Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Indeed, the initial retaliation against the swarm of orc-kin left them reluctant to advance further. Several of their number had been taken off their feet, and a few had even been killed or maimed, one shrieking as its arm was severed, stumbling back and clutching at the stump as it spewed dark red blood, the other goblins looking rather startled as several took cautious steps away. Another had its head nearly removed entirely by Neffy's watery blade, toppling over with a thump.

The uncertainty of the goblins would not last, however. From beyond the crowd of chattering orc-kin, there was a distinct chant in the goblin language. Few people had ever come to understand it, largely due to finding goblins who would cooperate and allow someone to try and speak with them was an extreme rarity. But the rhythmic nature of the speaker's words made it clear that this was a spell, of a sort.

Indeed, with a hazy, greenish glow, the goblin that had been killed was slowly rising back to its feet, head lolling backwards. The severed hand, too, was twitching to life, though there was not much it could manage on its own.

This was met with much cheering from the orc-kin crowd, who began to press their advance once again.

At least it was now clear where the skeletons had come from.

@Rune_Alchemist@Raineh Daze@Crimson Paladin@Zoey Boey
@Martian: It's fine, don't worry about it. While I don't like unannounced absences, if someone has a good reason for being unable to post on time I'm happy to be accomodating.

In any case, I'll be updating tonight or tomorrow!
Sorry about the delay, post will be coming today or tomorrow.
@Raineh Daze: That's correct, divine blessing is a tangible thing. Divine fire enchantments, for example, are different in a few ways from non-divine ones, and there's tangibly divine locations due to blessing.
@Martian: It's fine, real life comes first. I'm happy to wait when there's a good reason. Hope things get better!
I'll be replying tomorrow!

For a few moments, Veileena hesitated, glancing briefly towards the tall, imposing black-armored figure of Haelstadt, then back towards the assembled Iron Roses at the naga's question.

Finally, she spoke.

"I hired the band of mercenaries led by Alette the Shark," she said, with some reluctance, "I have no doubt they are the ones who survived, given their reputation. As for any others, I don't-"

Fanilly jolted when she heard Sir Fleuri's words. An ambush? Immediately her hand flew to the hilt of her sword, drawing the blade forth in a single motion with the singing sound of steel against leather.

No sooner then she had done so then the foliage erupted with movement. Emerging from the green was the shape of armored soldiers, men clad in leather and steel, wielding shields branded with the symbol of a Golden Boar.

Given their position, their numbers were difficult to judge, but it was safe to say their numbers were considerable.

"Prepare for combat!" declared Fanilly, as the boars immediately made their charge. How long had they been lying in wait? It couldn't have been significant amount of time, given the presence of the Cal heir and her imposing knight. Had they shown up later? had they been drawn by the same purpose?

Just who else was after this shard?

A particularly well-armored man near the rear of the boar's forces was barking orders to the others.

"Take the Cal girl! Kill as many of the others as you can!"

They were trying to take Veileena? So whoever else had hired mercenaries was aware of her, as well?

Fanilly glanced back towards her knights.

"Defend Lady Cal. Do not let them reach her!" she ordered, stepping forward as the Boars surged forth. While they certainly had numbers, there was not an insurmountable number of them. They had to beat them back!

"Tch, what arrogance," Veileena commented, as Haelstadt stepped forward and smoothly drew their immense Zweihander, "Come and try it, then. Even if Haelstadt were my only defender, not one of you would survive."

@HereComesTheSnow@TheFake@Crimson Paladin@PaulHaynek@FlappyTheSpybot@Raineh Daze@ghastlyinc@Krayzikk@JessieTargaryen
Post incoming tomorrow, unless I get a sudden burst of posting energy tonight.
@Martian: I'd like to post in the next day or so to update, so giving you a reminder!
I'll reply tomorrow or the day after!
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