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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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<Snipped quote by Muttonhawk>

If it's in a secret location then by god it's only a matter of time before Lazarus comes across it

It's not really a secret. Just climb up Vowzra's "little" mountain, enter his plane whilst praying that the portal does not rip you to pieces, go through all the mind-raping illusions that he has set up, find the location of the cube, kill the OP guardians of the cube, actually find a way to forcibly open the cube, take the codex and open it, pray you don't end up like vulamera.

'Tis that easy.
@poog the pig

>inb4 Lif

@Kho Whenever you want, I'd like my Luna Khookies pls
Small post is small. A little something-something before the big dragon post.

The Primordial Sun, Emperor in Gold, The Star Forger
Level 4 God of Cosmos (Stars)

42 Might & 5 Free Points

Luna, The Twilight Queen
8 Khookies

"By Fate and Amul'Sharar, what have I gotten myself into..." Ull'Yang sighed but smiled. Obviously, the blessing had somehow also altered parts of her soul along with her body, hence the sudden change in personality - from shy and timid to playful and outgoing. He didn't mind, though. He needed someone like her beside him to converse with and lighten his days, since he couldn't frequently meet with his siblings.

Luna, a name the little grey wolf had given itself after the transformation, perked her ears at his words. In the time span of one breath, she had skillfully climbed up Ull'Yang's arm, jumped on his head and rested on his golden snout, looking straight into his eyes. "Fate? Amul'Sharar? Who might they be?" She slightly tilted her head sideways and asked him.

He focused on her whilst remaining silent, thinking about how he was to go about explaining it to her. He himself didn't know much about the two powerful beings that brought the gods to this Universe, and he doubted his other siblings had more information on the matter. "Albeit, Vowzra might know a thing or two that we don't have knowledge of, now that I think about it..."

"Well, let's just call them- Huh?" Ull'Yang suddenly turned silent, his eyes changing colour, from a calm blue to a fiery red.

"Call them what? Hello? HEY!" Luna waved her arms around in front of his left eye, not understanding what had gotten over him so suddenly. Then, she turned stiff when she saw his eyes changing colours and realised something must have happened.

"What happened? What are you doing? Hey, don't ignore me all of a sudden," Luna said as she hopped around on top of his snout, trying to garner his attention. "I am not ignoring you," Ull'Yang suddenly broke his previous silence and said. "I just got a strange feeling all of a sudden... nothing to fret about," he ended up explaining.

"Huh... Okay then," Luna shrugged. If he wasn't willing to tell her then she wasn't going to make a fuss about it as well. Trust had to be earned, and should come only after the passage of time. Not even she, much less a god like Ull'Yang, was willing to blindly trust someone she had just met.

"Do you want to see the rest of the plane?" A sudden voice echoed inside her head. It took some time for Luna to process the meaning of his words but after a few seconds of just sitting there with a blank look on her face, her eyes flared up in excitement. "W-w-wait, you mean this isn't all? There's more land out there?" Luna nervously asked.

"Hah! If you really think that this little piece of land is all," Ull'Yang proudly said as an arrogant look appeared on his face. "Then you're gravely mistaken, young grasshopper," Ull'Yang whispered the last of his words. Luna felt an external power cover her, strands of Ull'Yang's divine essence had coiled around her to form a protective barrier. Before she had even processed the question she'd wanted to ask, Ull'Yang suddenly took off, flying straight upwards towards the massive clouds in unprecedented speeds.

"Kyaaaaaaa~" Luna practically screamed her lungs out as Ull'Yang spun around himself, accelerated, decelerated and generally flew all over the place while at the same time not slowing down one bit. "Hahahaha," he let out a laugh that echoed through the skies.

Luna's sanity was hanging by a thread, so much so that she had started to hallucinate. Images of past memories started appearing before her eyes as friends and family members urged her to join them in the afterlife. "STOP! STOP! STOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!" She mentally shouted at Ull'Yang. She didn't know why she had agreed to follow such a mischievous god! Not even a day had passed since they first met and he was already giving her the fright of her life!

"Heh, if you say so," Ull'Yang heard her and smiled. "Hang on for a moment more!" The stellar god's serpentine body accelerated some more as he flew to the ceiling of the plane. As he pierced the clouds, he rotated once before coming to a sudden stop. The sheer power of the rotation blew away the clouds that had been previously covering the central continent.

When Luna came to, she had to rub her eyes not once, not twice but three times before she turned back to Ull'Yang with a confused look on her face. "Don't tell me that the rest of the plane is made of water? Everywhere I look: east, west, north or south, there's water everywhere!" Luna said.

Ull'Yang smiled, "that's because you don't look far enough. Let me help you a bit," he replied and linked his eyes with Luna's, enabling her to see what he saw. Luna was taken aback by the sudden surge of information her brain received from her eyes, enough to send a feeble mind such as hers into overload. Fortunately, Ull'Yang was behind her, supporting her with his essence so she felt nothing but a sting.

After a couple of minutes of trying to get accustomed with her new eyesight, Luna's brain finally started registering clear images again and the first thing she saw was herself. She became stunned at the sight of her new form. Although she had taken an extensive look at her body after she had transformed, she had yet to have an overall look of herself. "Mhmm, not bad, not bad..." she secretly thought as she posed for herself. She was lost in thought when she realised she was not only posing for herself but for Ull'Yang as well. He face reddened in embarrassment as she controlled her body to turn away from Ull'Yang's gaze.

Ull'Yang himself silently enjoyed her little show and when it came to an end, he chuckled at her embarrassment and decided to tease her a little. "So if you're done with your little dance show, there was a reason that I linked my eyesight with yours."

Ull'Yang looked ahead and slowly turned his head clockwise, letting Luna take a clear look at each continent's location before moving to the next one. Needless to say, with each passing continent that revealed itself in front of Luna, her own eyes shone even more brightly with excitement. By the time Ull'Yang head returned to its former position, she had completely forgotten his previous comments. "Where do you want to go first?" He simply asked. "Who cares?! Anywhere and Everywhere!" Luna frantically shouted.

"Very well. Our little tour of Cygnea is about to begin! Ahahaha~" Ull'Yang continued laughing as he randomly picked and started flying towards one of the four continents.
Guys, let's be real. We all know that this was staged by Erdogan himself. This'll not only unify the country but will also give him MASSIVE power. Ataturk's dream is ruined.

Say Hello to an Islamic Turkey...
<Snipped quote by poog the pig>

@Cyclone I have found some pics that closely resemble your Khan and Chugo Bey. I thought you could use them for your chars so here they are:

IMO, just because theres a god for something, that does not mean that mortals cannot discover on their own things related to that something, given the right conditions and sufficient knowledge.

Now, I get that demi-gods created for that specific thing would find themselves useless if said thing could be done without them, but we gotta remember that just because someone else tresspassed on our Domain, it doesn't mean that he is better that us at that thing.

Maybe mortals really did discover the wheel or something resembling it, but couldn't really use it effectively because it wasn't influenced(?) by the power of said demigod/god in charge of it in the first place.
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