Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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did I kill this? (I'm granting my own wish and re-wishing to try and start this back up again)

Granted, but because of reasons (the paperwork didn't go through on time) everyone's memories of the last few months are just gone instead. Now it's like school never ended in the first place! yay!

I wish for an alien invasion of earth (real or in the movies) where we win for any reason other than "the aliens were allergic to the planet"
>Porkchop: Wake up b/c you've been asleep for a while and we need more people to control
>Wise one, go back to camp and take the torch from Ug while he's having prophetic dreams
"I don't believe I was talking to you Octavy~ But you're right in saying that neither of them are very smart. I thought I'd made that clear in my reminding them." Athaliah laughed slightly, though there was rather a dark edge to it than humor. "And, as for how crowded it is here, I'd gladly leave if I were able to. If we knew that we'd all be free once Jorde here dies, who among us wouldn't immediately try to walk the poor idiot off a cliff? It'd certainly be a service to us all if such a way to leave was found."

Just after she finished her spoken thought she heard Jorde's reply to what she'd told him. "Yes yes, hello sweetie." She'd been slightly distracted by Octavium, and so hadn't noticed that Jorde failed to do what Icathul had told him to. Good. She knew it probably wouldn't take, but it was worth a shot to try. What did I just tell you? It's a good thing you weren't able to read that book, it could have hurt us. Now, why don't you go do something relatively safe? like go stare at a wall for a few hours? Or maybe just go back to sleep?

@Mae@Doltboy(I just assume that the spirits can hear everything that's said by other spirits and by Jorde, but Jorde can only hear what they want him to)
@Mae I'll bet... 0

I kinda like just bantering for now.
"Athaliah, darling," Icathul intones, his voice dripping with thinly disguised venom, "you know that thinking is something neither of them excel at. In actual fact, I think Icathul might just have the more brains. Although that's rather like saying that something is more appetising to eat than a recently used square of lavatory paper. And when I say recently used, I mean used to wipe the residue of really thick droppings. So, sweety, think before you open your mouth...".

did you mean Octavium? lol
Oh this doesn't look interesting at allll.

lol, I'll edit in a CS here soon.

Abby was originally for an RP kinda like this idea but that had more of "Life is Strange" vibe to it
Athaliah had been enjoying the silence while Jorde was asleep, but unfortunately that silence was quite rudely broken by the old man waking him up. Before she could tell Jorde to just go back to sleep, Icathul beat her to the punch. She waited silently to watch this play out, at least until the decidedly more aggressive spirit had led Jorde into the forbidden section. "Icathul, must you be so loud? It's bad enough in here with the sounds from the street outside, but at least that is bearable compared to your incessant and uselessly thunderous noise." Her voice was calm and slightly clipped, as though she didn't want to spend any more time on a word than was absolutely necessary, and although she spoke at a normal volume, compared to the more boisterous Icathul she seemed quieter than need be.

"Jorde won't understand you any better just because you spoke louder, and intimidating him like that won't make it any easier for him to do what you want him to. That aside, are you trying to get him killed? This is a very dangerous place, even just touching some of these books could irreversibly harm him or ourselves!" She sighed before addressing Jorde directly. "Jorde sweetie, please remember what I've told you before. When doing things with Icathul, at least one of you needs to think before you act."

(are people allowed to just jump into this?)
>Name tribe "The awesome ones"
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