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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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@Muttonhawk@Kho Right from wikipedia, so take with a grain of salt...

So as I see it, we are almost there.
Wow! 7k posts! @WrongEndoftheRainbow Hello! Nice maps you got there by the way. We were stuck with some atrocious stuff drawn by someone else (*cough*@Cyclone*cough*).

@Kangutso How's the Avatar post coming along? I wanna start with the fighting :)
FREEEEEEDOOOOOM! I finally have my PC back :) Now, let's see what we have here

@Ryuzaki I would really advice you to just enter the castle and go to the throne room where everyone else is.
>be me
>forget to buy speshul cable
>remember it really late
>all stores closed now
>i cri everytiem

Welp, seems like im posting from the stolen laptop once again!
Today I am getting my new GPU! Thus, I shall post later.
@Double Capybara I like how you put Illunabar in word art, all grand and elegant, and then just drop two other names underneath with no special editing. "...who cares about these two nobodies. I am ILLUNABAR!!"

@Cyclone y'know, I would have had a Khargat do that either way. I wanted to highlight her antipathy. So even if they weren't camping in Paragon Path, I would have one extort her just so I could show that.

The fact that Chugo just so happened to have come in the capital as well is a complete coincidence!
@KhoDon't leave me hanging Kho...Not like this
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