Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

If I wasn't already 4 people I would take paps too....

(Dang glitchy double posts)
E'nasha Williams Lyn's Hunt

"That's not going to hold him off for long enough. He can turn into a swarm of bugs and reform quite quickly. Not to mention my leg is broken. I wouldn't be able to get too far."

Well, great. bugs and broken legs and- whatever this guy is doing now...? E'nasha watched as Leith started draining the grass around them of water, drying it out slowly. That's one way to kill a plant. She wasn't sure what she could do to help him, if anything, so she focused on the bug-man as he spoke. "Wait, so he can control plants and turn into bugs at will? Those bloods don't really occur in one person very much." She said to Leith as the trees began moving towards them.

She thought about trying to force the trees away or make them grow so fast that the other herbamancer lost control, but those plans probably wouldn't work. More than definitely he was a higher level than her with his magic, and had more practice than she did in fighting actual fights. She'd have to think of something else. Leith pointed out to the man that his brother was fighting a losing battle against two other college students, she didn't see what happened next though as her attention was taken by the girl she'd seen passed out earlier walking towards them.

The girl called to Leith in a shaky voice, and E'nasha went over to her to help support the girl as she stood. "Hey, take it easy. You were just out cold. I'm glad you're awake now but there's no need to push yourself." She said as she tried to move the girl away from the fight, or at least sit her down. "I'm E'nasha, by the way. Herbamancer, just like you right?" She let her gaze stray from the girl's face as the trees got close enough to start swinging at them.

"Great. Hold still a moment!" She said to Summer and Leith as she bent one of the not-currently-hostile trees over to create a sort of shield for the trio, bending another one over as well to create a small space where they were less likely to get crushed by flailing branches. "Hopefully this holds for a while."

E'nasha flinched as one hit sounded as if it would break the trees in two, starting to say her thoughts out loud to get her mind off it. "So, bugs. I don't know if he'll fall for it, but, if we can get him to transform into his little bug-swarm, I have seeds for a carnivorous plant that could eat some of the bugs. That should damage him a bit, right?" A half-baked crazy idea, but it was literally all that was popping into her head at the moment.
@Demonic Angel Workin' on it!
@WilsonTurner Alright Wilson thats fine. All it means is you have 1 unexcused warning(unable to focus is along the same lines as no motivation or lack of interest) you have until monday to get it up before your second unexcused warning which will result in expulsion from the RP

Just letting you know

god you're like a teacher or something....

I know lack of motivation/inability to focus/lack of interest can be problems with the person themself, but they can also be problems caused to that person by RL. I've only ever lost motivation or interest because RL was being a pain, and getting kicked from an RP I really like because of that really hurts sometimes.

I litterally got home from school yesterday, slept 15 hours, and went back to school today. I've been sleep deprived recently and that's because of school and everything else stressing me out, which is part of why I've been inactive in most of my RPs recently.

I'm rambling at this point but, cut people some slack. I understand not wanting the RP to die, but be a little more understanding of the fact that people might not say everything that's going on with them at any one time and sum it up as lack of focus or motivation. K?

Sorry for ranting at you
ok, ok ok ok okokokokokokokokok

I ended up not getting on the guild yesterday because I got home from school and slept for about 15 hours and then went back to school. I have youth group now, so I'll post once I'm back from that.
The second someones sees me online tomorrow, please pester me to post. I will get distracted. And i'm bad at dragging myself away from the shiny things.



Location: Casual interest check
Time: apparently 4 hours after all hell broke loose
Interacting With: Lucius

A spot in the air above Guild city shimmered for a split second before a winged girl appeared and began to glide through the sky, her hair the color of molten lava flowing behind her as she flew to a balcony near the top floor of a building in Advanced. Landing gracefully on the wooden planks, she shifted a backpack off her shoulders and dropped it on the floor, leaving it there as she entered her apartment through the sliding glass door that connected it to the balcony.

The apartment was small, but that didn't matter. She liked it that way, less space to let get cluttered with things she's kept from her adventures. Although she'd have to clean up at some point, right now the place was a mess of notebooks and papers on the tables, and random blankets, pillows, and clothing on the floor. About the only "organized" space in the place was the kitchen, and even here dirty plates and dishes piled up in the sink from her attempts to cook something other than pancakes for once.

Speaking of which, she glanced at the clock in the room and turned on her radio to catch whatever news there was, and perhaps the date. She wasn't ever really sure when she was returning to when she came back from another dimension. A sigh of relief escaped her as she found she'd only been gone for about 7 hours, and opened the oven to check the roast she'd put in before she'd left.

It smelled... ok? She really should stop going places when she's cooking things. She'd burned enough meals to know that, but, waiting around for things to cook was boring after the first half hour. She pulled the roast out and started putting it in a plastic tub to put in the fridge for later, but stopped suddenly as she actually heard what was being said on the radio. The city was under attack. People were in real danger.

This is what she gets for dimension-hopping. Robot armageddon.

With a wave of her hand the food disappeared, it probably wasn't any good anyway. She turned everything off and rushed back out onto the balcony, grabbing her sword out of the backpack she'd dropped there earlier before taking off. She had a real door in her apartment, but this was always faster. She wasn't sure where she was going, but she wanted to help. She closed her eyes as she flew, trusting her instincts to lead her where she would be the most useful.

She waited until the sound of fighting surrounded her before opening her eyes. She was hovering a few feet above a bridge where two -no, three- people were fighting against a group of bots. A girl wielding a living sword, a part of another person who was currently under the bridge itself doing, something; and a man who gave the vibe that he was already getting sick of this situation. A haphazard team, if that.

Unsure of who to talk to first -the ones on top of the bridge did seem a little busy at the moment- She decided that introductions were best made when you weren't in the direct line of fire from a giant robot. She flew over the railing and came up underneath the bridge, adjusting to the falling specks of dirt and dust being shaken loose from the fight happening above as she made her way over to the third person.

Now that she could actually see the person, she couldn't help getting a feeling of Deja Vu. Not that she recognised this skeleton, but... He reminded her of someone she could swear she knew at one point or another. "Hello!" She said cheerfully once she was close enough for him to her her. No matter the situation, a Smile was always welcome. "My name's Vesuvius. Any way I can help here at all?"
Hi, guys! Sorry for the delay. Elections here in my country are utter crass, and I've spent my time helping out the process. We're about to elect a human-right violator and a son of a dictator, so, we're in for some deep crap.

Anyway, I've got free time in my hands, now, and I'm gonna write before I disappear like those other victims of my country's version of Donald Trump.

yikes. that's barely a choice. that's like choosing between being eaten by a bear or buried alive. both bad, both terrifying, both painful to deal with, but one's quick and the other slow as hell.

good luck to you, I can't even vote yet and I hate elections.


Wow! Stay safe, my dear. Worse comes to worse, immigrate as fast as you can!

ahh, but to where?

WAIT. I totally forgot about Canadia. I mean,
hehe Hetalia references
But seriously there's like, no good place left in the world. I'm gonna move to the moon if this keeps up.
*bump bump bumpitty*
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