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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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@Cyclone I see. If it's that way then I guess he doesn't have any power over it. Nice loophole you got there.
@Vec Whose the EoM? Both in terms of which one of us is which, and who exactly are they?

Arcon is the EoM and Galbar is the space bandits

<Snipped quote by Scarifar>

No, it's Zeph's second holy site. The 25 Might "star" that's a ball of pure magic and energy around his planet.

I wonder to what extent do Ull's portfolio powers have influence over this "star" of Zeph's or if he even has any influence over it at all.
@Dawnscroll Arcon vs Galbar right now would be similar to the EoM fighting a bunch of space bandits with a broken toothpick.
Naturally the Sun-Guru Ull'yang will have to be the judge for these proceedings.

Don't worry, even if someone objected on that point, I'll just remind everyone here: Ull is holding hostage the whole Universe.
Seems like I picked the right time to have a 43 year long nap ;>
@Frettzo... keeping a moderate, let's say 1 light year? Distance away from Vestec can do for starters... And that's not exactly what she's doing right now, is it?

@Frettzo This is actually quite funny because in your last post you have Astarte asking for help mentally but now you have her say that every time she's in trouble, some god comes and helps her out.

I don't get why she's complaining when she gets exactly what she asked for.
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