Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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"... Th-thank you..."

Flora's mood had hardly improved, given she learned that her guardian had just recently died. But the words of the deities, one way or another, seemed to have had an effect. She dried her eyes once more, then took a deep breath. Sir Oren was going to go home to... to be properly laid to rest, too.

She had to lead the way.

It was why she was here.

At first she stumbled a little, unsteady on her feet. But it seemed as if at least most of her strength had returned, for now, and she was able to guide the collected revived deities down the mountain path, to the


As they descended further, the temperature grew warmer, and the sounds of various beasts could be heard in the distance. The calls of all manner of birds and insects and some unidentifiable noises grew louder and louder. The path itself seemed to vanish into thick foliage, as their surroundings became more and more green.

By the time they reached the forest floor, Flora was panting heavily, her gait unsteady. She was clearly feeling rather tired at the moment, even if she was still trying to keep leading them onward.

The largers trees were enormous. Not, likely, a particularly unexpected sight. But regardless, they towered into the air like huge pillars, with extremely thick trunks. Other trees with thinner, shorter, between the gaps between their enormous kin. The forest floor was dotted with various unusual, dark-leafed plants and branching vines coiling up tree trunks, as well as strange, large fungi bigger then any of the gods' current forms with enormous dark red caps. Above them lengthy, segmented, thin creatures with innumerable wings lining their bodies wound their way through the trees. Curious, orange-furred, small animals with slender snouts, large ears, and large dark eyes scrambled down trunks to get a closer look from a safe distance.

And some distance away, louder movement could be heard, signifying larger creatures.

@Martian@Raineh Daze@Click This@Rune_Alchemist@Renny@Pyromania99
She had considered keeping the fish contained.

She had considered the output required to kill or stun as many fish as possible.

She had considered the quickest and most effortless option to procure the maximum amount of fish.

Sefira had not, however, considered the aftermath.

Long ears slightly drooping, the petite elf was now soaked with mud and water, and she was pretty sure a fish had landed directly on top of her head and was still there, flopping away on her hat.

"... A-aaah..."

She had not once stopped to consider what would happen to all that water and muck when a magical explosion went off directly on top of it. The goal of obtaining as much fish as possible with the least amount of effort had completely blinded her to the possibility of becoming a complete mess.

And that wasn't even the worst of it. They'd also drawn the attention of something in the water, something that was very interested in the sudden influx of dead fish and the loud noises.

Internally Sefira was kicking herself over and over again for not having realized just what else could come of her actions.

It seemed strong, though she didn't recognize exactly what type of enemy it was off the top of her head, and that jet of water was no joke.

"Ugggggh, there's slime in my hair," complained the blonde elf as if it wasn't her own fault, even as she raised her staff. It had been drawn by the noise, so...

"Starlight Raindrops!"

A bright blue light flashed from the tip of her staff, and out over the lake near to where the beast had surfaced a set of blue-gray clouds seemed to materialize, roiling for a moment as what appeared to be brighter blue stars ignited within them. Then, quite loudly and with a lot of flashing lights, these stars suddenly rained down on the lake in a barrage of magical energy.

"Blegh, there. It'll get distracted by the noise and surface again, we can get a good look and decide what to do next..."

@PKMNB0Y@Sho Minazuki
Post should be coming tomorrow, sorry again for the delay.
I am very sorry for the delay, something has come up that's left me very distracted. but I will update this week.
I'd like to update soon but I'll give a little bit more time.
Hey sorry about the delay I was sort of preoccupied. ^^; I'll update either at some point today or early tomorrow!
Update coming tonight or tomorrow.
Nobunaga considered what she had heard. Personally, she had her doubts about Lazhira's guilt, but pursuing what information she held would be useful regardless of that. Indeed, there was quite a bit to process, but for the moment they had to deal with these hunters. Part of the petite girl simply considered killing them, but that was far less useful then leaving them alive in the end. Furthermore, she had stayed her blade and now they stood unarmed. She did not wish to foster an image that she would murder the unarmed on sight.

At least, not yet. That could wait until she required a more threatening reputation.

Still, she raised her katana towards the men.

"Indeed, you can. But not like this. You have, after all, participated in rather dangerous acts," Nobunaga stated, plainly, "Novak, check them for rope, or anything else you could use to bind their hands. They should be judged by their own. Their surrender has afforded them that."

Her crimson gaze fell upon the hunters once more.

"If you resist, I will cut you down without a moment's hesitation. I am certain you must understand why I do not feel comfortable letting you run free just yet, do you not?"

@Rune_Alchemist@Crimson Paladin
@Renny: Alright, glad to hear it.

@Martian: It's fine, like I said I just wanted to know what was going on.
Immediately perceptible to the Knight-Captain of the Iron Roses was the fact that not a single bow had been loosed. Indeed, it seemed no archers were among the force of Golden Boars that had ambushed them, a fact that was a surprise given they must have noticed they were fighting heavily armed and armored opponents. Perhaps they had to take Lady Cal uninjured, and thus could not risk her being caught in the crossfire?

It only raised further questions as to who employed them.

But the most important matter at hand was ensuring Veileena Cal's safety!

Fanilly spurred her horse forward, coming upon a boar who had all too eagerly rushed forth and gotten out of position, to pick him off before he became a greater threat. Indeed, even though he attempted to raise his shield, the silvery edge of the blonde knight-girl's sword found his through as she swung, a spurt of blood spraying into the air as he toppled backwards, gurgling.

She couldn't let these mercenaries get too close, but she had to be aware of any potential tactics they could employ.

"Be wary of a second ambush!" she called to her knights, "Do not overextend yourselves!"

"A-ah?!" gasped the small, gray-haired form of Veileena Cal, as she gazed at the scaly coils now surrounding her, "Th-this isn't necessary, Haelstadt can handle every single one of them just fine!"

In spite of the situation, she seemed to have become quite awkward at having her personal space invaded so closely, which was likely one of the reasons behind her outburst.

The boars, realizing that the knights on horseback made for a foolish target, were reorganizing as swiftly as they could, two of their number suddenly engulfed in flames, screaming and falling to the ground as their armor heated, flesh burning away, several nearby knocked off their feet.

But the others seemed to care little for their suffering comrades, swiftly raising spears and shields in order to attempt to counter another charge. While it did not seem that a second wave were to reveal themselves yet, that did not rule out the possibility of another group of Boars waiting to ambush another charge. In fact, it was rather likely they were waiting until the right moment.

Haelstadt strode forward, ignoring everything but their target. The Boar ahead of them raised his shield as the black knight thrust their sword in one hand.

There was a sound of tearing metal, bending steel, as the blade tore clear through the shield and penetrated the man's chestplate in a single thrust. Haelstadt stepped forward, driving the blade deeper through his body without another word, the other end erupting from his back as they began to lift the blade into the air and take him with it as his death throes slowed and eventually ceased.

Wordlessly, the black knight lifted the man into the air and flicked their zweihander, using the corpse as an improvised projectile, hurling him into his fellows and bowling several of them over.

@HereComesTheSnow@TheFake@Crimson Paladin@FlappyTheSpybot@Raineh Daze@ghastlyinc@Krayzikk@JessieTargaryen
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