Avatar of Vesuvius00


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

Most Recent Posts

I don't think anything actually happened last night (i'm just a skeleton, after all) so why are you here?
In THIS OR THAT 8 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
flip flops

being poisoned by your best friend so that others can live another day
being forced to kill your best friend in order to save many other people you don't know.
Excuse me please, I think I need to see an eye doctor. everything about you looks as if you're living with a photo filter applied to you.
granted, but the full phrase you need to say is "Would you kindly post an embarrassing picture of me on social media and then..." and they will do everything you told them to. Everything.

I wish I could understand any language perfectly when I hear it being spoken, like my mind automatically translates the words so I know what is being said.
banned for wanting sympathy.
ok, posted. Considering I'm up almost 6 hours later than normal, my writing may not be very good. Please tell me if I need to change/clarify anything.

E'nasha Williams

And, the battle was over, just like that. E'nasha wondered at what to do next, the time slipping into a haze as she followed everyone back to the college. For a couple weeks now, everything's been quiet. E'nasha returned to her studies, and became an almost-complete shut-in once again until El'kan decided to play a "game" with her.

Before dawn today, when she was still asleep, El'kan took and hid all of her study materials, and left a letter for her on her desk.

Did you learn nothing from last time? It's not good for you to sit in this room all day and do nothing but study. It's pretty calm now, so please, play this game. Go somewhere, do something, talk to people. You have until sundown to do something interesting, something worth talking about at the end of the day with me. I'm sick of everything you say being "School this, Lessons that." Spend today doing something other than study, and then spend some time every day doing the same sort of thing. Today, you learn how to balance School and Social life.
Just do it, you won't get your stuff back until you do. Meet you back here at sundown! ~El'kan

She had spent the last few hours trying to find El'kan, but it seemed like he was always a step ahead of her. Though she could tell she was catching up as the leads she found started pointing more and more to a single place he could be. Everyone she'd asked in the past half hour had told her El'kan was "hiding" from her in a bar on campus. Underhaven. Apparently El'kan was already well-known enough for many students to be able to recognize him around campus, even though they'd only been attending for a few months.

Well, now that she knew where he was, she could focus on one place to find now. She'd not really explored campus yet, so she'd have to figure out a way to get there without getting lost. She knew there were statues that could lead people around, but they usually seemed so sour whenever she saw one, she wasn't comfortable with talking to them. Instead, she looked to the yellow illumination ring she wore alongside the green stealth ring she'd received after returning from Lyn's hunt.

Tapping the yellow gem once, she focused on the place she wanted to go and watched the gem as the soft light began to pulsate. She watched where she was walking enough so that she wouldn't run into anyone, but otherwise she was fixated in the steadily increasing rate of the light's flashing. Soon enough she was standing in front of a door, and the light from her ring couldn't be flashing any faster, telling her this was indeed the place. The light stopped as she released her focus and opened the door, walking inside.

Looking around, she saw a couple familiar faces, the most notable of which being a few teachers at the bar, and Baulder in a booth across the room. She smiled and waved at Baulder to get his attention, she didn't want to shout in a place like this, she didn't need any attention from strangers. Another glance around and she found El'kan. He was facing towards her, talking to someone, though it didn't seem like he'd noticed her there yet. She started walking past the teachers at the bar and towards El'kan, and then...

Something happened.

Suddenly, she felt her body moving, though she could not control the action. Her mind went dark for a moment, and when her senses came back she saw that she'd started entangling one of the teachers, Uicle, in vines. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a portal and suppressed a small shudder. Had a Demon just come from the Inferno? Or, left to go there?

Whichever it was, E'nasha had to respond quickly. She recalled the vines before they could fully wrap around Uicle at all, and let them wither to dust as she did. She could feel her heart racing and the now-familiar dizziness of oncoming Blood Sickness as she stammered an apology to Uicle. It was hard to believe, but still, even with all the training she'd gone through to try and ease the effect, she was still dizzy like this after such an easy thing... How much of her mageblood had she just used?

"I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean to a-attack you sir. Are, are you al right? Every time that happens, I can't ever control my actions..." She mumbled the last part, more to herself than to Uicle. She looked back to where she'd seen El'kan before, but with what had just happened he definitely saw her and used the opportunity to leave, because the sandy-haired boy was nowhere in sight now. "Again, so sorry." She said one last time to Uicle before starting to turn away.

She wanted to leave but, if the dizziness she felt was any warning, she didn't want to end up on the floor in a hallway somewhere. Since she didn't know where El'kan was anymore, she sighed and walked over to the booth where Baulder was, a shy smile on her face. "Hey there stranger, long time no see. Mind if I sit with you?"
@Vesuvius00 regarding your bride... which husband would you like to transfer over too? PM and talk with them and have their Drakken murder your previous husband, thats how I ended up with 3 brides in the first RP following a drop out of a Drakken with a bride. Its a Drakken thing, kill the husband get the bride

ok then, who's willing to take on another bride?
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