Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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banned for banning someone for saying something that you also said whilst banning. Strikeouts mean nothing.
no comment.
Granted. your neighbors constantly call animal control because of the raccoon they keep seeing in your house, until you eventually get them to realize that this particular raccoon is your pet, and they stop calling. About a month later you go on vacation, bringing your loyal raccoon pet with you, and are slated to be gone for at least a week. A small family of wild raccoons gets into your home somehow (a mother and two kits) and decides that they aren't leaving, so when you finally get home the little jerks have taken over and ruined most of your stuff. Your neighbors never called animal control because they thought it was just your pet, and your insurance doesn't cover any of the damage done by wild animal infestation.

At least you and your pet are ok!

I wish for the first day of school to not be completely horrible for once
Granted, you get one sesame-seed bagel with raspberry jam

I wish for strawberries
@RomanAria I'm perfectly content to wait a few more days. Don't rush or stress, RL always comes before RP.
Ok, finally posted. I wanted to get El'kan in the picture as I almost have his CS done and so I can actually use him in the IC rather than have him just be plot fodder for E'nasha.

yay, progress!
E'nasha Williams

Oh yeah, the Roc… Honestly E’nasha had almost completely forgotten the experience. It seemed so long ago now. ”Well for the how: I was caught and carried away by the Roc at some point just before my friend El’kan and I would have made it here to the college. I passed out before getting to it’s nest and woke up there not too long before the mages on that mission arrived… As for why, hungry Roc, I guess.” She didn’t really think there was anything else to say, but even to her the explanation she gave seemed a little, lacking. ”It was terrifying for the time it lasted, but it all turned out ok, so… I sincerely hope that doesn’t happen to anyone else.”

As she finished her little story, Baulder seemed to realize that Annabeth had joined the table, because he immediately went into a second fit of choking and coughs. He recovered a little quicker this time, and greeted Annabeth properly in a moment, but E’nasha couldn’t hold back a laugh at Helena’s comment to him. ”She’s right. There’s no rush and no need to endanger yourself by biting off more than you can chew, literally.” She smiled lightheartedly at Baulder as he started to tell her what a nice person Annabeth is. Sometimes when Baulder spoke it seemed like he was just saying his thoughts out loud, jumping between words as they came to him. When she’d first met him it had been hard for her to understand exactly what he meant when he spoke, but now she realized that she was used to filling in the little blanks that had been so confusing months ago.

”Calling someone a good chap isn’t really endearing, it’s more of a complement. Terms of endearment are like, nicknames or pet-names. For example, if I called you Bauldy instead of Baulder, you could consider that endearing.” She laughed slightly at the end of her sentence. She never intended to ever call him Bauldy ever again, at least not out loud, it seemed a little too silly. As Baulder went back to eating she realized she was the only one at the table just sitting there, having finished all her food already. She excused herself for a moment, saying she’ll be right back before taking her plate over to the serving tables. She wasn’t still hungry, but it felt awkward being the only one not eating.

She picked up a couple different fruits before turning to go back to the table, only to nearly drop her tray as El’kan suddenly stepped in front of her. ”Been looking for you E’nasha. I thought you woulda got outta bed sooner.” El’kan was quiet, a look of worry on his face. ”I should have stayed with you. Are you ok?”

E’nasha sighed and smiled brightly at her friend after a second. ”I’m fine. It was just a nightmare, but I guess I needed a little more time this time. Getting up was the hard part, but the day’s already better!” She paused for a moment and glanced over to the table Baulder and the others were at. ”You’ve eaten already I guess? Have you checked the Missions board?”

”Yes and Yes. We’re going home, right? To Yarosmere?”

”Yeah. But first, I wanna introduce you to some people.” She smiled and took El’kan’s hand before he could protest, pulling him over to the table and pretty much pushing him into the seat next to hers as she sat back down next to Baulder as she had been before. She placed the small plate of fruit between her and El’kan before taking a small breath and tapping Baulder on the shoulder to make sure his attention was grabbed without a third round of choking.

”Everyone, this is my friend El’kan. El’kan, this is Baulder, Annabeth, and Helena.” She motioned towards each of them as she said their names, hopefully El’kan wouldn’t mix them up.

”Uh, nice to meet you all.” He cast a slightly confused glance at her before taking one of the fruits off the plate and taking a bite of it, waiting for someone else to speak.
Granted, but it's opposite day! A bagel sex toy got turned into a Vesuvius. There's two of us now, happy?

I wish for people to stop wishing for wierd, sexual things.
banned for being lost!
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