and realized what happened soon after.
FLAWS ⫻ Ethan can be stubborn at times, and he can have a hard time connecting to people, which makes it a challenge for him to make friends with people.
Backstory ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "Will I see them again?"
Ethan barely remembers where he was born, only that his family traveled a lot. For reasons he did not know, and one day, they came to a small town and dropped him off with a family friend. Telling him that one day they will return for him and things will be better. Now, since Ethan was four, he did not register this, and only as the years passed did he realize this and miss his parents.
Still, Ethan was treated well by his new stepparents, and they never made him feel like he was not wanted. In fact, they treated him like he was their own child. A fact that he did know, and it did help him feel less lonely and think less of his missing parents. Though they would teach him stuff, he wonders why they were committed to making him learn. Like they were preparing him for something, and every time, Ethan would ask why. They would always say when he was older or when his parents returned.
Now Ethan did do well in his new home and was seen as having a bright future. Only that took a turn when he graduated from high school, and his stepparents were killed in a car accident by a drunk. Leaving Ethan alone, but he still stayed in town, waiting for his parents.
Though as years passed, Ethan started to really think about his parents' promise to him and if he will see them again. Are they dead? What is taking them so long, and why bring him to that town? By the time he was twenty-four, and using what money he had. Ethan decided to leave town and find his parents after discovering a clue in his stepparents' attic. Now, on the road, his quest brought him to the small town of Twin Pines. After getting himself a place and a job. Ethan was keen on starting his search for his parents.
Only when magic returned did he discover his magic. It put things on hold as he started to understand his magic and figure out what this meant. Yes, he now has magic, but why and why now? It perplexed him, and he sought to learn more about his magic while still focused on finding his parents.
Magic ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "I see things"
MAGIC ⫻ Soul Magic, Ethan can see and manipulate souls and draw power from his own soul to use soul-based magic.
MAGIC DESCRIPTION ⫻ Soul magic deals with the soul and the ability to see souls, manipulate souls and draw power from his own. As in, Etahn is able to see what he calls the soul sight and is able to see souls and tell if there is something wrong with them. Like being mind controlled or if something else is living within their souls, like a ghost or demon or something else. Along with identifying if they are human or not. Though Ethan would not know right now why a soul is different. Along with being able to draw power from his soul to make both soul-based range attacks and put up a shield dome of soul energy for defense. Though Ethan does not know what else he can do with Soul Magic and is still learning what else he can do.
LIMITS ⫻ In order to use Soul Sight, Ethan's iris glow a dim blue and develop headaches if used for long.
When using soul based magic, since he draws power from his soul. There is only so much he can use at a time before it tires him, and he has to stop as his soul energy needs to recover.
WEAKNESSES ⫻ Sometimes it is best to not know what lurks beneath the surface. In a world now filled with monsters, mages, devils, and demons a soul is a quick way to tell what is what. However, certain entities are not too keen on others knowing exactly what is going on. Thus, if Ethan were to use his magic to check the soul of someone, or something, he shouldn't he could very well find himself a target and a target rather quickly. As well, prolonged use of this ability will cause it to remain in effect even if Ethan desires it to no longer be. He will need to be sure to activate it when safe, and with restraint, otherwise he might invite deadly doom down upon himself.
Other ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "I do not know everything about my past"
Unknown to Ethhan and related to why his parents are missing is that he belongs to an ancient bloodline that is said to be related to a long-forgotten god and is the reason he is able to use soul magic.
Okay understood. The only thing I can think of why he has switched targets is that, as it turns out, after reading his page on the Marvel Wiki. He does have a daughter, and perhaps the daughter was abducted and is trapped in New York City or a crime boss in New York City has his daughter for some reason so he is there to get her back.
Otherwise, if I join, I will think of who else to play as just in case.
_______________________________________________ Ethan Alexander Marsh
He/Him | 24 | Caucasian | 5'8 | 150lbs _______________________________________________ Determined _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "Just some things my stepparents wanted me to know" ___________________________________
[Astronomist] ⫻ Ethan has a personal interest in the stars and is an expert about them.
[Blending in] ⫻ Due to some insistence by his stepparents, Ethan learned how to be stealthy and to go under the radar.
[Myth Lore] ⫻ More insistence by his stepparents, Ethan learned and became an expert on myths, mainly those related to gods and the soul.
[Perceptive] ⫻ Ethan has the tendency to notice details and other things that most would ignore or not notice.
Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "I like to keep things simple"
Ethan stands at a modest height for a man and has an above average build for someone who rarely workout. He likes to keep his brown hair semi-styled and tends to let the back of his hair grow out to his neck before he cuts it. The rest he maintains at a length so they do not grow pass his ears and over his forehead. Like his hair, Ethan maintains a five o'clock shadow as he does not like it when his beard grows too big for him. He has brown eyes and has two scars, one on his right palm and the other on his left foot.
Ethan tends to exhibit introverted traits, though he is not against going against his comfort zone and trying new things. The main thing you could gather from him is that he is an inquisitive soul who seeks to understand both the world around him and his family. Mainly out of a sense of small sadness. As most would question why he lingers in town despite having the money to leave. Still, he does enjoy living in the town somewhat and is a friendly and kind person who likes to spend time with himself.
Ethan tends to wear clothing based on the weather. Which given the cold weather of Twin Pines, he tends to wear jackets and coats to keep warm. Favoring cool colors and sometimes black. The style he likes to wear can be called semi-formal, though he can wear more casual or formal attire when required.
Psychology ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "I want to understand"
MAIN GOAL ⫻ Ethan wants to know what happened to his parents and learn why they left him behind all those years ago. The last thing they said to him was that before dropping him off with a friend's family, they would return for him. That was when he was four, and now, twenty years later, nothing, and he is worried if his parents are still alive.
PHILOSOPHY ⫻ Ethan tries to keep a positive attitude in life despite his worry for his parents and the deaths of his stepparents. Hoping that things will be okay and that things will turn out well for him and others he cares for. Even if that number can be counted on one hand and more so given his travels. Still, Ethan keeps a hopeful mood and is not afraid to help out what few people he cares in the world.
SECRETS AND FEARS ⫻ Ethan hides his concern and status of his parents since he does not want others to react to him negatively or think he is naive. He fears that if his parents are dead, then that leaves him alone in the world and with no idea why he was dumped all those years ago. Along with possibly making a mistake ith leaving his home and traveling to find his parents his way.
SEXUALITY ⫻ Straight
WHAT WAS THE FIRST DAY WITH MAGIC LIKE? ⫻ Ethan was lucky at the time, he was home alone when magic came back, and at first, it started as a headache, soon turned intense until it felt like something turned on in his head, and suddenly everything looked weird, like ethereal weird. Everything was shaking and he could see his hands and arms were blue and having a strange blue aura around them until the disorienting experience forced him to the floor and when it was all over. He just felt like what just happened and realized what happened soon after.
FLAWS ⫻ Ethan can be stubborn at times, and he can have a hard time connecting to people, which makes it a challenge for him to make friends with people.
Backstory ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "Will I see them again?"
Ethan barely remembers where he was born, only that his family traveled a lot. For reasons he did not know, and one day, they came to a small town and dropped him off with a family friend. Telling him that one day they will return for him and things will be better. Now, since Ethan was four, he did not register this, and only as the years passed did he realize this and miss his parents.
Still, Ethan was treated well by his new stepparents, and they never made him feel like he was not wanted. In fact, they treated him like he was their own child. A fact that he did know, and it did help him feel less lonely and think less of his missing parents. Though they would teach him stuff, he wonders why they were committed to making him learn. Like they were preparing him for something, and every time, Ethan would ask why. They would always say when he was older or when his parents returned.
Now Ethan did do well in his new home and was seen as having a bright future. Only that took a turn when he graduated from high school, and his stepparents were killed in a car accident by a drunk. Leaving Ethan alone, but he still stayed in town, waiting for his parents.
Though as years passed, Ethan started to really think about his parents' promise to him and if he will see them again. Are they dead? What is taking them so long, and why bring him to that town? By the time he was twenty-four, and using what money he had. Ethan decided to leave town and find his parents after discovering a clue in his stepparents' attic. Now, on the road, his quest brought him to the small town of Twin Pines. After getting himself a place and a job. Ethan was keen on starting his search for his parents.
Only when magic returned did he discover his magic. It put things on hold as he started to understand his magic and figure out what this meant. Yes, he now has magic, but why and why now? It perplexed him, and he sought to learn more about his magic while still focused on finding his parents.
Magic ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "I see things"
MAGIC ⫻ Soul Magic, Ethan can see and manipulate souls and draw power from his own soul to use soul-based magic.
MAGIC DESCRIPTION ⫻ Soul magic deals with the soul and the ability to see souls, manipulate souls and draw power from his own. As in, Etahn is able to see what he calls the soul sight and is able to see souls and tell if there is something wrong with them. Like being mind controlled or if something else is living within their souls, like a ghost or demon or something else. Along with identifying if they are human or not. Though Ethan would not know right now why a soul is different. Along with being able to draw power from his soul to make both soul-based range attacks and put up a shield dome of soul energy for defense. Though Ethan does not know what else he can do with Soul Magic and is still learning what else he can do.
LIMITS ⫻ In order to use Soul Sight, Ethan's iris glow a dim blue and develop headaches if used for long.
When using soul based magic, since he draws power from his soul. There is only so much he can use at a time before it tires him, and he has to stop as his soul energy needs to recover.
WEAKNESSES ⫻ Sometimes it is best to not know what lurks beneath the surface. In a world now filled with monsters, mages, devils, and demons a soul is a quick way to tell what is what. However, certain entities are not too keen on others knowing exactly what is going on. Thus, if Ethan were to use his magic to check the soul of someone, or something, he shouldn't he could very well find himself a target and a target rather quickly. As well, prolonged use of this ability will cause it to remain in effect even if Ethan desires it to no longer be. He will need to be sure to activate it when safe, and with restraint, otherwise he might invite deadly doom down upon himself.
Other ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "I do not know everything about my past"
Unknown to Ethhan and related to why his parents are missing is that he belongs to an ancient bloodline that is said to be related to a long-forgotten god and is the reason he is able to use soul magic.
I am not sure if I would join, but I have been checking out the interest check. Would Blade be a viable option to play as? Granted his main enemies are vampires, but I think he has fought other no vampires, and he is the only one I can think of to maybe play who could fit.
Juichi sat there eating his stew and listening to what the others were saying. They were busy discussing the mission and trying to squeeze out additional intel out of Megan and Jamison about the place where Adebayo is being held. He would say something, but as of right now. His questions were being asked, so he had no reason to talk at the moment and simply enjoyed the stew he was eating.
But the plan was simple enough, get in, grab Adebayo, and get out. Dealing with anyone that was in their way and maybe stealing one of the Order's vehicles to make getting away a bit easy. If executed well, it would take little time to do as long as they stayed stealthy. Juichi just hopes that their first mission will go well, it would be a bad omen if they fail to save Adebayo during their first mission to liberate this country from the Order.
"Good to know, Santi," Juichi replied to the Chilean with a Japanese accent. Raising his bowl of stew to him before returning to eat. "I will make sure not to harm your drone, and I bet getting parts here will be a challenge." Juichi then chuckled a bit, "your drone will help with my job on this team and mission."
That was his job, after all, being the point man of the team and finding the best routes to the objective and whatnot. A drone will be useful as long as the enemy does not shoot it out of the sky.
Still, Juichi feels confident about his team, though there is one thing that he is wondering about. Taking a short glance at Zaland, having a canine with them will be.... interesting, Juichi thought and despite how armored the dog was. He is not a fan of the dog getting hurt.
Either way after finishing off the stew and thanking the cook for the good meal. Juichi went to get ready, and it took some time before he was geared up and ready to go. Armor one, suppressor on his rifle, and more. He did a brief prayer to the Shinto gods away from the group. A prayer to help them in this mission and ensure it will succeed before rejoining the team. Something he does before a mission, and he tries to keep it somewhat hidden, given how people have reacted to him doing that back in the Japanese military.
Now, to wait for the others and Juichi leaned against a wall. Watching the others while checking his rifle. Thinking of anything, they could have missed intel-wise, despite the mission being straightforward and the others asking. Did they miss anything?
Desmond was still in his spot in the tavern, having nearly finished his meal with only a few chicken wings left and his drink almost gone. He was considering what to do next since it looks like he is going to be stuck in the tavern longer than he thought. Desmond guessed he will not be seeing his mother any time soon and once things have calmed down. Still, there was not much to do while he was stuck here other than eat, drink, and talk to people.
As Desmond was taking one last sip of his drink and not paying that much attention to things at the moment. A blight-born came up to him and sat right next to him. Desmond, with drink still in hand, turned his head and listened to what the blight-born said. She is looking for a merchant? He thought to himself as he looked the blight-born up and down. Trying not to seem nervous in her presence since he is still trying to figure out the blight-born and is not comfortable with them yet.
After finishing his drink and putting his mug down, he answered the blight-born's question. Wondering why she is looking for a merchant. "Uhhh... yeah, I am a merchant. You have some business you wish to do or something?" Saying it in a wondering and polite tone. It seems he may be popular today with another person looking to do business with him. The first day, he is out and about, and he's got three customers, one potential and one arrangement with another potential on its way, it looks like. Desmond did not even have to try today, they just come to him.
Either way, Desmond awaited what the blight-born would say and wondered what she wanted from him.
Earth in the twenty-first century is a world where every inch of land has been explored from the North and South Poles to the Himalayas and the Amazon. The only places left to explore are the Earth's massive oceans and space.
Most have accepted this, but one, explorer Wyatt Manning. He has yet to give up on this and thinks that there is still a place on Earth that lies undiscovered. What could this place be, you might ask. A place where his father, Konrad Manning, allegedly discovered years ago but has since gone missing after traveling there.
Now, Konrad Manning was a suspicious person when leaving for this undiscovered place. He made sure that all traces of his work were hidden or destroyed so no one else could claim his discovery as their own. But, Wyatt, after dutiful searching his father's home for years, discovers what he believes to be the missing piece to his father's research and knows where his father went. A place his father called the Lost World, and apparently, it was located in the Amazon.
So, with a small team, Wyatt would lead his expedition to this Lost World and discover a place unseen by the modern world and maybe find his father in the process.
Rules: 1. Expected to follow standard site rules 2. No godmodding or powergaming or etc... 3. No OP characters 4. A max of two characters 5. Minimum of one paragraph