Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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@JessieTargaryen: Aah, I'm sorry to hear that! I hope you feel better soon.
"... I've been playing for five years now," Sefira said, after giving Kokoma one more look. She hoped, hoped that no-one had figured out why she was reluctant to say her real name right now.

But dwelling on that matter was going to get her no-where. As annoying as the beast tamer was proving, the fact she had mounts like this meant that it was much easier to travel. Even if one of them almost ran her over like that. With a sigh, Sefira pushed her way off the first of the beasts and stumbled as she landed on her feet, stretching her legs. They felt a little bit sore from how she'd been jostled about riding that beast at high speeds.

"I suppose if I have to travel in this world, I could do much worse," she added, glancing towards the other beasts that Kokoma had summoned. An arachne serving as her maid? That was bound to be a weird mount. Riding a sapient being who had a largely human body save for about the lower hips to the legs... it had such a strange vibe to her.

@PKMNB0Y@Rune_Alchemist@Sho Minazuki
@JessieTargaryen: Going to be posting in the next few days, so figured I'd give you a reminder!
It was clear the Kyrinth had been through here, and that meant there was no further time to be wasted.

In truth, there was a part of Nobunaga who desired for an outcome where whoever they encountered lay down their foolish worship of a wicked and thoughtless deity and surrendered. But she had no illusions about the likelihood of such a thing happening. No, they had already proven themselves quite willing to kill their village's leader in order to obtain their goal.

Therefore, she was prepared to do what she must.

On entrance, Nobunaga noted with some disappointment that Akando was present. But no matter, she had a goal to pursue.

"Lay down your arms and do not consider fighting back," she said, simply, "Or you will be cut down, one way or another."

Her hand tensed, prepared to draw her blade immediately.

"I am well aware of what you are doing here, hunters," she continued, "And it is time for it to end. Be it willingly or with your deaths."

@Crimson Paladin@Rune_Alchemist@Guy0fV4lor
For a few moments, Sefira did not say anything.

On one hand, they had found other players, and Eunice seemed to be aware of the situation. To say that was of considerable assistance was an understatement. The fact they wouldn't have to explain anything to the former NPC meant that they could move right to the business of trying to understand what was going on, both from their perspective and that of an inhabitant of this world. A goal was in sight, even if the elf girl had no idea how long it would take to reach it.

On the other, Kokoma had not only definitely heard her misspeak when she introduced herself, but had casually let it slip. There was no way that was an accident, especially considering what she knew of the girl so far.

"Wh-why?!" she said, finally, trying not to be too obvious, "I... I'm Sefira Sylvanbelle! Don't er, pay attention to what... she..."

After a moment, the blonde mage trailed off. She'd made it so much worse trying to cover up Kokoma's words.

"... Ugh, nevermind, whatever!"

@PKMNB0Y@Sho Minazuki@Rune_Alchemist
"I agree," Nobunaga responded, as she watched Enli's departure. To be truthful, she wished she had someone to spare to ensure his safety. But the Hunters would not likely realize that their ambush had failed, and beyond that were almost certainly going to be preoccupied with the rage of the Kyrinth. It wasn't something she liked, but at the same time they had far too few options to do anything else. This information had to be capitalized on as soon as possible.

"We must take advantage of this situation as quickly as possible," she continued, "For the sake of this village, we must kill the worship of the Fool God of Knowledge. One way, or another."

With that, she began to make her way in the direction of the temple...

@Rune_Alchemist@Crimson Paladin
The soldier's head rolled off, neck spewing blood. He finally lay still, no longer able to display his utter fanaticism.

For several moments, Flora was unable to reply. When she opened her mouth, instead a rather pitiful noise came out, and she sniffled and wiped at her eyes, no longer able to remain silent. The small girl's tears were now flowing even more freely down her cheeks, dripping onto her white dress and the stony ground as she trembled on her knees.

It was only when her tears began to drift away from her face, into the air, that it seemed to distract her somewhat. Perhaps it was simply due to surprise, or perhaps genuine awe had managed to briefly cut through her sorrow.

Whatever the case may be, after a moment it seemed like she had become willing to speak again.

"... Sir... S-Sir Oren was the one who volunteered to t-take me here," Flora said, finally, her small hands clutching at her dress, "H-he... he was very b-brave and kind and he... he said we'd see each other again..."

Her voice trailed off, eyes drifting back up to fall on the white-clad knight's body once again.

"...S-something... s-something bad is going to h-happen so... s-s-so... we had to..."

After a few moments of silence she clutched at her dress again, sniffling as she remained kneeling beside the corpse of the knight. It would likely take further coaxing to encourage her to say anything else. However, it seemed as if she had been tasked with reviving the gods for some purpose, that much was certain. It wasn't immediately clear if Flora herself even knew all the details, but regardless it seemed like this 'Klois' was the best lead they currently had.

Oddly enough, the name 'Klois' would seem somewhat familiar to each of the gods, like a vague and distant memory.

@Martian@Raineh Daze@Click This@Rune_Alchemist@Renny@Pyromania99
Veileena was placed immediately on guard by the line of questions thrown her way. Her eyes narrowed.

"I am no thief," she snapped, her hands shifting to her hips, "Can't a citizen show concern for affairs going on within the Kingdom's borders?"

She let out a huff.

"That's far more then some of the other noble families do, I assure you."

That answered absolutely none of the questions they had, however. While Fanilly wanted to take a charitable interpretation of the young Cal's sudden appearance near the shrine, she couldn't deny how suspicious it seemed.

That response didn't fill her with confidence.

"Lady Cal, do you understand the situation?" she said, mounting frustration at her inability to resolve any of what had occurred, at her inability to save even a single soldier from the fort, growing, "An entire fort of Thaln's soldiers is dead."

The girl's golden eyes widened. So she didn't know what happened at the fort? Or at least she didn't know in detail. Whatever she was doing, Fanilly guessed that meant she had come straight here. But for what reason, she still had no idea. Could it be that Veileena really was going to follow in her father's footsteps, no matter her professed hatred of him? The Knight-Captain didn't feel certain that was the case, but this whole situation seemed difficult to understand.

"They're... all dead?" she asked, "I knew that it was dangerous but it was-"

She paused for a moment, realizing she had let slip more then she intended.

"... Tch. Fine. I guess if there's anyone I can tell short of the crown, it'd be the Iron Rose Knights."

She glanced briefly at Sir Gillian before averting her eyes once more.

"... The Mage's College," she said, finally. "The Mage's College were trying to destroy a shard of Angroron. I haven't the faintest idea how they got it, but they had it. They thought nobody knew, of course."

She rolled her eyes.

"Not even their own students."

Fanilly wasn't sure how to respond. The College had obtained a shard of Angroron? That's where it originated from? But how? Why hadn't they mentioned it to the Church? Was it really true? It seemed impossible, but at the same time there was no denying the shard had to have come from somewhere.

But if that were the case, why had it ended up in the fort?

"I'm sure that old goat of a headmaster thought he was doing what was right, but he was a complete idiot," continued Veileena with a sigh.

"How do you know all this, Lady Cal?" asked Fanilly. While Veileena did attend the college, she'd already mentioned that the higher-ups thought that no-one else knew.

"Hmph, don't you know anything?" asked the gray-haired girl, "Any noble worth their salt is going to have spies. Is the Captain of the Iron Rose Knights naive or something?"

She let out another sigh.

"The fact they were able to find out about the shard made me certain someone else would too," continued Veileena, "And I was right, because it was stolen."

Stolen? From the Mage's College? Who could pull something like that off?

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"What do you think did all this?" Veileena responded, eyebrow raised, "Besides, I'm certain. Don't you think it's odd how that conspiracy to assassinate the Princess collapsed so fast? Well, the same night they tried to murder the Princess, the shard was stolen."

What did that even mean? Fanilly didn't understand initially, even if it was odd how it seemed like the conspiracy vanished after that night. Surely it should have been a bigger group, right?

"... Are... you saying someone was just using them as a distraction...?"

"Of course."

Any keen-eyed knights in the position to focus on their surroundings could, perhaps, notice that there seemed to be a disturbance in the nearby foliage across the clearing, the low brush rustling slightly as if something was just beyond it.

@HereComesTheSnow@TheFake@Crimson Paladin@PaulHaynek@FlappyTheSpybot@Raineh Daze@ghastlyinc@Krayzikk@JessieTargaryen
The white armor was stained with red. Sir Oren's body had been pierced so many times, with blades and bullets, and yet by the sight of the battlefield prior to the God's fight with the soldiers, it was clear he had not gone quietly.

Flora was silent as she stared at the dead body of the knight. She didn't scream, nor did she make any other sound. Instead, she proceeded to walk towards the fallen warrior, and slowly sink to her knees. Quietly, without saying a single word, she raised her small, warm hand to the man's helmet and placed it on the cooled steel, tracing her slender fingers along the slit for his eyes, then the cracks that revealed his other eye, before simply stopping as she stared at his empty blue eye.

She didn't say anything else. But anyone who chose to investigate would be able to see the tears running down her cheeks, falling into her lap and staining her dress.

The soldier who had attempted to grasp at one of the grenades thrashed against the grasping arms of the dead with howl of rage.

"Your blasphemies won't go unpunished!" he cried, even now struggling to reach the weapon in spite of the corpses holding him back, "You'll all die, just like that Klois bastard! All of you!"

The fanaticism of the imperial soldiers was growing ever more apparent.

@Martian@Raineh Daze@Click This@Rune_Alchemist@Renny@Pyromania99
Unfortunately for Neffy and Trina, running ahead was not the best idea when there were so many unknowns.

No sooner then they had begun to do so then a distinctive scraping sound was heard, then the sound of many sets of feet running.

Given her excellent vision in the darkness, the Nem would see them first(something they hadn't accounted for).

Goblins. Rushing up from old passageways at the back of the church, there were at least a dozen of them emerging, drawing crude swords and spears and clad in armor of leather and bone. There was no mistaking their beady red eyes, large ears, and green skin for anything else. In size, they were larger then Neffy, but smaller then even the shortest adult dwarf.

The ramshackle nature of their weaponry and armor made it clear that they were not under the thumb of any orcs, who would at least give at least some of their cannon fodder weapons made of metal. But their numbers still made them a threat.

Harsh words were spoken low and fast by the goblins in their tongue, as they attempted to spread out and surround the adventurers.

@Raineh Daze@Pyromania99@Rune_Alchemist@Zoey Boey@Crimson Paladin
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