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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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@Antarctic Termite Tauga reminds me so much of the girl from Elfen Lied, what with the invinsible tentacles and the suit xD Goooooood Post.
419 Hello, is it me you're looking for?~
if this is private you can post it on 1x1 thread. this is free roleplay

THE REALTA INVADERS ARE HERE!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111!!!111ONE11
@LovelyAnastasia Someone's reading Girls of the Wild's ;P
@Dawnscroll You had the 9000th OOC post in the last post of the 450th page.

9000 has 3 zeroes.

450 has 3 numbers


A triangle has 3 points

@Vec I'd always assumed the opposite to be true. That Logos, who preferred evolution over simply poofing things into existence, was the indirect creator of Earthlike animals on Arcon, while Galbar had what Slough created because her creation was more sporadic.

Hmm, I like that a lot better actually. *thumbs up*

EDIT: And this is funny cause Ull'Yang used Slough's seed AND evolution to give life to his plane. Pretty neat stuff if I may say so.
@Lugubrious Although this has been an assumption of mine since the start of the RP, I still want to ask just to clear this out. The animals you have on Slough's CS are not the only animals existing on Galbar, right? I mean, normal Earth-like animals exist as well, right?
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