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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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Where is Amestris if I may ask xD It's not in the map...
@Cyclone Lul. We really need a comprehensive timeline that can also be updated easily. All these tangled plots taking place at different times are starting to confuse me
@Cyclone You can go ahead and create the pad and pm it to me. I am in my bed right now, though, typing to y'all through my phone and wearing nothing but underwear.

There's no way im gonna get up, open my pc and start writing now xd

AND i have no coffee!
What happened to Sauranath?

Presumably, he died when the previous Universe imploded.

His soul was sucked up by Slough and resides inside her now, I believe.
@Cyclone Heh

But either this collab or a separete one will do. I don't mind.
@Cyclone i was't joking when i suggested luna coming in contact with ur djinn. I wonder, if she landed in the vicinity of the citadel, would she get noticed by your vizier?
@Scarifar fixed it already -.-

4 day old news but still exciting!
Just dropping this here for you guys to see.
@Iktomi post it in the char tab already. I believe the trio has already given the go signal.
@Dawnscroll Heh, what I meant was how they entered, what with all their silarities to stars and the whole sun references in thevpost. But I see what you mean xD I wasn't irritated btw. I just pointed out some things.

As you said, sweet stuff. Story Progression.
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