♫ ~ ¿Quién teje sus planes en sombras de fuego? Es Ayla—sí, Ayla—la dueña del juego. De los patios reales al polvo del mar, Su red va creciendo, su luz va a quemar. ~ ♫
♫ ~ Ah-ah-ahhh, su danza destruye. ~ ♫
♫ ~ Con lengua de plata y mirada feroz, Con filo en palabras y un fuego atroz Desde las tormentas hasta el claro sol, Es Ayla quien manda, con un alma de rol. ~ ♫
♫ ~ Ah-ah-ahhh, Ayla guía el destino. Ah-ah-ahhh, su poder es divino. ~ ♫
♫ ~ El mundo es su juego, las piezas a sus pies, Y Ayla renace cuando amanezca otra vez. ~ ♫
As the inks are sprayed upon the encroaching Halassa, identification for communication became remarkably easier and the class seemed to naturally respond to what felt instinctive to them, a natural reaction from the pheromone laced within the dyes. This was perhaps a secret to the party, but whilst the Torragonese greeting was given a personal touch, it allowed her to become close enough to gather the information she needed for her performances. With the instructions provided by Ysilla, she used this information to direct the class like a tactician, watching over their progress with interest, directing her abilities as necessary.
Ayla watches Ysilla, as the puppets come upon display. Though what drew her envy was that warm-looking cloak billowing behind her, almost willing to do anything to huddle up under these cold conditions. The jester puppet Khamsei cackling in an unnerving manner, an uncanny valley, a facade of life that borders upon the grotesque, as the Hoopoe draws the pair upon the Halassa adorned with violet hues.
Ayla would think that under other circumstances, Kaspar would take the opportunity to take out his sketchbook to draw these creatures, though thankful he wasn’t overwhelmed with artist inspiration in this moment. The red-painted Halassa drew his attention, matching the crimson gleam present within the boys’ eyes. The sand engulfs around the tortoises’ legs, slowing it further, but a powerful beast and the boy’s mana limit were in direct contention. Thankfully, Kaspar erected a powerful barrier to stop its advance… a very powerful barrier by all appearances, as the red Halassa slumped, momentarily stupefied, leg spasming.
Ayla felt the shift in her drawing almost immediately with a Halassa being downed already caught her off-guard. Her focus shifted to the priest boy, Yalen, hearing how he spoke the blessed words of his gods and in the spirit of divine retribution, a blood curdling shriek departed the yellow Halassa’s mouth, as if the creature had defied the will of the gods. She could see how the eyes of the creature boiled within its skull, swelling, inflating, the steam erupting from the sacs. She was thankful that she forgot to eat before attending the study, as she dry-heaved upon the sand in front of her. Air becomes thick with the scent of boiled Halassa, the red mist of its blood bubbling out with wet pops as it escapes through the eye sockets and ears of the creature. If she ever had ever questioned the power of the Pentad, she immediately apologises there and then to avoid their wrath.
Ayla could feel the battle dance of the Zarina upon the sands, the swift and agile movements as she stalked her prey, evading the attacks in rhythm, flexible in her bobbing and weaving, striking to constantly draw its attention, baiting the beast like a Matador to create the ideal opportunity to end its misery. She couldn’t help but give a smile when she noticed it, Zarina naturally targeted the biggest Halassa out of the group without encouragement, the proud nature of the Virangish girl unable to resist the challenge to display her talents in front of the others. Even as skilled as she was, it seems ever so subtly the girl couldn’t stop the dancer inside of her from moving in time to the sounds of her flute, keeping pace with the variation in tempo, seeming to time for the appropriate moment to flow into the next movement.
The final Halassa’s were approaching herself and Jocasta, the pair still residing near the spot where they arrived. The animals were thankfully charging wildly, but sluggish and disorientated under the effects of her magic. The green Halassa was taking the lead, seemingly approaching Jocasta out of the pair. It was approaching too fast for Ayla to do anything about it, but thankfully the other girl was willing to pull out her trump card. She could feel an incredible draw of energy, stunting her own magic, and with a flail of her arms, Jocasta directed it towards the Halassa, watching the poor creature flip, going through the air in a backwards somersault, cartwheeling over itself till coming to a stop fifty yards away on its back. Truly the girl in the rollerchair displayed some impressive raw power in her assault, it wouldn’t surprise her if Jocasta turned around and suggested she was RAS 9 in that very moment, and Ayla would believe every word of it. Though the acting afterwards was good, the skill failed when in such proximity to a fellow performer. Ayla could empathise with Jocasta, she understands what it means to be physically weak compared to others, and the parts they play to survive in the world they live in. With great power comes great responsibility, and Jocasta must find herself burdened under that heavy load.
The final blue Halassa is stumbling towards the pair, and with Jocasta in her weakened state, it was to Ayla to step up. This would be her first ever confrontation with a wild beast like this outside of the Circus petting zoo of Varrahasta and the safari’s organised as family trips by her father, under the protection of an armed escort. The beast’s features were distorted, pained, as something truly maleficent has blighted this perhaps one noble creature. The residual effect of Jocasta’s drawing allowed her the time to prepare, and with the others finishing off the other Halassa, she could now be afforded the opportunity to use her magic for herself. Whilst she was seemingly not trained in combat like her classmates, her time entertaining as allowed her to pick up a few skills. Unlike other performers who liked to enhance their stage presence, glowing and shining like a beacon on the stage, Ayla always stayed in the background, the conductor hidden in the dark as the audiences’ eyes were upon the play. It is through her performances she was able to develop the beginnings of how to use her powers obfuscate, and whilst these skills have yet to be nurtured under the tutelage of an experienced Master or Arch-Zeno, she has enough for the purposes she intends to use them for currently.
“Stay still”, Ayla starts to play her flute as she begins to draw upon the energy around her, Kinetic, Arcane, and Chemical. From the perspective of the blue Halassa, if it was a sentient creature, events and its awareness would start to follow along these lines. It would feel the creeping darkness as it starts to decrease its awareness of its surroundings, that feeling it is embarking on autopilot towards its destination, having the urge to travel over in that direction, but starting to lose focus. The air is starting to fill with the sounds of a flute, omnidirectional, instilling a constant presence. The tortoise will start to look around, not seeming to make out any distinctive or recognisable shapes in the desert, having a feeling that there is something there, as if something is missing, but not able to conceive on where it is. It starts to look around, disoriented and confused, and frightened as an animal would be in this situation, would start to lash out blindly around it. The Halassa would start to notice something, a shape, moving towards it to attack, only for its actions to slide through the liquid mass. The mass starts to form a shape, something that begins to resemble something like a miniature Halassa made of ink droplets and strokes levitating in the air, giving out a gleam which rivals the stars in the bright sky. The creature would try to approach it, but it always moved backwards, a charge would result in the ink dispersing around and reforming again elsewhere. Constantly attention is drawn to this.
Ayla continues her performance for the creature as it now seems to be trapped in a world of its own, its actions being delicately controlled through the subtle uses of multiple magics working in tandem, being rotated within intervals to the effect to be managed so the others may rally together to finally give the beast the peace it deserves. To the rest of the class, they could see how Ayla appears to hypnotise the creature like a snake-charmer, playing the flute to subdue the entranced Halassa, guiding it away safely from Jocasta and herself with her ink splot acting like a carrot-upon-a-stick before it.
Ayla summaries everyone elses actions for the reader to create a narrative of events to the 'present'. Ayla performs advanced hypnotic-based magic, using the combination of sound and visual effects. Has effectively made the Halassa helpless in preventing it from attacking those within the class.
"To refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit!"
Been too interested in these themes recently, reading and watching adventures from Yang Kai, Chen Fan, Li Xiao Fan, and great many others. Really nice to see someone else passionate with the setting. I don't think I have the availability for a 1x1, but I just wanted to wish you the best after I saw it on the side-bar.
I am far more familar with tabletop RP in real life and Roll20.
In these settings, which seems similar to the above, your create a character for that story, and you are collaborating in writing that story.
If you remove yourself from that story due to inactivity or similar, it is left to the others to resolve that issue. Typically the character is written out, such as going to the town, and them deciding they got other buisness elsewhere. Sometimes if the character has been very important, they might turn into an NPC or Cameo role by the GM with a limited role. Usually this is a tribute/honour for this to happen.
In games where there are pre-generated characters, these may end up getting continued. I imagine in this format, this happens significantly less than in Tabletop RP given that there is a lot more creative control.
The strongboxes are locked tight as the canopies are brought down, and the crash of the shutters ring around the port. The merchants and traders are done for the evening, packing away their fare, as the bustling streets are soon to be emptied. Ayla refers to this moment as the calm, a period of respite for nature to claim as its own as the Gulls, Rolieiro, and Skua sing their chorus to their heart's content. After the calm is over, the nocturnal storm begins as the taps at the drinking establishments are in full flow as the morning's catch is put to the grill.
Unsurprisingly, as the sun sets, the roar can be heard outside of the house, and surprisingly, within the household as well. A messenger has arrived from Torra Corda in the eve carrying a important message for Duarte, one that travelled very quickly through the walls of the household. Torragòn has been instructed to pay the mage price to Ersand'Enise, on the apparent orders of a Paradigm Hunghorasz, and the Arslan family were dutifully assigned this privilege from the Iron Throne directly.
The young play in the streets to the tales of Ersand'Enise, it is every young magi dream to be recruited to the Academy of Thaumaturgy. The reputation and prestige alone is said that being called, no, becoming the chosen of Sipentia, is clearly a sign of divine intervention and a sign that your family is on the ascendance, as the roar her ancestor, ‘The Lion of Torragòn’ can be heard across this world.
If this is the case, why are the faces of her family sullen and downcast, why is being chosen seen as such a burden that even the most hard-hearted of nobles can be seen distraught. Reality can be different to flights of fancy. A dynasty can end because of the many accidents and incidents lurking behind those walls. Only a family with much to gain risks sending their heir into the heart of the academy, for there is lots to be lost as they always return changed, different, a far cry from the selective grooming and education afforded over the years. Those from very prominent positions risk their secrets, skills, techniques, and strategies, falling into the hands of their political enemies. A war can be decided, lost or won, on the very choice of who is sent into those hallowed halls.
If the choice is based on magical ability alone, within her family it would be clear. Her eldest brother, Jorge is said to be a magical prodigy with his natural aptitude, along with his handsome looks, physical prowess, and charm, her father has groomed him carefully and manoeuvred him politically to the extent he is curated as the "Lion Reborn'' within Torragonese circles. He has been afforded every opportunity the influence the Arslan name has to offer to secure a very promising future, rumoured to have already reserved a prominent position within the next Torragonese campaign currently kept to a select few on parchment and ink to accrue accolades to accelerate his career.
The front door slams as she peers out her bedroom window in curiosity, seeing Jorge briskly walking towards the docks where his friends were already kept waiting for him. Whatever frustrations burden him appear to be quickly dissipated as he walks off with his companions, the outcome seemingly accepted without any significant resistance. She hears the hushed tones of her mother, Azahara as she struggles to keep her emotions in check. “Dado, you cannot be serious, she won’t… …”, the voices seem to come to a pause, a silence settling only to be interrupted by the sound of boots making their way down the corridor to her chambers, growing heavier and heavier. She knows what was discussed has been decided and there won’t be any alterations, her mothers’ wise words can no longer hope to help sway the decision when it has reached its conclusion. Her role as the daughter now was to soothe her father’s mood as she awaits the verdict of the outcome.
Ayla places the flauta by her lips. The gentle fluttering of the notes resembles that of a songbird as her father makes his way through the door. In a typical fashion, as if always caught off guard, he pauses as she is found playing, deciding to pull along a cushion to sit patiently for her to finish. There were unusually many Rolieiro found this evening, an omen perhaps, as her eyes are remarked to resemble the brilliant blue feathers, its brown-patterned cloak drawing parallels to her brunette mop of hair. As she draws to a close, she places the flauta upon her lap, “Da, it seems the Rolieiro are out in orchestra today”. Duarte’s hardened features betray the emotion being bottled inside like a pull of a harp string, the suppressed rage flaring through his body language, an anger directed towards himself, a confession of a betrayal, a death sentence. He composed himself before speaking, “You’re to go to Ersand'Enise. Your possessions will be packed for the Galley in short-order.” With the words, short shrift, he turns to swiftly exit the room and disappear within the darkness of the house.
Servants come and go, collecting her possessions, few rarely spoke and only for directions and advice on how to handle her belongings as her life soon only consists of what is contained within these boxes. The atmosphere of the house is sullen, a house in mourning, few that past lower their head, the words “Dami guide you” muttered in passing for the deceased relative that must have lived within. Her father had been recalled to Torra Corda, her brother Jorge in tow, and her mother has been noticeably absent as she attends to the affairs of the household. It was only at the farewell her family returned from hiding, her mother and siblings weeping tears of sadness, promises to write, blessings being cast and prayers offered to the five gods. As if coincidence was to strike again, she boards upon the galley ‘Rolieiro’, the cracked blue paint giving it a majestic appearance from the docks. She picked up her flauta and played once again.
Event: Ersand’Enise |Location: Academy of Thaumaturgy, Ersand’Enise.
Upon her arrival, Ayla has been settling into her room. Fabrics drape, cushions adorn, incense burns as the spartan room is transformed into something that resembles a homely Torragonese interior. Time passes quickly as four weeks later, the absence of a letter from home was noticed, but Ersand'Enise Academy of Thaumaturgy has kept her more than a little busy. What drew her attention was the myth and legends, and how, with some amusement, that the majestic place gave birth to many storytellers’ flight of fancy. She remembered the tales of the great white Roc, a favourite of hers, its bronze beak terrorising the first years, especially those who are malicious in their intentions and ill wishes She now often feeds bread crusts to the ‘Roc’ of the Arboretum lake as it honks about excitedly, to the chagrin of others now pecked incessantly for their lunches. She heard about the secret school of magic, Sigma, and how it keeps the academy at the fore-front of magical knowledge, however in reality, it is a standard deviation. As for the magical hand, don’t get caught in a bout of rock, paper, scissors if you desire to win. However, the tales of magical flying rugs and cleaning equipment, dragon mounts, personal yasoi handmaidens, and sorting wizard caps were all fiction. Life at the academy was remarkably normal, for what she would assume an every day educational facility would be like, with the exception at least something goes bang, whiz, pop at least once during each of the 25 hours.
Her introduction was shared with a couple of merchant girls also summoned to the academy, tall and beautiful, Zarina and Ysilla. When fighting the aftermath of the journey involving excessive bouts of seasickness, sea shanties, and the smell of rotten fish, she spent time making considerable efforts attempting to become familiar with the pair, soon finding herself interacting with them separately for reasons she understood very little about. Zarina was a girl who lights up the room, though sometimes less of a candle and more like a destructive pillar. She was a dancer, and through the art of music had opportunities to perform together with aggressive tempo, sharp staccato, and loud crescendo. Zarina, becoming familiar as Zaz, was fond of a brewed brown bitter elixir which she calls coffee, generously serving those around her. Without moderation, Ayla soon found herself restless, irritable, gasping for breath, and excused herself as she found herself temporarily bedridden through exhaustion. Ysilla was comparatively a calmer character, giving an attentive appearance as they partook in art together as Ayla played a lively melody upon her flauta. In her classes, Ayla also came across a boy who is both studious and devoted, in books and his faith, Yalen. Thankfully a patient soul as he showed great patience in responding to her questions of what must be trivial matters and information for the boy. Kaspar was often by the Arboretum lake, known for its pleasant views. She had met the boy whilst he was sketching in his charcoal, often concentrating on his work. One afternoon, she could not help noticing the boy peering often in her direction, towards the gorgeous orchid between them. Finding the opportunity, she starts to gently make her way towards him, looking towards his sketchbook as he works. "Drawing me like one of your Perrench girls?", the girl offers him a warm smile, watching the faint blush appearing upon Kaspar's cheek, as he grows flustered and momentarily lost for words, "I’m not accustomed to portraiture, but I can try if you’d like". The pair started to meet up during lunch to share discussions on their art.
Ayla, like the others, found themselves making their way to Forked Tower, and Hugo’s Study in particular. The scattered students are being pooled together like an untapped resource, ready to be exploited. After arriving, they are soon greeting the others in a warm manner, familiar greetings to Zaz and Ysilla who were already settling in their seats. She takes notes of those lessons known to herself as she identifies the older gentleman as the legendary Paradigm. She slowly makes her way before him, head bowed in polite revered greeting, as she takes a hold of his hand in Torragonese style, “Paradigm.”. Ayla also notices the pigtailed girl in the rollerchair, approaching her with a more friendly smile rather than one of reverence, lowering herself slightly so she is eye level with the girl, taking one of those mitten gloved hands within her own, fingers squeezing upon it, “Ayla, pleased we have met.”, withdrawing politely after the greeting as they were being ushered into taking their seats. She gracefully glides to place herself between the sisters, knowing the preference for distance between the pair, a somewhat futile effort to help as they could easily look over her head with the height-difference. The document lands upon the desk as she holds to examine the page written in Avincian, as she takes in a deep drink of the brewed elixir. During the heated exchanges, she cannot help feeling moved by Jocasta’s spirited words and passion, resonating with the emotions expressed empathically, recognising the actions of others who seek ‘protect’, a word more synonymous with ‘prevent’ from experience. The wise words of the Paradigm interrupted with their gentle conciliatory tones, and soon the unexpected occurred before her, a gateway seeming to show the beautiful night skies of her beloved Torragòn. She anxiously starts to follow as her fellow students make their way through the gateway, seemingly stepping through as if entering a new room, beckoned and encouraged to make the journey.
Event: Hugo's task |Location: Torragonese Desert.
As she walks through the gateway, she feels her hairs standing upon their ends, goosebumps along her body are raised prominently as she feels her body assaulted by the experience of temporal energies and then met with the cold air of the desert at night. She shivered as she started to wrap herself up by placing her hands around her body, dressed completely inappropriate for adventuring out into the desert in the middle of the night. As she is still trying to gather her bearings, stroking her hands up and down along her arms, she starts to hear Jocasta calling out with concern. Others start to prepare to defend themselves as she starts to gather her belongings from the satchel, dropping a couple bottles of her ink into the sand. She could feel her hands shaking, and this time, it wasn’t a result of the coffee. She was pushed backwards as she must have been in the way, falling down into the sand. She could hear the screech of the Halassa at this point, a cry that was guttural, a clear contrast to the sweet sounds of the song birds that populate Varrahasta. The sand sticks to her face, smudging the delicately applied makeup as she starts to sit herself up.
Ayla thinks back to the first time she performed for guests, and how it was a nerve-racking experience, how her fingers missed the holes, releasing an ear-piercing shrill, the pained look on their faces. She remembers an older gentleman, a name never provided, came over to speak to her as tears ran down her face. He came up towards her, crouched down before her, as he offered what appeared to be a pepper, “Nothing’s as bad as Virangish pepper.”. Before she realised what happened, she found herself chewing upon it. The heat just travelled through her mouth, coughing, choking, her face turning a bright shade of pink. House servants rushing to bring her water, scolding and laughter heard around the room at her reaction. As she was starting to slowly recover, the man bravely spoke loudly amidst the protests, “My child, now you know, no matter how bad you play that instrument, there is something far worse.”
Ayla grit her teeth as she recalled those words, “Nothing’s as bad as Virangish pepper”. She finds herself renewed with energy as she pops the top of the ink bottles and grabs a hold of the Flauta. Others are already making their way to confront the beasts, but she will get there first. The open ink bottles soon show their role as Ayla plays her melody, the shifting tempo and swings of the note, drawing energy from the sound. This energy is transferred through to the ink as it appears to start behaving as if it is being charmed, luring it through the bottle openings as if they were watery pythons. The long snakes mix into a ball and soon disperses into five streams as the hues shine and bend, becoming the five primary colours of the gods as they whip through the air like the darts towards the Halassa. Those at the front may feel the sudden gust as the inks find their marks, individual splish, splash, splush, splesh, splosh can be heard as each of the Halassa are now adorned proudly with a distinctive colour, and if fortune has favoured her, reducing their vision temporarily to support those at the front line. As the Halassa moves within the reach of her drawing, the flute plays an accelerating portamento. The air starts to grow very still and quiet, an unnerving experience as Ayla starts to draw upon the kinetic energy of the rampaging beasts, vibrations start to fill the air, the sand shifting underneath their feet as a disorientating zone of control is established through her casting. The Halassa start to slow from the drawing, their primal aggression becoming more sloppy as those agile seem to dance and flutter around them like butterflies, or moths to a naked flame, as the beasts are finding their senses becoming overwhelmed by the vibrations and effectively blinded.
Ayla has now done what she can as the beads of sweat are adorning her features. She tries her best to maintain that field for as long as possible, taking short intervals to refresh the drawing and casting of the magic, trying her best to maintain that disorientating field to support her fellow students… no… her friends.
Introduction to Varrashata, Ayla and the circumstances around her admission to Ersand'Enise. She was chosen as the family felt they could not afford to send Jorge, the Arslan Heir. Invitation comes with high risks, they might have sent Ayla to her death. Ayla shares some of her early experiences, some introductions with her fellow class mates prior to Hugo's Study. The class is dumped into the middle of the Torragonese desert with no supplies, getting attacked straight away by a herd of Halassa. Ayla plucks up her courage with a tale about how there is nothing worse than Virangish Pepper. Ayla marks the different Halassa with ink, colour coding them for tactical identification. She uses area of affect magic with her flute (sonic attacks) to slow the creatures down and make them disorentiated. This would allow her allies the opportunity to exploit the Halassa's weaknesses and show off their talents.
”I am a Lion’s cub, and I have a Lion’s heart.” 17 | Female | Quasidemon | Torragonese | High Noble | RAS 8.05 (134 manas) | Fireblood, Shadowspeaker | ♫♫
❖ [ Pronouns ] - She / Her. ❖ [ Honorifics: ] - Lady, Biro ❖ [ Nicknames: ] - “Lion Cub of Varrahasta”, “The Unburnt”. "Kitty-Cat". ❖ [ Titles: ] - Daughter of Duque Duerte, Casa Arslan del Torragon, Guardian del Varrahasta, Protector del Río Arapor, Warden del Reserva Natural de Arapor, Keeper de la Basílica la Llama Sagrada. Biro of Ersand'Enise Academy of Thaumaturgy. ❖ [ Relationship Status: ] - Betrothed. ❖ [ Character Alignment ] - Lawful Good ❖ [ An Introduction: ]
Ayla Arslan is the scion of a prominent Torragonese noble family, whose forebear, Alizée Arslan, was a founding member of the Torragón nation. Her family, who are Pyromancers, revere Asier Arslan, their founding father and the Lion Knight of Parrence, for his role in the Fiery Destruction of the Eskandr fleet at Relouse and the Burning of their capital Meldheim.
From birth, Ayla demonstrated a remarkable talent for pyromancy due being a gifted Fireblood, and her family had high expectations for her abilities. They pushed her hard during her training, which ultimately led to Ayla attempting to use magic that was beyond her capabilities, resulting in a catastrophic injury to others. The incident traumatized Ayla, causing her to develop a mental block that prevented her from using fire magic other than in an uncontrolled manner when emotionally unstable. Her father, the Duque, lost faith in her and viewed her as a great disappointment, as he abandoned hope in her and focused his attention on her older brother and heir, Jorge, leaving Ayla feeling alienated from her family.
Fortunately, Ayla's mother, Azahara, recognized her daughter's strengths and encouraged her to develop her skills in negotiation and justice by managing the household affairs. She had been instrumental in helping her daughter find her true calling and nurturing her talents. Together, they had worked on managing the family's affairs, with Ayla using her negotiation skills and her mother's guidance to promote fair and just policies for the people of Varrahasta.
Ayla took an interest in music, particularly the flute, which she carries with her at all times. Her love for music and the arts had led her to develop her skills as a sonic mage, and she used this unique talent to connect with people on a deeper level. Her flute playing was said to be mesmerizing, capable of soothing even the most troubled of hearts.
A chance encounter with Maura Mercador opened Ayla's eyes to a different side of Varrahasta, and the two girls developed a close friendship. Ayla's experiences with Maura and their interactions with the local children from the orphanage who helped at the docks gave her a more Noblesse Oblige view of the world, which contrasts with the harsh realities of magic-based society.
Ayla's compassion for others was not only limited to those of noble birth, but also extended to the common folk. She was often seen visiting the local orphanage, distributing food and clothing to the poor, and listening to their stories with genuine interest. Her kindness and generosity had earned her the nicknames the "People's Princesa, the Lion Cub of Varrahasta" a title that she carried with pride.
Ayla has always remained determined to use her gifts to help others. She believes that her true purpose in life was to make a difference in the world and bring about positive change. And so, she continued to strive towards this goal, earning the love and admiration of the people she served.
Ayla tried to protect the city Ersand'Enise as it was overran by aberrations in an event known as the "Aberration Madness". As she battled against an unknown type, she was suddenly transported to an alternate dimension where the world had ended. Despite her best efforts to return home, the journey back came at a steep cost - her soul was corrupted, and she emerged as a demon.
With her newfound power, this Ayla became more dominant and aggressive, wielding flames and her hair as deadly weapons. Her former companions were shocked and frightened by her transformation. But it was during a battle with a large aberration that Ayla's demon self attempted to seize control of its empowering abilities. Instead, it backfired and drained her of strength, forcing her human and demon sides to merge into a new being - a Quasidemon.
As Ayla returned home, she struggled to reconcile the changes within herself. Her friends were wary of her new form, and some even feared the demon had not truly left her. With many questions still unanswered, Ayla set out on a new adventure to discover the truth about her transformation and what it meant for her future.
❖ [ Eyes: ] - Sapphire coloured. ❖ [ Hair: ] - Reddish. ❖ [ Skin Tone: ] - Fitzpatrick type III. Ayla's physical appearance is influenced by her southeast Torragonese heritage, which is characterized by lighter hair hues and a paler complexion compared to the West Severan continent. ❖ [ Height: ] - 4ft 11 / 150cm. ❖ [ Weight: ] - 110lb / 50kg ❖ [ Physique: ] - Petite. ❖ [ Facial Features: ] - Freckles. ❖ [ Physical Quirks: ] - Short. ❖ [ Distinctive Features: ] - Ayla has striking sapphire eyes that are a defining feature of her Arslan family lineage. She also has a scattering of freckles on her skin and a petite, dainty stature. ❖ [ Apparel & Accessories: ]
Ayla's clothing style is conservative, consisting of Kaftan, Flamenco, or non-revealing bedlah styles made of vibrant coloured silks. She accessorizes with a range of jewellery, including chains, bracelets, earrings, and a distinctive moon crescent adorned with a sapphire. She often wears at least one ornamental decorative piece depicting a lion. A decorative head-dress with a veil covering the mouth and nose is worn outdoors, and fabrics like silk and leather are used for ribbons, scarfs, and other body wrappings.
❖ [ Eyes: ] - Smouldering Red Ash. ❖ [ Hair: ] - Dark Smokey Hair. ❖ [ Skin Tone: ] - Fitzpatrick type III with Greyish Hue. ❖ [ Height: ] - 5ft 4 / 162.5cm. ❖ [ Weight: ] - 110lb / 50kg ❖ [ Physique: ] - Petite, Slim. ❖ [ Facial Features: ] - Burnt Freckles. ❖ [ Physical Quirks: ] - Her nails resemble that of cat claws, black and sharp. ❖ [ Distinctive Features: ] - Her eyes resemble that of a cat, with matching claws for nails. Her skin has a darkened grey hue, and her lips are black. Her body is hot to the touch.
❖ [ Personal History: ] Varrahasta, Ayla's birthplace, is a vibrant port city where the sounds of seagulls and merchants bartering create a constant chorus, accompanied by the singing of artisans practising their craft. The city's prosperity and growth are reflected in the arrival of ships from across the continents, bringing with them trade in spices, silks, and sapphires. The city is a thriving cultural melting pot, blending the best of Constantia and Severa, and is a reflection of the ascendant Torragòn Empire.
Ayla's father, Duarte Arslan, is a military High Noble of Torragonese descent who is responsible for protecting the vital trade routes along the Arapora river. He frequently travels to the garrison and is also in high demand at the court in Torra Corda. Meanwhile, Azahara Arslan, Ayla's mother, manages the household and domestic affairs while also acting on her husband's behalf to cultivate relationships with other noble families and the emerging merchant classes.
Ayla grew up with her siblings in their family household. She was born weak and had a fever at a young age, which led her to spend most of her time in Varrahasta, benefiting from the fresh sea air. As a result, she developed stronger connections with the evolving culture of Torragòn, distinct from the steppe nomadic heritage of the past.
The patronage of the arts is playing a significant role in shaping the cultural identity of Torragòn. As trade routes open up and the nation prospers, there is a growing appreciation for exotic goods and new artistic expressions. The integration of these foreign influences with traditional Torragonese styles has led to a unique and dynamic artistic scene, with a wide range of styles, mediums, and themes on display. From painting and sculpture to music and dance, the arts have become a vital means of cultural expression and exploration.
This newfound appreciation for the arts has also had a significant impact on the wider society. The availability of vibrant colours and exotic smells has led to a heightened sensory experience, with people embracing the richness and diversity of their surroundings. This has contributed to a greater sense of community and shared identity, as people come together to celebrate their cultural heritage and explore new avenues of artistic expression.
Ayla's passion for the arts was ignited when she observed street performers and musicians showcasing their techniques on the bustling streets of Varrahasta. With her mother's encouragement, Ayla's skills blossomed through formal lessons and tutoring. She developed a flamboyant style of musical expression and became proficient in playing multiple instruments, including the flute, which quickly became her favourite.
Ayla's artistic talents soon became a valuable asset to the Arslan household, where she entertained important guests, serving as a social lubricant to help her family expand their sphere of influence within the city and beyond. Recognizing the potential benefits of her artistic abilities, the Arslan family viewed Ayla's skills as valuable resources that could help secure prominent marriages for the family in the future.
While her siblings were taught a more direct application of magical theory for military purposes by their father, Ayla's magical abilities developed more organically. She incorporated magic as an extension of her creative expression in art, and this led to a style of magic focused on enriching the senses, particularly through sound. Ayla's ability to captivate an audience with her magic became known, and she used the air as a canvas for her performances. Her talents did not go unnoticed, and she was eventually enrolled in the prestigious Ersand'Enise Academy of Thaumaturgy. However, rumours suggest that Ayla is considered the most dispensable of the Arslan children when it comes to representing and advancing Torragonese interests. Despite this, Ayla continues to hone her magical abilities and uses them to entertain and delight those around her, leaving a lasting impression on all who witness her performances.
❖ [ Family Ties: ] Ayla is descended from Asier Arslan, The Lion Knight of Parrance, and Alizée Arslan, also known as The Conquistadora of Zaqhoria and Hetraxa in the Quentic church. Her father, Duque Duarte Arslan, is the reigning Guardian del Varrahasta. ❖ [ Relationships: ] Maura Mercador - Childhood Best Friend, Business Partner, Group Member of the Spratz Sisters. Zarina Al-Nader - Her first Ersand’Enise friend, one of the Deserted ‘Besties’. Kaspar Elstrøm von Wentoft - One of the Deserted ‘Besties’, Romance Option. Jocasta Re - One of the Deserted ‘Besties’ Dorothea Hohnstein - Friend, Group Member of the Spratz Sisters. Yalen Castel - One of the Deserted ‘Besties’ Evander Fino Synesti - Romance Option. Friends - Jamboi, Yuliya, Ysilla, Marceline, Oksana, Ingrid. Acquaintance - Desmond, Manfred, Penny, Isabella, Ymiico, Sven, Silas, Casii, Ismet. Unknown - Benny, Carmillia, Esmi, Fiske, Jomurr, Marlijn, Nazih, Niallus, Owain, Trypano, Zarra. ❖ [ Accomplishments & Achievements: ]: Ayla has achieved several accomplishments, including negotiating a successful treaty for the Tethered Refuge with Duque Huarcan Frannemas, surviving the Secrets of Zaqhoria, and being part of the winning team (Team Sycamore) in the Trials.
❖ [ Creative ] - See also: Artistic, Lateral thinking, Outside-of-the-Box ❖ [ Indirect Confrontation ] - See also: Deployment/Preparation, Long-term Thinking, Proxy, Subtle. ❖ [ Negotiator ] - See also: Art of the Deal, Collaboration, Compromising, Inspiring, Teamwork.
Ayla has a talent for creative and unconventional problem-solving. She approaches problems by adopting different perspectives and questioning assumptions. She considers alternatives to achieve desired results, rather than solely relying on common step-by-step methods.
Ayla prefers to avoid violence and instead focuses on using other means such as compromise, subtlety, preparation, and negotiation to confront problems. She excels at turning win-lose situations into win-win outcomes and has a talent for inspiring others to increase their effectiveness. Ayla employs a long-term strategic approach, leveraging her unique skills and resources to shift the odds in her favor. She also has a knack for eliciting and empowering third-party support to act on her behalf.
❖ [ Independence ] ❖ [ Adventure ] ❖ [ Legacy ]
Ayla was confined in Varrahasta like a bird in a cage. Her main objective is to achieve independence and become less reliant on others. She sees magic as a means to reach this goal, and hopes that it will allow her to create a future that is in line with her own values, rather than simply serving her family's interests. Ayla desires to experience new things and opportunities outside Varrahasta, and expand her creative horizons. One of her ambitions is to compose a song that resonates with everyone in Sipentia, showcasing her unique style and creativity. Ayla is an idealist, driven by a desire to make a positive impact in the world and contribute towards making it a better place. Her aim is to create a lasting legacy, something that will be remembered long after she's gone.
Ayla's expressive mannerisms and unique fashion sense naturally draw attention, both positively and negatively, as she isn't bound by convention. She communicates her emotions and attitudes through various displays and gestures, and often uses non-traditional forms of communication, such as playing her instrument or excessive tactile contact. This approach may be seen as unfavourable by those rigid in their etiquette, but favourable to others who are open to non-conventional discourse.
Despite her expressive nature, Ayla is friendly to everyone she meets and sees the best in people. She is known for being sweet and tender, and rumours have circulated that cute wildlife is attracted to her natural sweetness, as the kittens of Varrahasta are often accompanying her.
Growing up as an entertainer, Ayla has observed various diplomatic tools of negotiation, bartering, and planning. She has learned how to use indirect methods and schemes to achieve desired goals, primarily seeking win-win solutions through building a negotiating rapport with her targets. However, those who wrong her may face a string of bad luck.
Ayla is fiercely loyal to those she favours, treating them generously and expressing her affections. Those she favours often find themselves blessed with good luck, stumbling into favourable situations and opportunities. Ayla is also seeking to break free from the constraints of her current situation in Varrahasta, exploring opportunities to create her own legacy and contribute positively to the world.
W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S
❖ [ Physically Weaker ] - See also: Exhaustion, Frailty, Petite. ❖ [ Privilege Ignorance ] - A lack of awareness or acknowledgement of one's own privileged status and its implications for others. ❖ [ Non-violent Activist ] - Someone who is willing to fight to protect others but avoids killing.
Ayla has always been physically weaker than others due to her small size and being prone to illness. Even as a child, she often found herself confined to her bed, unable to join her siblings and family on their adventures. This forced isolation allowed her to pursue her own interests and develop her talents in music and diplomacy.
Her physical limitations mean that Ayla avoids any physical confrontation as she is inherently at a disadvantage. She uses negotiation and other non-violent means to resolve conflicts, but she is willing to fight to protect others if necessary. However, she is strongly against killing and will always seek a peaceful solution if possible.
Growing up in a privileged environment, Ayla has lived a sheltered life and has never travelled far from Varrahasta. As a result, she is ignorant of the struggles faced by those who are not as privileged as she is. She is working to become more aware of her privilege and to use her skills and influence to help others who are less fortunate.
Ayla's non-violent activism is based on her belief in the value of all life, regardless of physical strength or social status. She sees violence as a last resort and works tirelessly to find peaceful solutions to conflicts. While some may see her avoidance of physical confrontation as cowardly, she believes that there is strength in restraint and that it takes more courage to find a peaceful solution than to resort to violence.
Raised in Varrahasta, the bustling port metropolis of Torragòn. Would have experienced a mishmash smattering of various greetings and conversations due to living in one of the busiest port cities of Sipentia.
❖ [ Torragonese ] – Native language, fluent & literate. ❖ [ Avincian ] – Lingua franca, fluent & literate. ❖ [ Major Languages ] – Basic Conversational. Zaphory, Revidian, Perrench, Virangish. ❖ [ Minor Languages ] – Broken. May be aware of a greeting or a phrase.
First Year - First Semester AR103: Instrumental and Vocal Musics, Songwriting, & Ensemble SK103: Farming, Gardening, Animal Husbandry & Animal Familiars SK106: Business, Negitiation & Money Management AC106: Fundaments of Statecraft and Leadership in Magical Practice
First Year - Secomd Semester AR106: Taste, Ingredients, and the Preparation of Fine Cuisine SK101: Etiquette, Decorum & Forms of Address in Polite Society AC105: Fundaments of Astrology & Divination in Magical Practice LN110: Introduction to Literature, Rhetoric & the Written Word in Enthish
Second Year - First Semester MF202A-D: Arcane Magic MF201E-H: Magnetic Magic
SK201A: The Art of Persuasion by All and Any Means AC201B: Philosophy in the Ancient World - Zaqhoria to Avince AR203A: Instrumental Music and Ensemble AC204C: Avincian History AC205A: Augury & Divination AR205C-D: Taste, Texture & Ingredients Science
Second Year - Second Semester MF202I-L: Chemical Magic MF201M-P: Magnetic Magic MF209B: Dark Magic
AC207A: Philosophy in the Modern Era LN207C: Literature, Rhetoric & the Written Word in Virangish SK209A-B: Taming, Riding, and Caring for Animals AR209C-D: Vocal Music and Songwriting LN212A: Literature, Rhetoric & the Written Word in Zaqhory LN211C-D: Literature, Rhetoric & the Written Word in Nashibansek
❖ An example of how magic can be used in her performances. (Fire Emblem Fates) ❖ Demonstration of an overcharged Sonic-Shot (Dune, 1984) ❖ How a Flauta (Flute) sounds like played. ❖ Hex Codes - Old: colour=7ea7d8 New: colour=009fff
The Arslan family are renowned for their Arcane magic, with historical figures being associated with acts of great Arson and sow devastation on the battlefield. It is written in the family annals, that Asier Arslan (family progenitor) caused a great wildfire that burnt down the Eskandr fleet of the Great Heathen Army at Relouse. The most infamous is Alizée Arslan, well renowned for her literal ‘scorched earth’ policy during the expulsion of the Tourrare from Perrence, and the latter act of the great fire of Redwater (Varrahasta) which turned the city into ash. Alizée holds the highly controversial position as the Grand Demon of Cruelty: Hetraxa within the Perrence church.
Due to her petite and frailty in younger life, Ayla was not subject to the usual training of her siblings and has been left mostly to her own education. This has led to her innate magic potential manifesting as extensions of herself, a more free-flowing and fluid art form outside the regime of orthodox teaching and mentoring. Techniques learnt have focused on heightening creative performance rather than direct application.
Arslan family typically had a lower RAS measurement compared to other major noble families, especially with the decision to start selectively breeding the Fireblood trait into the family line. This decision is viewed as necessary to further enhance their relationship with Arcane magic, but created ideological differences with their former allies, House Frannemas.
❖ [ Arcane:Thermal Pyromancy ] – [ IV. Journeyman ] - Ayla uses arcane like a cantrip for lights, effects, and illusions to enhance her performance. Previously, Ayla has received some of her family's training as a pyromancer, but objections to the use of magic being used in this way for personal reasons. ❖ [ Binding: ] – [ 0. Neophyte ] ❖ [ Chemical:External: Explosive ] – [ IV. Journeyman ] - Ayla does have knowledge of how to apply chemical magic to pyromancy. ❖ [ Kinetic:Sonic Manipulation ] – [ IV.5 Journeyman ] - Ayla is proficient in kinetic magic, initially to compensate for physical weakness, but embraced this through sonic (sound) magic. Ayla is creating her own brand of sonic magic with purposes intended for offence, defence, and utility. By constructing sound into Sonic-Sphere and Sonic-Sheet, these can be used as a weapon Sonic-Shot, used for defence with Sonic-Shield, or used for Utility with Sonic-Steps. ❖ [ Magnetic: ] – [ 0. Neophyte ]
9%, often found in high noble lineages, 1/11 people – Bluebloods simply tend to be more powerful than other types of mages, with RAS capacities rarely below 7.5. They can draw and expel (cast) prodigious volumes of energy. However, they often struggle somewhat with containment and efficiency, though these obstacles are not insurmountable with the right training and dedication.
❖ [ Fireblood ]
Mainly in lineages from West Severa, 20/1000 magic users – Firebloods are masters of offensive magic, particularly from the arcane, chemical, and blood schools. Their resistance to magnetic spells covers Chemical’s traditional weakness. They are resistant to hot temperatures and being burned, not having to worry about wasting energy on preservation, but their power levels are often modest, very rarely exceeding 7.25.
❖ [ Demonblood ]
When a being from our dimension is sent into a parallel dimension and then pulled back into ours, a different type of demonification process occurs than we see with beings who are simply ripped from their own dimension. These demons are often considerably more sane and properly humanoid, though they may still be violent and powerful beings. The Oni of Nikan are a good example of this. The precise effects of a demonification vary depending on situational factors such as skill of the summoner, time spent in the parallel dimension, mood, magic abilities, and even weather, time of day, and location. The ten factors vary in each case. However, they are always present to at least some degree. Due to Ayla becoming partially purified through contact with a large black aberration, she has become a Quasi-Demon with the following effects. 1) Prehensile Hair 2) Different reactions to aberrations than normal beings. 3) Demonic Interpretation: Able to understand Demonic Speech without typical restriction. 4) Can only be identified by advanced Dark magic practitioners.
❖ [ Shadowspeaker ]
The individual can call forth sound from the VOID, and can also send sounds into the VOID. Shadowspeaker Abilities These are listed in order of difficulty to use. With practice, they can gain in power and precision. 1) Pure VOID Sound: basically just any ordinary day-to-day life sound from another dimension. 2) Corrupted VOID Sound: discordant and terror-inducing sounds as pulled through a VOID portal. 3) Corrupting VOID Noise: no longer consciously audible, but retain their ability to influence feelings, emotions, and perceptions. 4) Purifying VOID Noise: no longer consciously audible, but may influence demons to make them more biddable.
1-2: Anger 3-4: Apathy 5-6: Excitement 7-8: Joy 9-10: Envy 11-12: Sadness 13-14: Lust 15-16: Vigor 17-18: Serenity 19-20: Terror
❖ [ RAGE ]
Demonic Ability [RAGE] from the [BERSERKER] skill tree After failing to have an adverse effect on the enemy for five attacks in a row, the demon's strength will be doubled for its next turn cycle, expressed as a doubling of number of dice as well as dice power rolled. E.g. 4d5 becomes 8d10.
Floatmelon: gain the ability to enter a flow state while attacking where you may replicate your previous attack without penalty so long as it rolled in the 60th percentile or better of its potential. You may do this twice per scenario. You also gain +2 on perception rolls.
❖ [ Fruit of Ahn-Ipte ]
General: Five times per cycle, may augment the rolls of allies by (d6). If both fruits are owned, this becomes a (d10). Pink Apples: The power of all strengthening rolls is doubled without having to make them single-round effects. They will roll with advantage.
Goliath Lioncat (Alpha Shiny) - six feet tall at the shoulder, this enormous, thickly-furred mountain cat is a voracious predator of goats, cattle, small dragons, and small bear species and a status symbol among hegelan nobility and royalty. Known for its general laziness, it is notable for its loud purr and low, rumbling roar, as well. It is also… kinda cute and surprisingly trainable. This is a rideable cat. Named after the Kitten Knight.
Sphinx Cat (Alpha normal) - a colossal very shorthair cat with tall, pointed ears, and long limbs. They are known to be able to jump well over fifty feet and their claws are capable of tearing through the skin of most dragons, crocodiles, and hippos. They specialise in hunting small to midsized dragons and direstorks, however. Their short fur is usually striped gold and black. This is a battle companion.
Etienne & Frédérique
Geistcat (2 - Male, Alpha / Female Normal Shiny skull pattern) - Invariably a very deep shade of black, this cat sometimes takes on a purplish hue due to the frogs, snails, and small threshers and turtles that it commonly consumes. In many tales, these are the companions of witches. They are all born with greyborn manas and have the ability to fade partway into greyspace. Its unusually large mouth, which helps it crush its hard-shelled prey, always seems to be smiling. Often, the eerie white smile and gleaming golden eyes are all that an observer will see. Famously friendly but mischievous. This is a pet or battle companion. This pair is named after the Perpignan twins.
This large, fluffy cat from West Callanast is known to be highly intelligent, loyal, and cuddly. It is able to use simple binding magic on itself as well as close allies… when it feels like it. This is a battle companion. Nyan-Acan is a quasi-demon variant, who wears a hat with a feather, booties, and a cape.
A Puff Lion cub in a kennel, abandoned by its mother. Pale pinkish-red and very fluffy. Named after the founder of the Arslan dynasty.
White Shetland Pony Al-Nader family training horse. Gift from Zarina. Name means Queen.
Male Alpha Froabase Has an aggressive red-striped pattern. His name means "ever lasting fire".
Devastating Tail Enhancer Any attack done by an animal’s tail will inflict a [BLEED], ranging from a glancing to a significant (d3) per round. Tail attacks also get advantage and require 17 point differences to counter. Provides 12 manas.
Albino Female Froabase Runt of the litter Name means Almond.
The Cat Hat
A tall, striped top hat known for having nine lives. Has, through various misadventures, already squandered six of them. Sharpens perception rolls by +1, negates all falling damage once per cycle, may hold, as a hammerspace, items of house size or smaller equal to the number of lives it has remaining, and may ‘die’ once per arc to prevent the character death of its wearer. Also produces small hats from inside of it equal to the number of lives it has remaining so long as the main hat is still active. These may be worn by others to benefit from its abilities. Lives can be recharged at the Groove. Provides 18 manas.
Astral Cloak of the Venerated Storyteller Displays your thoughts or words in moving visuals. 4 manas
Leather catsuit +2 to stealth rolls. Also distracts enemies, allowing you to jump up one in turn order.
Lioness' Mane Item Description: A large and intricate hair accessory made of silver, jewels, and Royal Sand Wyrm teeth. being used to hide what is a dangerous weapon as through the use kinetic magic or prehensile hair the user will be able to take control of the Wyrm teeth to attack. Special Traits: The jewelry is made to easily detach and reattach to the Wyrm teeth. The Wyrm teeth being filled with Juggernaut manas increases their piercing power through increased kinetic output. The whole piece is enchanted to be able to endure combat without being bent, warped, or broken. 10 manas
Name: Lioness' Claws Item Description: An exquisite pair of silver claw rings that are not only stylish, but deadly. Being made from Royal Sand Wyrm teeth and enchanted to be able to be sharp and strong while also being such a wiry frame, they are able to rend and pierce through most soft and hard materials with ease. Special Traits: These claw rings use Leadvein manas to enhance their strength and power of attacks.
Name: Lioness' High Heels Item Description: A exquisite pair of sabatons made from Froabas scales, Royal Sand Wyrm Teeth, and Puff lion pelts to act as trimmings. They are both a stylish form of armored shoe coverings while also being enchanted to absorb kinetic energy the user would feel from their feet and reflect it back in the direction it was received. Special Traits: Kinetic Absorption and Reflection- The sabatons are enchanted to absorb external kinetic energy the user would feel from the sabatons and will reflect it back in the direction the user received it from. Allowing the user to increase many things, such as their kick power, jump height, running speed, and can even be used for defence to try to negate the energy of a strike.
Flute of the Winds A beautiful porcelain musical instrument, stunningly complex and yet oddly simple, that plays a peaceful but haunting tune every sunrise and sunset when left in the wind. The craftsmanship is excellent.
Flauta This is a flute native to the melting pot of Torragonese culture. Used to play lively melodies to a fast tempo.
Dragonbone Pan-pipes High quality Eskandish pan pipes made from blackened dragon bones, inlaid with gold. A gift from her friend, Ingrid Penderson.
Golden Lion Spellblade of Aur'iguul'adzong This epic spellblade seems to strike with a lion's roar on every cut, clash, or cast, distracting and disorienting foes for a (d3) penalty to their next action. Once it has banked 10 points or more, it may unleash this in an [ALPHA'S ROAR], adding a free +10 to any given roll. Once this is used, the ability will reset to build again. This blade also offers two free advantage rolls on any sonic attack or defence per encounter, in addition to 24 manas.
Looted 5 square feet of Pearlcloth from Belzagg Lustrous Puff-lion pelts x3
Crate Goods (item: size) Reforming Canvas: 5
Looted Wyrmwood Heart (4 carats)
Small Lockbox of Spratz
Crate Goods (item: size) Jar of Gummy Cashews (2) T-Cow Steak (2) Grades: B and AA Whole Platinum Strider (4) One sacred strider Halassa Flank (2) Sea Peach (2) Gran Naranja (3) Pincushion Fingers (2) One is [COOL CUCUMBER] - liquid storage that keeps them preserved to an extreme degree Bloodhead Cabbage (4) One is Ironhead effectively magnetic Virangish Pepper (1) Jar of Midnight Honey (1) Jug of Titan's Milk (1)
Looted Wyrm Scales x64 Froabas scales x80 Wyrm teeth x16 Tyrannus Horrifer Scale that is about 1 foot long and 1 foot wide.
Nixie Five's Bull BBQ Sauce Warm, sweet, and spicy.
Primordial Egg Powers
Upon being consumed, each primordial egg will allow its consumer a one-time opportunity to take on the powers of what its parent Yolk Demon defeated. Primordial Egg - Horrifier [assigned: Ayla] Primordial Egg - ??? (Metro) [assigned: Maura] “Chicken” Egg - ??? [assigned: Maura]
Schwarze Alice
(assigned to Maura) The clockwork-powered semi-submersible Comes completed with a spar torpedo. Spacious and designed as a blockade runner.
Alpha Kite Tusker from An Zenui
The Pearlescent Egg An Alpha will hatch from this.
Island of Longwan
(Assigned to Maura) The entire ninety square mile island of Longwan in Rettan. It's a little far out there, but we've heard that the climate is... pleasant, aside from the odd typhoon, and some people say that there are treasures and mythical beasts! Comes with peasants that speak an unintelligible dialect.
Glaskum Kelp Forest
(Assigned to Ayla) A whole live kelp forest (size may vary) in Glaskum, including balloon kelp, Sea Sprites, and friendly Eeaiko neighbours. Join this fast-growing hotbed of cultural exchange and innovation. Please remember to respect local traditions.
[abbr=Who weaves her plans in shadows of fire]♫ ~ ¿Quién teje sus planes en sombras de fuego?[/abbr]
[abbr=It’s Ayla—yes, Ayla—the master of desire]Es Ayla—sí, Ayla—la dueña del juego.[/abbr]
[abbr=From royal courtyards to the sea’s rough sand]De los patios reales al polvo del mar,[/abbr]
[abbr=Her web keeps on growing, her light will command]Su red va creciendo, su luz va a quemar. ~ ♫[/abbr]
[abbr=Ah-ah-ahhh, her dance destroys]♫ ~ Ah-ah-ahhh, su danza destruye. ~ ♫[/abbr]
[abbr=With a silver tongue and a fierce gaze]♫ ~ Con lengua de plata y mirada feroz,[/abbr]
[abbr= With words that cut and a fiery blaze]Con filo en palabras y un fuego atroz[/abbr]
[abbr=From the storms above to the sunlit shore]Desde las tormentas hasta el claro sol,[/abbr]
[abbr=It’s Ayla who reigns, her soul at the fore]Es Ayla quien manda, con un alma de rol. ~ ♫[/abbr]
[abbr=Ah-ah-ahhh, Ayla guides the fates]♫ ~ Ah-ah-ahhh, Ayla guía el destino.[/abbr]
[abbr=Ah-ah-ahhh, her power is great]Ah-ah-ahhh, su poder es divino. ~ ♫[/abbr]
[abbr=The world is her game, the pieces at her feet]♫ ~ El mundo es su juego, las piezas a sus pies,[/abbr]
[abbr=And Ayla rises when the dawn repeats]Y Ayla renace cuando amanezca otra vez. ~ ♫[/abbr]
[abbr=It was Ayla—ALL ALONG]♫ ~ ¡Era Ayla—TODO EL TIEMPO! ~ ♫[/abbr]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><div class="bb-center"><font color="orange"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/Smpjq7h.png" /><br><br><abbr class="bb-abbr" title="Who weaves her plans in shadows of fire">♫ ~ ¿Quién teje sus planes en sombras de fuego?</abbr><br><abbr class="bb-abbr" title="It’s Ayla—yes, Ayla—the master of desire">Es Ayla—sí, Ayla—la dueña del juego.</abbr><br><abbr class="bb-abbr" title="From royal courtyards to the sea’s rough sand">De los patios reales al polvo del mar,</abbr><br><abbr class="bb-abbr" title="Her web keeps on growing, her light will command">Su red va creciendo, su luz va a quemar. ~ ♫</abbr><br><br><abbr class="bb-abbr" title="Ah-ah-ahhh, her dance destroys">♫ ~ Ah-ah-ahhh, su danza destruye. ~ ♫</abbr><br><br><abbr class="bb-abbr" title="With a silver tongue and a fierce gaze">♫ ~ Con lengua de plata y mirada feroz,</abbr><br><abbr class="bb-abbr" title=" With words that cut and a fiery blaze">Con filo en palabras y un fuego atroz</abbr><br><abbr class="bb-abbr" title="From the storms above to the sunlit shore">Desde las tormentas hasta el claro sol,</abbr><br><abbr class="bb-abbr" title="It’s Ayla who reigns, her soul at the fore">Es Ayla quien manda, con un alma de rol. ~ ♫</abbr><br><br><abbr class="bb-abbr" title="Ah-ah-ahhh, Ayla guides the fates">♫ ~ Ah-ah-ahhh, Ayla guía el destino.</abbr><br><abbr class="bb-abbr" title="Ah-ah-ahhh, her power is great">Ah-ah-ahhh, su poder es divino. ~ ♫</abbr><br><br><abbr class="bb-abbr" title="The world is her game, the pieces at her feet">♫ ~ El mundo es su juego, las piezas a sus pies,</abbr><br><abbr class="bb-abbr" title="And Ayla rises when the dawn repeats">Y Ayla renace cuando amanezca otra vez. ~ ♫</abbr><br><br><abbr class="bb-abbr" title="It was Ayla—ALL ALONG">♫ ~ ¡Era Ayla—TODO EL TIEMPO! ~ ♫</abbr></font></div></div>