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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Hmmm. Hmmm.

You know, Ull'Yang would probably not care about this invasion, not even if Logos were to destroy the planet.

But, he might be a little irritated at the though that poor immitations of his own being are what's destroying everything. Unfortunately, he's doing the fish stick right now. As you know, it is a very delicate state of mind and as such can't immediately react.

But if he comes out and finds that his precious companion is missing, Logos and him are going to have a chat.

Kho... you're here showing off your knowledge and dropping poetry bombs on us... but I can't take you seriously when you're like

You gotta step up your game m8
@FrettzoThis... who am I to judge. I wish I had the luck of Gastone
@Muttonhawk You know, Confucianism is the brain-child of Daoism/Taoism. Confucius was a student of Laozi, the founder of Taoism.

EDIT: What I mean is that If you have understood Taoism, you can also understand Confucianism. They don't have many differences.
@Frettzo Elaborate 'successful'

@Double Capybara Hah, we can be atheist buddies then. Although, I happen to read a lot about Buddhism/Confucianism.
Edit: Oh great, I just got page 444, just kill me already fam.

All is well
@Frettzo I can't even draw a stick-man m8.

@Double Capybara Maybe dreamy for a guy with a muscle fetish...

Heck, I bet she has more muscle that Kyre ...
@WrongEndoftheRainbow It's not that I don't want to use that, it's that Cygnea has a completely different layout than that map :/

It has 4 large continents, one for each cardinal direction, and one small continent in the center. All of them are separated by a huge ocean and the south continent is a broken land, creating an archipelago of islands to boot.

That's why I said I won't push you if you don't want :) I can understand it would take a lot of effort to create it.
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