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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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So, dragons. @Dawnscroll I have been thinking about them since the day I posted their CS. How I'll go about making them, introducing and developing them. One of the first things I thought about was: breeds. Dragon breeds are a big part of draconic fantasy fiction. At first, I had thought about just directly creating them with whatever form I saw fit...

But I realised that If I did that, I would be greatly limiting their potential as a race. So I scrapped that thought. Then I thought, Hey. I can have it like this. Make a certain amount of dragons - the 'proto-dragons' if you may - then put them inside eggs and fling them into different areas around Cygnea. I set this as the base for their creation. After that, I thought about what I wanted to do with dragon breeds. But that posed a problem as I specifically wanted dragons to be "natural" beasts, that is to contain Slough's natural print, and not be like Pronobii or Hain who are not natural. So I came up with the whole lizard-to-dragon idea...

So the problem now is how to go about introducing dragons. Should they all hatch as one generic, 'proto-species' of Dov and then slowly evolve as they absorb the essence of their surroundings and become whatever dragon breed? Or should I have the dragons absorb the essence whilst being inside the eggs and then have them all hatch as completely different dragons from the get go?

And then there is the problem of their numbers but I guess, once a god gets hold of one dragon and examines it, they would be able to replicate them to some extent but not entirely since they would have to have their blueprint and also know the dragon script so as to decipher it. And ICly, Ull is the only one possessing said knowledge.

These questions have been on my mind for a while and tbh, I still have yet to decide on one.

One thing I know though is that I don't want to limit you all if you want to use dragons in your plots.

So, a penny for your thoughts?
@VecYou can reserve up to two characters now. Only if you want.

If that's the case I might take Veigar as well. Don't know yet.
reserve Sol for me ples :P I quit LoL some time ago because It was getting boring but Its lore has always been something I loved.
I'll have the cs up soon-ish.
@Iktomi y'know, this is pretty awesome actually. I believe this little guy has the most potential to have good relations with the gods than all the others demis xD Since he pretty much only likes drinking and has no further ambitions, for now...
@Dawnscroll As I am typing from my phone and I am starting to get irritated by the constant spelling mistakes i male and have to correct whilst typing, I will talk about that when i get back home. I have a very specific plan for dragon breeds. Aside from that, I have yet to post the dragons even hatching but im open to anything, as long as its logical.
@Muttonhawk I think I have been preaching these points since the beginning, especially point 3. Whenever I put anything out there in the IC, I always do it expecting things to not go as planned. That's why I strive to have a solid foundation that can be built upon should the need arise.

But for the sake of potential plot, I always leave ways that other people can maneuvre around and try to break my stuff.

Logos is almighty cannonically and in my opinion, Astarte, believe it or not, is the only person that can stand on his path for the sole reason that she embodies the one thing his powers do not influence. The metaphysical, magic. Literally, we got the classic magic vs science battle here.

I find this the perfect chance to develop Astarte @Frettzo and I would not even mind it if Ull was trashed a little in the process, if it's for the sake of a better story. I think this applies to all of us.

EDIT: Logos is almighty because Vowzra is dead. Vowzra had the most broken potential in my head cannon and now @Kho offed him... Tch tch
@Kho I am a 1 Might dragon and I find this post offensive.

Anyhow, i thought it was established that the might expended in creating an intelligent race was set at 1. It says so in the OP and that's why I didn't really put more might in my dragons.

And I always thought that ultimately, the key point to consider when dealing with a race's power level is the rate of their reproduction. Slower reproduction generally means a higher level of power per individual whilst higher rate of reproduction means having the advantage of numbers in expense of individual power.

This is my two cents, take it as you will.
Vec and Kho know that Logos needs to return to Arcon at one point for stuff to continue.

W-wait... I do?! Huh.
I shamelessly stole @Antarctic Termite's idea and created a separate CS page for Ull'Yang and his creations since it's a little tiring constantly updating the CS in the char tab.

Here's the link. I'll add it to his CS post here as well.
@Vec Okay following it thus far... so whose the one armed with a broken toothpick?

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