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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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@Kho i see what u did there, you little thief. *cough* Vector VECTOR..


@POOHEAD189 As it says in the title, 'tis already full :/ But do linger about if you want. The more activity in the OOC the better :)

Unless Flynn decides to add another person to the group :P
Too much happened since yesterday, someone fill me in.

We talked about religion and stuff, 1 person left the rp and another joined. We have a rough map and almost ready to start i guess. Waiting for Cyclone to finish his nation CS.
@Flynn That...is a valiant effort

Anyhow, I thought that Belintash and Andaluja shared a border.
@Flynn It says so in my CS but: Capital = Urnst, Location = Foot of the mountain range with equal distance from the east and west borders.
@Cyclone ninja'd
@Flynn I have certainly have no problem with that. It will be interesting to see if I can take them back :)
Also, I'll go with a deep shade of red. Pick w/e Nvm. Gimme gold
@Cyclone I'm fine with all that since it would make for some interesting developments when Chugo meets Layna. What I can't understand is how exactly the Khargats ended up in the Emperiat. I mean, they were supposed to be invaders, right? Earlier you said that they were subjugated by the Emperiat. How can they still live to modern day in their conquered lands if they were already subjugated :/

Just so I am clear on this one thing. The Khargats came down from the mountains, right? So that means that my Belintashians were the first "southerners" they came across and fought with, I would assume.
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