Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Update incoming tonight or tomorrow.
@Renny@Martian: I'd like to update pretty soon, I understand if there's anything happening in your lives that's preventing a post but I'd like to know if so.
Excellent, he'd located a school of fish. Pinpointing the spot that he had located, Sefira took a deep breath.

"Thank you. Now, get ready to start collecting them," she said.

This was going to be a lot faster then regular fishing, and plenty more efficient. Her mana reserves were plentiful, and this was plenty enough for some fishing.

Why wait for fish to bite when you can just get them all in one move?

Sefira raised her staff, and a blue circle of light suddenly appeared above the spot Souji had indicated, encompassing the entire school of fish as another circle of light appeared several meters above it, both drifting in opposite directions away from one another as the air seemed to vibrate between both circles, bubbles appearing in the lake, the fish trapped in the radius of the spell as the light built. Warm energy flowed through blonde elf's arm, down to her fingertips and to the tip of the staff, which gave off a light like a small star.

"Celestial Flare!" cried Sefira.

Indeed, the fish stood no chance, as the air and water between the circles exploded in a brilliant flash of blue magical energy.

Sefira had not, however, accounted for anything else that would be churned up by the blast...

@Sho Minazuki@PKMNB0Y
Woops somehow I missed that post. I'll give @GhastlyInc a chance regardless before updating this week.
Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

Also waiting on @Crimson Paladin for sure, going to give him a little longer before I update.
Unfortunately, Sefira had no idea how to fish. She'd never done so while human and male, and in game she'd simply never engaged in any fishing. So there was really no way for her to know, either from knowledge granted in the game or from outside of it, what she was doing. On top of that, the petite blonde elf didn't even have any fishing rod.

But that didn't matter to her right now. She was fully aware of all of these things when she had decided she was going to fish.

She didn't need a fishing rod. She just needed to find a good spot in the lake.

"Alright, this is going to be simple," she began, immediately taking charge of the situation as she surveyed the lake. It didn't look like it would be too hard to spot wherever the biggest collection of fish was, but Sefira knew another set of eyes would be best while she prepared.

"Tell me when you see a lot of fish," continued the starlight mage, "And I'll handle the rest. We'll have plenty of fish to go around."

@Sho Minazuki@PKMNB0Y
But who's doing a thing after the thing after the thing?


Not one of them, aside from the arachne that Kokoma brought? That was effectively a single person hunting for all of them, even if she was part spider.

"... Aah, jeez, seriously?" she complained, putting her hands on her hips. Sure, Sefira didn't have anything but some buff meals for raids, but that didn't mean that she couldn't be annoyed at everyone else falling into the exact same trap. At least, as far as she was concerned.

"Fine, I guess we'll have to put some legwork in too to get some food. And camping supplies. And..."

She trailed off.

"... Everything."

She had no intent to chop would or, frankly, anything that physically exerting. Sefira's body, simply put, wasn't designed for anything like that.


"... I'll see if I can get some fish, I guess. Jeez..."

@Rune_Alchemist@PKMNB0Y@Sho Minazuki
For a few moments, all the small girl could do was cry. But it seemed as if the words of the gods had gotten through to her. Perhaps it was the memory of Sir Oren, too, that prompted her to shakily rise to her feet.

The knight had died for her sake. She couldn't just sit here, no matter how much it hurt to try and move. To leave Sir Oren behind. But Sir Oren would have wanted her to keep moving.


It would be a while before she could dry her eyes.

"Th-the knights," she murmured, her voice weak, "Sir Oren... he's one of the kn-knights. The Klois Knights. They... u-um..."

Clutching at the hem of her dress, she fiddled with her skirt for a moment, her cheeks still wet from her tears.

She didn't seem to have much else in terms of information, or perhaps it was difficult for her to explain at the moment. However, there was one last important piece of information she was able to provide.

"... I-I can take you... take you there, I-I'm supposed to..."

@Martian@Raineh Daze@Click This@Rune_Alchemist@Renny@Pyromania99
Sorry about the delay, I'll post here tomorrow instead.
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