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Just as humans grow and change with time, interests change as well. I wish I had the urge to roleplay like I used to...

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@BBeast O.o when did that happen

Any of you know what's up with Julkolfyr? It's been hinted that he was imprisoned within the Dark Spires but aside from that, not much else... I was thinking of a nice demigod concept...

@LokiLeo789 How do you guys feel about gravity? Or say even... physics... or Reality as a whole?

On a side note, who here thinks that Logos is either avian in appearance or owl-formed?

On a side-side-note... where is Toun in all of this madness? You think he'd be thrilled to see Logos again.

If you mean the thing that's Logos schtick, if you're apprehensive about using his powers I'd say don't be. If Ull won't be afraid to toss a star towards you, (which he won't be tbh) then I don't see how Logos' creating a black hole to suck it up will be any different xD

And he's indeed a bird right now.
@Caits yo ;) long time no see.

He said it would be up in 2-3 days soo i guess it won't be long now
Summer is over
A new school year starts again
Good luck poor things ah!

@LokiLeo789 You're gonna "intimate" @poog the pig?

How DARE some puny mortal go by the name of our one and ONLY Ant-On-Earth, Master of Antkind, sovereign of the Imperium of Ant, and Father, Guardian and God of the Ant Race? I request-NO I DEMAND AN EXTERMINATUS UPON HIS WHOLE BEING, SOUL AND BODY.
when will the OOC be up? 8D
I have a char in the works
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