Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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"I see. I will commend you for your honesty, and uphold my end of our bargain."

Nobunaga straightened, pointing the tip of her katana at the man's throat and giving it a firm thrust, and flicking it to the right.

Red sprayed across the white snow.

His death would be swift and with little further pain, just as promised.

The petite girl flicked her blade once more, clearing it of fresh blood before slipping it back into its sheath.

"The words of a man whose death is inevitable are often more honest then the words of a man who still sees a chance of survival," she said, simply, turning away from the corpse, "That being said, there is always a chance that it could be a trap, even if he remains utterly unaware of that possibility."

As she spoke, Nobunaga turned to face Enli.

"Is there anyone whose loyalty you can be completely certain of? Only they are fit to protect you in our absence."

A barrier, then... And the Illuminator 'protecting a seal'? That sounded unlike what the Kyrinth had described, and she doubted the ancient beast was lying. That being said, it was worth investigation. Perhaps more could be gleaned of the situation.

@Rune_Alchemist@Crimson Paladin
@Zoey Boey: Honestly, I'm totally willing to continue, it's just difficult for me to write around @Rune_Alchemist's absence.

That being said, maybe the mention will get their attention. Honestly I should have done so earlier, need to learn to poke people more often. ^^;
Why?! Why was the first person she met who shared her fate like this?! Charging right into a big swarm of monsters was not Sefira's idea of effective combat! Still, they seemed distracted by their prior targets, so at least the elven Starlight Mage could take solace in that fact as she released scattered blasts from her staff, using her basic Star Arrow to ensure she was doing it at fast as possible, a plan which seemed to be working well. The sensation of magical energy flowing down through her arm, watching it erupt from the tip of her staff... the fact it was real was still incredibly surreal, but there was no denying any of this was happening anymore.

The people that they assisted were thankfully quite capable, and finished off the remainder of the monsters before anything particularly bad could happen.

Sefira lowered her staff with a sigh, dismissing it into a flurry of blue sparks before folding her arms across her chest.

"... You could have at least tried to be a little less gung ho," complained the blonde elf, leaning away from Kokoma as she sat up, "I'm a Starlight Mage, I'm much more effective at range."

When she heard the voice of one of the people whom they'd showed up to help, the petite elf was immediately distracted from the source of her complaints, blue eyes widening.

There was absolutely no missing that voice.

"Eunice?! You're Eunice, right?" she asked, "I... er, w-wait, nevermind."

Reacting like that was bound to raise questions, and Eunice wouldn't see what was strange with running into her, right? To her, they'd met in person plenty of times.

"G-glad we could help..."

@PKMNB0Y@Sho Minazuki@Rune_Alchemist
As soon as her face was freed, Flora began to gulp in air a little more quickly, possibly because she was regaining her strength and breathing more easily, or possibly because she had found it more difficult due to the valley she had found herself briefly trapped in. Having missed what occurred with the dead body, she was quite confused at the sight of this new older in ill-fitting armor for a few moments.

"... Are you one of the others...?" she murmured, just barely audible as she remained some distance slightly behind the deities who had paid her the most attention.

Realizing she apparently had something to do with Alasayana's tails, she glanced towards the goddess(who was surprising not much bigger then she was) and took a slow step towards her, before hesitating slightly and looking around once again.

"... Where's Sir Oren...?"

With all attention now focused else where, the soldier with the pierced ankle had fallen silent. Almost too silent...

... as he began to drag himself towards the nearest tube-like weapon, one of the ones filled with explosives, taking advantage of the distraction.

@Martian@Raineh Daze@Click This@Rune_Alchemist@Renny@Pyromania99
The arrow had struck true, piercing and collapsing the final hunter's lung going by the sounds coming from his mouth. Almost immediately, Novak began to berate the man on the ground, tears in his eyes.

Nobunaga merely sighed and drew her katana again. He lacked experience, indeed. She would have to handle what remained herself.

"There is no point in leaving this man alive," she commented, simply, as she walked up to the hunter with a pierced lung. With a flick of her wrist, and the sound of steel slicing the air, the edge of her katana parted the skin of his throat, his windpipe, and the arteries in his neck.


Turning away from the freshly-made corpse without a second thought, she approached the slowly-bleeding hunter whose arms she had severed.

"You are going to die, and I am certain you are aware of that," she commented, standing over him, "However, the cold will slow the flow of your blood, and the shock will keep you alive for longer then you may otherwise have. Freezing to death is surely an unpleasant way to go, but that won't be what claims you, will it?"

A thoughtful expression on her face, the petite girl crouched beside the disarmed hunter.

"No. As a hunter, you must know of the many scavengers dwelling in this forest," she continued, in a conversational tone, "You must know these harsh conditions leave them hungry and desperate for fresh meat. They'll smell the blood. The blood of your fallen comrades, and your own."

The beautiful young girl smiled pleasantly.

"They won't wait until you're dead. Will they start with your intestines? Your liver? I wonder..."

She paused for a moment to let her words hang in the chill air.

"... Unless, of course, you tell me who you are allied with, where to find them, and your motivation. If you give me these three pieces of information, I will end your suffering swiftly and as painlessly as possible."

@Rune_Alchemist@Crimson Paladin
Great. On top of everything else, this weirdo was into this. Sure, being able to cast magic was nice, but still! This was a lot to take in, and she had just embraced in just like that?!

Sefira opened her mouth to complain, and then let out a gasp as their mount suddenly lurched to the side, mashing her directly into Kokoma's back. It was awkward, made even more awkward by the fact she was now a girl and had just been squished directly into another girl. She had been trying to do her best to avoid thinking about that aspect, but actively being pressed up against Kokoma that closely made it once again quite difficult to ignore.

Kokoma's comment, whatever it meant, didn't help in the least.

"Ugh, fine!" the flustered elven Starlight Mage exclaimed as she glanced back over her shoulder, readying her staff. She wasn't sure what spells she could cast from the back of a moving beast like this, but she guessed that maybe her lowest level ones might be possible. They had short cast times back when Emerald Odyssey was a game. While they weren't as heavily-damaging, that didn't mean they wouldn't be effective at keeping enemies at bay.

@Pyromania99: Accepted.
At the confirmation that whatever unseen efforts she had gone through succeeded, the sickly girl's eyes widened. She seemed just as shocked to learn whatever it was that she had done had managed to revive the gods as anyone else. At least, if that had been her goal.

The little, frail girl was breathless, both from surprise and from her weak and sickly nature.

"I... my n-name..." she took a deep breath, but before she could speak further she was suddenly wrapped in a tight hug, her face vanishing into Ashte's chest.

Anyone listening closely enough may have been able to catch the name 'Flora' before her voice was completely muffled. While her struggles were weak, the fact she was squirming at all was likely a good sign in regards to her general health.

It was perhaps good that her ability to see was currently obstructed by the Goddess of Love and War's chest, as the unconscious man awoke with a scream of pain when his ankle was pierced by the white blade. His expression was obscured by his helmet, but it was doubtless one of agony as he writhed in pain for a few moments.

Perhaps unexpectedly, however, he seemed to recover after a moment, though his breathing was still ragged.

"You.. you don't know any of that?" he asked, his voice strained from the pain of his pierced ankle, "You're... you're the most ignorant heretics I've ever met! Nn... Don't think you'll get anything out of me, heathens, though I shall gladly tell you of the divine might of the Holy Emperor."

It was clear that what information could be extracted from him would likely be tinged with fanaticism.

"He will rise higher and higher, and burn all heresy from these lands! You... you're claiming to be gods, aren't you? You'll burn the longest!"

As he continued, his tone grew more maniac.

"That bastard Klois Knight didn't survive, and neither will any of you! We'll claim the Flower Priestess eventually, and all of you will burn!"

@Martian@Raineh Daze@Click This@Rune_Alchemist@Renny
With that, I'll update either later today after I have something to eat or tomorrow!
As the hunter's head sailed through the air, leaving a spurting trail of crimson behind it and staining the snow, Nobunaga took little time to lament the fact he'd still managed to loose an arrow. As long as Enli was alive and only lightly injured and the hunter was dead, that was all that mattered.

Sheathing her sword in the same motion she flicked the blood from it, the petite girl took as little further time as possible to yank the bow from the hands of the decapitated hunter and pull an arrow from his quiver.

It wasn't her ranged weapon of choice, but only a fool would never learn how to use a bow. Nocking the arrow, she took aim at the remaining hunter's back, towards his heart or left lung. Either of those would be a devastating injury, and while one would kill quicker a collapsed lung or a pierced heart would end the fight in an instant.

Nobunaga drew the string back and let the arrow loose.

@Rune_Alchemist@Crimson Paladin
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