Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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granted, but the genie misunderstood your wish and you are now a sexy bagel.

also you kinda killed the thread for 10 days with that. bad bagel. bad.


I wish for every wish that's ever been wished on this thread to be re-granted the way that the one who made the wish envisioned it turning out, rather than the corrupted version they actually got.
~ ♥ Nina Sari ~

Nina easily caught the two quills as Ash threw them to her, and she took a breath before tossing them back at the first pillow like darts. Her attack and Ash's landed at about the same time, so she didn't have much time to dodge. She had noticed another pillow starting to head towards her, so instead of ducking like she was going to before, she jumped and stayed suspended in the air for a moment by her Web-like trap grid, avoiding the pillow and the quills that Ash's attack had caused again.

The pillow flopped right into the trap she'd set, allowing her to pick it up and take the quills that it had been hit with. Adding them to the few quills she'd also caught from the most recent spray, she had 6. She threw two of them at the first pillow that had attacked them before hearing the loud neigh from somewhere not too far away.

She looked over her shoulder to see the horse-like monster watching a Pillow come towards himself, and wondered for a second what to do. She could ignore it, perhaps horse-man can get out of his situation on his own, but that didn't really seem right. With a quiet sigh she turned and tossed her remaining four darts at the rouge pillow, hoping that'd slow it down enough for the guy to get away.

@Kafka Komedy@Major Ursa
In Lantern 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Are you still accepting new players?
Ahh! I'm still alive! who else is still alive?

I'll have a post up in an hour, I think.


ok, so it took longer 'cause I got distracted, But it's up now!

I'm thinking about just posting what Luna and I have of our collab so far and just getting out of that situation in the IC so our characters are at least here.
Who's still here? is everyone just waiting on this one event to move before posting?


blegh, the guild is glitching out on this one post and not getting rid of the notification that you laughed at it
@Luna you know you control Flowey too right?
and you can control Sans and Alphys and whoever else you want too

the only ones that are mine and mine alone are Chara and Gaster
and yours are Flowey and frisk :D
"is it meee you're looking for?"
E'nasha Williams

"Yeah, it's a desert, lots of sand and lots of sun. It's nice, I like it a lot more than this constant cold we have now. It's not that the cold is any worse for you than heat, I guess, but I'm better at dealing with hot air than cold." She sighed slightly before continuing to answer. "Just griping about the cold doesn't make it go away however, so... "

E'nasha laughed slightly as Helena answered her question and introduced herself. "Oh, sorry. I don't really drink so I don't know what you must be going through right now. It's still nice to meet you though!" She returned the handshake, and then nearly jumped out of her chair as Baulder stood up and summoned a demon that looked almost exactly like him before walking away. As the demon handed the honey pot to Helena, E'nasha supposed that this must be John. She must've heard Baulder mention him a hundred times before, but this was the first time that she'd actually met the demon. She tried to say something nice to him as he sat where Baulder had been just moments before, but her mind went blank and she settled for just smiling at the demon until Baulder got back.

Mentally, she was kicking herself for freezing up like that. Yes, she'd had bad experiences with demons before, but everything she'd learned about them since coming to the college pointed to them being mostly harmless when under the control of their Demonmancer. John had no reason to hurt her, or even dislike her at this point, so why was she scared of him? She sighed in half-relief and half-anger at herself when Baulder got back to the table, another heaping plate of food with him. She briefly wondered where all the food he eats goes, as he seemed relatively skinny for how big he was. She turned her attention back to her surroundings however as another stranger walked up and asked if she could sit with them.

Helena was quick to greet the newcomer, calling her Annabeth. E'nasha smiled and did the same. "The more the merrier! I'm E'nasha, and it's nice to meet you Annabeth." Now that she actually looked at Annabeth however, she couldn't help the small sense of recognition she felt. "Actually, have we met before? Your name and face seem familiar somehow. Maybe we have a class together?"
Annabeth Gultch

"Bwah!?" Annabeth shouted in surprise as she saw Auriel turn blue with a red nose. She watched the scene unfold in stifled silence, as she couldn't help but to laugh at Auriel predicament. She didn't think she had sticky fingers, but she supposed that's what she gets for trying to swipe from the wagon. Annabeth herself chose the green ring and nothing else. Apparently it would allow her to silence any noise from her body for a total of one hour a day. She'd have to test this out, but she could imagine all the possibilities she'd have with this ring once she figures it's limitations.

With Auriel and Aramir walking off however, that just left Annabeth, Colette, and the new girl to return to Lucilia. Annabeth honestly didn't want to do it, so she looked to Colette and the new girl. "I don't think I actually met you yet. But taken by the roc hmm? That must have been frightening for you. Colette, would you take her to Lucilia? Maybe she could help set her up for a room. Oh! I'm Annabeth by the way. I work at Underhaven, little tavern in the lower levels of the college. I actually have to head back there and check in, but come and meet me sometimes! Bye!" Annabeth waved at the two girls and dashed off to Underhaven. She was actually just going to go get some drinks for herself, maybe find Satori and test out this ring with her.

E'nasha laughed a little at the scene between the two elves, and was about to ask one of the remaining group members for help, when one of them beat her to it. She introduced herself as Annabeth before running off, and the next girl that spoke to her was called Colette. "I'm E'nasha, nice to meet you too. I suppose going to Lucilia first would be best, if she's busy I'll take you up on that tour though."

@Lucius Cypher Annabeth and E'nasha have met before! I kinda thought they did after the Roc mission, but I had to check to make sure
This is still the first time Annabeth's heard her name though so... not likely she would have remembered E'nasha at all.
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