Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Kind of, sort of.

Flora barely had time to let out a surprised squeak as she was suddenly hoisted into the air, and for a moment wondered if she was about to die as the world whirled around her and blurred before suddenly finding herself on Ashte's shoulders. For a few moments she was completely baffled as to what happened to her, though the War Goddess and the Sun God's words caught her attention again.

"Mmm... um... the forest is a little difficult, but I remember these trees..." she said, glancing around for a few moments as she lightly held onto one of Ashte's horns with one hand.

"... This way," she said after a moment, pointing ahead, through a thick grove of foliage. Above it some smaller ribbon-like flying creatures drifted, though they slipped further between the trees if approached, their larger brethren still lazily soaring above.

The orange-furred creatures on the tree seemed to be watching the deities carefully, warily, as if uncertain as to the nature of these newcomers to their forest.

And then, just within sight, a gaggle of strange grey creatures walked from the trees. There were at least a dozen, most of them perched on four long, slender legs taller then any of the assembled deities. Three of their number were smaller, but had the same general anatomy. Their bodies were compact, with stout necks and blunt, rounded heads with large orange eyes and small round ears. They came to a halt ahead, near a large, lush grouping of bushes, what looked like lengthy tongues extending from the underside of their heads to shear leaves from the branches and gather them into what was presumably some form of mouth beneath the head.

It was likely their journey through the forest would not continue with encountering other creatures.

@Martian@Raineh Daze@Click This@Rune_Alchemist@Renny@Pyromania99
Merry Christmas! I'll update after the Holiday!
Merry Christmas! I'll get an update done after the Holiday!
Merry Christmas everybody!
@Martian: Okay so right now, the Knights are just coming off answering a call for help from a local fort, where they discovered the soldiers seemingly being killed to a man by a group of mercenaries lead by the infamous Alette the Shark. However, it turned out these soldiers were actually another group of mercenaries(the Golden Boars) who had been sent to obtain an item from the fort, and the real soldiers had for some reason killed one another. That reason turns out to be the previously mentioned item, a shard of the evil sword Angroron. Eventually the knights follow a lead to the first Mayonite Shrine in Thaln, just within a local forest, where they come across Veileena Cal and her bodyguard Haelstadt. Veileena, with some prodding, reveals she hired Alette to obtain the shard and put it somewhere safe.

Suddenly, another group of Golden Boars has ambushed them, trying to grab Veileena and run.
@Pyromania99@Renny: Posts? I understand if you're busy but at least let me know. D:
"Uugh, I want a bath but that's a bit much..."

It probably wasn't the best time to complain, but hastily generating a light barrier spell as she quickly stepped out of the way didn't make Sefira forget just how filthy she now was. There was slime sticking to her skin, seeping through her clothing. Did slime manage to get into her underwear? That was a horrifying thought! ... Wait, she was going to have to bathe as... as...

Aaah no, she couldn't even deal with thinking about that right now!

The blonde elf shook her head as she tried to to push that thought from her mind and instead focus on the threat at hand.

"... Well, if it's aquatic, then it's probably used to a lower light environment..." she commented, thrusting her staff forward, "So it won't be used to this! Star Flash!"

Light flowed down her arm, magical energy building at the tip of her staff before letting out a flash, an orb of blue light appearing just in front of the create before suddenly exploding.

It was a low-damage spell that would do very little to the monster, especially since she had deliberately aimed just in front of it instead of at its body. But that wasn't her goal.

No, instead she wished to stun the beast and give them a moment to decide whether they'd take it on or scoop up the fish and leave. She didn't exactly want to lose out on any of her catch after sacrificing her cleanliness for it.

@PKMNB0Y@Sho Minazuki
@Martian: Oh I'm sorry, I got distracted and totally forgot about your bio. ^^;

I don't think I see any issues at all, accepted.
@Richard Horthy: With how vampires work in-setting dhampirs aren't possible.
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