Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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banned for your avatar looking like the cover of a cheap romance novel
granted, all types of food now taste like sour warheads candy.

I wish I knew how to Adult and not have everything Life throws at me piling up until I'm buried in useless knowledge and problems I don't know how to deal with.
uhhhh... please tell me I didn't just wake up in a horror movie.
*pokes OOC* please dont let this be dead. Hello? Anyone still here?
Nadia Parnel
Bride of Exon (@Ellion) and sister-bride to Saisri (@RomanAria)

Nadia had been studying the pattern of bricks that made up the wall she was staring at, it was almost calming to focus on something so mundane. But then Exon called out to her. At first she stiffened up, gripping the dress more tightly in her hands. As she did she actually saw her hands for the first time since the brutish Drakken from earlier had tried to take her away from Exon.

Just as she'd thought it would earlier, the dark colored bruise around her left wrist and hand stood out like ink on paper, or ink on skin as the case now was. She covered the bruised hand with the dress she was still holding and, probably having already waited long enough to anger Exon, turned to face him as he'd asked.

She felt herself pale at his next words. Oh please no. She took a breath and lowered the dress, the air around her heating up in her embarrassment. After a moment she dropped the dress on the ground and held her hands behind her back, doing so quickly enough that she was sure none of them had seen the bruise on her hand. She kept her eyes downcast. The bricks that made up the floor had a similar pattern as the ones on the wall did.

After what felt like forever, the other Gem finished with Saisri's tattoo and Exon called her over to him. Nadia glanced at the tattoo as Saisri walked over. It was a simple enough design, and looked almost pretty against her sister-bride's tanned skin. Once Saisri was on the bed with Exon, the tattooist walked over to Nadia and started to place the same tattoo on her right shoulder.

At the first prick, she jumped away from the needle and earned herself a scolding yet understanding look from the tattooist. How had Saisri been able to stand this for so long? She forced herself to stand still as the tattooist continued, each poke sending a small wave of pain through her shoulder as the area became slowly inflamed.

She ended up closing her eyes and listening to what Exon was saying to try and drown out the pain somewhat. The way he spoke reminded her of how her father would speak about his many trade routes, how he'd go to this town or that, and make sure to visit wherever or whoever. She would imagine going on his trips with him when she was little, and a few years ago he finally started giving in to her constant pleading to tag along. He'd never taken her outside Gemmina's borders, so this would be new for sure, but as Exon described their planned trip she could imagine the scenery almost as easily as she had her father's stories so long ago.

Once the tattoo was finished the tattooist put a salve and bandage on it just as she had for Saisri, and then gathered up her tools and left the room. Exon stopped talking when he noticed this and beckoned her over to him as well. For a few seconds she couldn't move, frozen in place by fear before she remembered, her life's already over. It was the second she was taken from her village.

She walked over, still visibly trembling, and sat on the bed on the other side of Exon than Saisri was. Exon soon pulled her closer to him and wrapped his arm around her, effectively trapping her there. After a second Exon spoke again, and while it was a relief to hear, it didn't stop the burning fear or need to run and hide that she felt.

There was silence as Nadia started trying to calm down. Her shoulder hurt, and she was extremely uncomfortable with the situation, and she couldn't stop shivering despite the fact that she knew the air around her was being heated by her emotion. After a small time that felt like it dragged on for much longer than the few seconds it had been, She noticed Saisri's gaze on her. Her own Hazel eyes met those of her sister bride for a split second before she had an idea what to say.

"H-honey bear?" She cursed herself mentally for stuttering, but also wanted to smile. She was beginning to like calling him that, and he'd not said anything about it yet so he must be fine with the pet name. She could almost close her eyes and imagine him as a bear, although it was a bit of a silly image.

"Earlier, after that Drakken tried to take me away... I'm s-sorry, I l-lied to you." She could feel herself calming down, the heat around her slowly dying, though tears were poking at her eyes and threatening to spill over. "I, just didn't want you to hurt him anymore. I'm sorry. I knew I would get a bruise but I just-" She cut herself off, both because she didn't really know what to say next but also because she would have started crying if she had continued. She didn't want to cry now.

She had been holding the bruised hand in front of her with the other wrapped around it to hide the deep purple blotches, but now she moved it up into the air above her so they could all see it. In the soft red glow of the fire she'd set earlier her skin didn't look quite so pale, at least not from her perspective, but the bruises looked darker too. She stayed like that in silence, waiting for Exon's reaction.

@Vesuvius00*Tackles in a hug and destroys the studying material* she's saved ^_^

Nuuuu I needed that!
*looking around helplessly*
How'm I gonna pass Chemistry now?
So, I'm gonna try and post either tomorrow or saturday. School suddenly decides to get crazy once there are only a few (9) days left soo... I have some time this weekend and then the next 2 weeks are just gonna be chaos. I have finals the 1st and 2nd of June so I won't be on much until then, probably not at all for a few days before. Studying sucks, but if I wanna pass I have to force myself to at some point.

My only solace is that this isn't as bad as next year is going to be.

ok, school suddenly decides to get crazy once there are only a few (9) days left soo... Gonna get a post up tonight because I have time and the next 2 weeks is just gonna be chaos. I have finals the 1st and 2nd of June so I won't be on much until then, probably not at all for a few days before. Studying sucks, but if I wanna pass I have to force myself to at some point.

My only solace is that this isn't as bad as next year is going to be. ugh.

*pokes OOC*
Ok, I'm gonna try and get a post up either tomorrow or saturday. Just putting this here because it scares me that no one's said anything in 6 days.
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