@Lucius Cypher Not necessarily being opposites. For examples, this image might shows you the idea about how a genre that comes later might be seen as a "heresy" by its predecessors
But then again you are a heretic, perhaps even the ultimate heretic at that. You'll never be accepted by the Gods of Light because of who you are and your teachings are blatantly against the usual tenets of your dark god. You're like the ultimate rebel.
@VeyrinDay Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Defiler meant for you to desecrate other gods stuff so you can envoke your deity's power? Like if Iziza domain covers lust and such, I figured a Defiling moment would be something like seducing a husband to break the bond of love and marriage. Or throwing acid on a beautiful person's face so their beauty isn't as great as yours/your deity.
Tick it once each time you defile something sacred or beautiful that is antithetical to your god’s domains.
Depending on the nature of the raid, we might need her talking abilities to get us through where force and finesse cannot. For example maybe we might need to raid a village and need to know what sort of defenses are there. Sure, Darc could skulk and keep watch, but Baganaria could also just go in and talk to the villagers, maybe even convince certain characters to not be present when we raid the village so there's less people around without risking combat or blowing out cover.
I'm mostly mentioning this since the raids themselves is where most of the action is going to happen, at least that's what the GM implies. Would be bad if @VeyrinDay basically doesn't get to participate during the more action-pack part of the RP just because she's not a direct combatant.
@VeyrinDay Why would a high-priestess go into combat?