Avatar of Vesuvius00


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7 yrs ago
The molarity of pure water is 55.5 mol/L. Is it just me, or is that number super satisfying?
7 yrs ago
I find I'm much more productive when I make a list of check marks, then write whatever I end up doing next to them.
7 yrs ago
I'm a grammar communist. Everyone has a right to grammar in equal amounts.
7 yrs ago
I always either have lots of inspiration but no motivation, or tons of motivation and no inspiration. I'm not sure which sucks more.


Current Favorite Quote:

“Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they’ve all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe.”
Neil Gaiman

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Granted. With his freedom he also gains courage, and eventually managed to conquer the whole wizarding world with Voldemort as his right-hand man. congrats on your freedom dobby, but doesn't anyone else get to be free too?

I wish for the ability to talk to animals, but only when those animals have nice things to say.
>Goku: attempt to teach the strange man how to fly
lol, sorry I did that when I was bored, so it's not very rewarding at the end.
also, I bet nothing. I'll wait for the right moment.
Granted, your legs are completely smooth, except for one stray hair that always grows back within a day and will bug you forever.

I wish for the ability to talk to felines.
granted. unfortunately DK confused your neighbor's house for yours and they died instead.

I wish for everyone in the world to be able to understand and speak all languages.
In Echo 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
You, you realize that now that I've read this concept I can't not join right?

I'll have my CS here... soon.
I'm starting to really like writing for Athaliah. crazy, crazy Athaliah.
Athaliah sighed before answering Tookie's concerns. "No, I wouldn't really hurt him. Though that's in most part because of the spell this dolt used to bind me here. You should remember that Tookie, you're one of those who's been here the longest." She made some grumbling about how she's never been able to even scratch Jorde, let alone hurt him in any way, when she heard Octavium's comment about Jorde's hangovers. "Wait. That was you? I always thought it was Tookie or..." Her voice was drowned out in the clamor.

Great, now not only was it crowded, everyone was speaking at once and arguing with each other. You'd think that the voices only one man could hear would be rather quiet, wouldn't you? "Could, could everyone just-" A moment of indecision went through her mind before, disregarding it, she exploded. "For the love of @*$&! Everyone CALM DOWN!"

Luckily she'd managed to censor herself, Jorde would have heard that too. No need to put any more words in his head. She spoke quietly, sure that everyone was able to hear her now. "Firstly, no summoning any more 'demons', 'spirits', or anything else, we've got enough here already. Secondly, dead humans are a bad thing to be around, and these 'books' don't seem any better. So, for all our sakes, let's get Jorde out of here and away from danger, please." She awkwardly added the last word as she finished speaking. It was not often this happened, and now she felt self-conscious for it.

Not that she wasn't conscious of her self in the first place.
>woman: cook a fish on the meteorite and eat it
In Lantern 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Erin sat up shortly after waking, shaking her head slightly to try and dislodge the feeling of unease she had. She jumped at the sudden sound of a woman’s voice. She thought at first it could have been her mother, but… As she looked around herself she got the feeling that she was suddenly very, very unlikely to ever hear her mother’s voice ever again.

The.. cabin, she supposed, was a mess. A strange, strange mess. Books and bones and many broken things littered the place, while the building itself looked as if it had been attacked by nature incarnate. The only thing in the room that didn’t look broken or cast aside was a lantern which shone with a soft red light.

She carefully rose to her feet, attempting not to touch anything that had been on the ground near her. ”All this is so strange, these books and symbols… Have I been taken by a witch?” She couldn’t help but speak her thoughts out loud, but she realized her mistake as she heard the conversation going on just outside. Luckily she had spoken quietly, it didn’t seem like she’d have been heard. I have to get out of here. She thought to herself after listening to the conversation for a moment. She looked around again, this time trying to decide if anything here might be useful to her in her escape.

Through the holes in the roof she could see that it was nighttime, so she had to take the lantern if she wanted any chance of finding safety. Unfortunately that meant that the people outside might be more likely to see her as she left, their eyes drawn to the movement of the light. She considered taking one of the the weapons or armor, but they were all piled on top of each other so that she doubted she could pick up what she wanted without making a heap of noise, and she didn’t like the strange symbols she could see on them. The witch could have put some nasty curse on it all. Instead she walked carefully across the cluttered floor to the nearest sharp-looking piece of metal lying around. It was small and difficult to hold without cutting herself, but it was better than nothing.

Next, she made her way over to the table that the lantern was on, but just before she touched it she noticed that it too was strange, but not the same strange as everything else here. She hadn’t looked very closely at it before, why would she have? It was a lamp. Now, however, she realized that it wasn’t a simple flame producing the light, but rather what seemed like a large egg of sorts. Engraved into the iron of the lamp were more symbols, but these were obviously different from those on the armor and weapons. The first thought she had was that these symbols were a better kind of strange, a sort of strange she was willing to deal with as opposed to pretty much everything else around her right now.

She didn’t hesitate in picking up the lantern and carrying it over to the door. The voices she’d heard had been behind the cabin, so perhaps if she went straight forward they wouldn’t see her leaving. She gripped the small piece of metal tightly as she pushed open the door, hoping for a silent escape.
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