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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
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2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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One arm, one leg.

Six years ago, a ten-year-old girl was found asleep, alone, unconscious in the middle of a local park. She appeared to be in perfect health, and though her dress appeared to be worn and damaged there was little to indicate that she had been under any duress at all.

There were two things that contradicted that particular conclusion, however.

To begin with, she matched the description of a little girl who had vanished four years prior. This would not have been considered so impossible(albeit still shocking) save for the fact that the description was a complete match. She had not aged a day since her disappearance.

As for the other matter... while she appeared to be in perfect health, it is perhaps more appropriate to say she appeared to be in perfect health with two exceptions.

For Suzuki Tomoko, the girl who had disappeared for four years without aging a day, was entirely missing her right arm and her left leg.

In spite of the damage appearing fresh, it had already stopped bleeding entirely.

There was no possible explanation for any of this from a medical standpoint, and when pressed to answer questions Tomoko said she didn't remember anything.

Which wasn't at all the case.

Tomoko remembered a single week. For her, this period of time had only been a single week. She didn't remember the removal of her arm and leg, but she remembered why it had happened.

Suzuki Tomoko's body had to be rendered phantom. She had to become something that possessed unreal limbs that no longer existed. Unreality had to be given to her, a human. For only one who is both real and unreal can serve as the bridge between both the possible and impossible.

Tomoko had become the Intermediary for Humans and Youkai. One who can solve problems for both, as long as they involve the other. One who can determine solutions neither could see for their own problems. Of course, primarily this deals with the problems of youkai, and youkai who have come into contact with humanity, as there are many more mundane methods of dealing with problems possessed by humans.

Tomoko has served in this position for six years, in spite of never learning how and why she was selected. She has aged normally since that point, though some would point out she does look younger then she should(her feelings on this matter are best left unsaid).

But after six years, can a single girl really continue to do this on her own?

After six years, what new dangers can arise from the collision of man and youkai?

Tomoko has elected not to leave this to chance. While she is confident in her own abilities as the intermediary, she understands that assistants may be quiet useful.

And so, as she entered High School, she saw fit to take over the ailing Occult club and remold it to suit her. Well aware of the presence of supernatural beings and humans with magical capabilities in her school, she aggressively recruited them and strongarmed them into working as her assistants, sometimes through questionable methods or by solving incidents they were involved in.

So this is going to be an RP about Miyama Occult Investigation club, headed by the intermediary between Humans and Youkai who has used questionable means("If it works, everything is fair, right?") to recruit her club members. In terms of what we'll be dealing with, it's going to primarily involve various different youkai and other supernatural beings(magi, onmyouji, ghosts, vampires) as well. I wouldn't necessarily call this a mystery RP(those never work D:), but it will have some investigation and mystery elements to it in regards to figuring out just what's going on in different cases.

I'm looking for about five to six players in addition to myself. In terms of influences and the tone I'm expecting, I'm pretty inspired by Kyokou Suiri(which comes through pretty strongly I suppose), the Nasuverse, Yozakura Quartet, and a lot of other urban fantasy anime/manga/lns/vns/other general stuff.

  • Magi: Capable of magic, invoked by spells and symbols, sometimes in conjunction with one another. Magical prowess is passed through bloodlines, some families having more or less mana(and higher or lower quality mana) then others. Magi will have an affinity, which can range from things like fire to gravity to numbers. Affinities(which are also passed through bloodlines) are not limited to the affinity itself, but also includes things that are conceptually linked to it. For example, a mage with an affinity for fire would also excel at spells involving "consumption", "ignition", and "destruction". Magi can preform spells outside their affinity, though it is more difficult to learn. Affinities cannot be for anything entirely man-made. Playable!
    • Note: The most powerful mage(in terms of raw power) in this setting has an affinity for mana. They will not be appearing in this RP, and mana as an affinity is strictly off-limits. Other affinities that are off limits include Death, a totally unique affinity also claimed in this setting and absolutely broken for the purposes of this RP.
  • Onmyouji: Magical practioners utilizing onmyodo as opposed to western methods of magic. They are similar(magic is passed through bloodlines, they have the same affinities), yet their methods are fundamentally different. Effectively they use the same magic, but with different methods. Onmyouji use ofuda to cast spells, which can be applied to objects or even bodies for a variety of effects. Onmyouji are also adept at preforming exorcisms. Playable!
    • Magic Traits: Some magi and onmyouji families possess a special "magic trait", an inherent magical ability connected to their affinity. These are quite uncommon, but they still exist. They require no spellcasting, and usually give some edge in ability. The magic trait "Illusion Break", for example, passively destroys illusions as the mage or onmyouji draws close to them. It also enables them to see through illusions.
    • Exorcism Arts: Strongly associated with youkai hunters, Exorcism Arts are a combination of martial arts and traditional onmyodo exorcisms. Created to be used with a physical weapon, such as a sword, spear, bow, or the user's own body, Exorcism Arts are imbued with purification and are highly effective against youkai and beings of evil nature.
  • Youkai: The various supernatural beings native to the country of Japan. These days, many kinds of youkai have a humanoid appearance, but some do not. There are many that can coexist with humanity, but there are also many that are dangerous creatures that must be hunted. The more human-like youkai can crossbreed with humans. Playable!

  • Name:
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  • Abilities:
  • Skills:
  • Equipment:
  • Brief Backstory:

@Raineh Daze@Rune_Alchemist@Rin
For a scant few seconds, when Nico threw herself over the edge, the girl let in a sharp intake of breath, eyes widening. Immediately her attack cancelled itself, the golden wave of energy vanishing, seemingly wilting and turning black before crumbling in on itself, as she took a step towards the opposite edge of the roof.

Before she could draw any closer, however, the now-transformed magical girl suddenly emerged from behind her, announcing her presence brightly and enthusiastically. The moment she heard the girl's arrival, the girl with the scale patterns on her cheeks spun in place and raised her arm.

It was briefly possible to see whatever was coiled around her arm again, the shape of something sinuous moving. It looked as white as the kosode the girl was now wearing, but its nature was impossible to determine before it was gone again.

"Curse S-..."

She cut herself off when she saw that the cat-themed girl wasn't attacking, her arm lowering somewhat.

"Why?" she asked, cocking her head slightly to one side, "I'm your enemy, that's why."

There was surely more of a reason beyond that, but if she would offer any clarification it was unlikely at the moment.

"If magical girls are miracles-"

She raised her arm again.

"-then I'm a curse."

Great, one or two more people and I'll post up the OOC proper!
One arm, one leg.

Six years ago, a ten-year-old girl was found asleep, alone, unconscious in the middle of a local park. She appeared to be in perfect health, and though her dress appeared to be worn and damaged there was little to indicate that she had been under any duress at all.

There were two things that contradicted that particular conclusion, however.

To begin with, she matched the description of a little girl who had vanished four years prior. This would not have been considered so impossible(albeit still shocking) save for the fact that the description was a complete match. She had not aged a day since her disappearance.

As for the other matter... while she appeared to be in perfect health, it is perhaps more appropriate to say she appeared to be in perfect health with two exceptions.

For Suzuki Tomoko, the girl who had disappeared for four years without aging a day, was entirely missing her right arm and her left leg.

In spite of the damage appearing fresh, it had already stopped bleeding entirely.

There was no possible explanation for any of this from a medical standpoint, and when pressed to answer questions Tomoko said she didn't remember anything.

Which wasn't at all the case.

Tomoko remembered a single week. For her, this period of time had only been a single week. She didn't remember the removal of her arm and leg, but she remembered why it had happened.

Suzuki Tomoko's body had to be rendered phantom. She had to become something that possessed unreal limbs that no longer existed. Unreality had to be given to her, a human. For only one who is both real and unreal can serve as the bridge between both the possible and impossible.

Tomoko had become the Intermediary for Humans and Youkai. One who can solve problems for both, as long as they involve the other. One who can determine solutions neither could see for their own problems. Of course, primarily this deals with the problems of youkai, and youkai who have come into contact with humanity, as there are many more mundane methods of dealing with problems possessed by humans.

Tomoko has served in this position for six years, in spite of never learning how and why she was selected. She has aged normally since that point, though some would point out she does look younger then she should(her feelings on this matter are best left unsaid).

But after six years, can a single girl really continue to do this on her own?

After six years, what new dangers can arise from the collision of man and youkai?

Tomoko has elected not to leave this to chance. While she is confident in her own abilities as the intermediary, she understands that assistants may be quiet useful.

And so, as she entered High School, she saw fit to take over the ailing Occult club and remold it to suit her. Well aware of the presence of supernatural beings and humans with magical capabilities in her school, she aggressively recruited them and strongarmed them into working as her assistants, sometimes through questionable methods or by solving incidents they were involved in.

So this is going to be an RP about Miyama Occult Investigation club, headed by the intermediary between Humans and Youkai who has used questionable means("If it works, everything is fair, right?") to recruit her club members. In terms of what we'll be dealing with, it's going to primarily involve various different youkai and other supernatural beings(magi, onmyouji, ghosts, vampires) as well. I wouldn't necessarily call this a mystery RP(those never work D:), but it will have some investigation and mystery elements to it in regards to figuring out just what's going on in different cases.

I'm looking for about five to six players in addition to myself. In terms of influences and the tone I'm expecting, I'm pretty inspired by Kyokou Suiri(which comes through pretty strongly I suppose), the Nasuverse, Yozakura Quartet, and a lot of other urban fantasy anime/manga/lns/vns/other general stuff.

  • Magi: Capable of magic, invoked by spells and symbols, sometimes in conjunction with one another. Magical prowess is passed through bloodlines, some families having more or less mana(and higher or lower quality mana) then others. Magi will have an affinity, which can range from things like fire to gravity to numbers. Affinities(which are also passed through bloodlines) are not limited to the affinity itself, but also includes things that are conceptually linked to it. For example, a mage with an affinity for fire would also excel at spells involving "consumption", "ignition", and "destruction". Magi can preform spells outside their affinity, though it is more difficult to learn. Affinities cannot be for anything entirely man-made. Playable!
    • Note: The most powerful mage(in terms of raw power) in this setting has an affinity for mana. They will not be appearing in this RP, and mana as an affinity is strictly off-limits. Other affinities that are off limits include Death, a totally unique affinity also claimed in this setting and absolutely broken for the purposes of this RP.
  • Onmyouji: Magical practioners utilizing onmyodo as opposed to western methods of magic. They are similar(magic is passed through bloodlines, they have the same affinities), yet their methods are fundamentally different. Effectively they use the same magic, but with different methods. Onmyouji use ofuda to cast spells, which can be applied to objects or even bodies for a variety of effects. Onmyouji are also adept at preforming exorcisms. Playable!
    • Magic Traits: Some magi and onmyouji families possess a special "magic trait", an inherent magical ability connected to their affinity. These are quite uncommon, but they still exist. They require no spellcasting, and usually give some edge in ability. The magic trait "Illusion Break", for example, passively destroys illusions as the mage or onmyouji draws close to them. It also enables them to see through illusions.
    • Exorcism Arts: Strongly associated with youkai hunters, Exorcism Arts are a combination of martial arts and traditional onmyodo exorcisms. Created to be used with a physical weapon, such as a sword, spear, bow, or the user's own body, Exorcism Arts are imbued with purification and are highly effective against youkai and beings of evil nature.
  • Youkai: The various supernatural beings native to the country of Japan. These days, many kinds of youkai have a humanoid appearance, but some do not. There are many that can coexist with humanity, but there are also many that are dangerous creatures that must be hunted. The more human-like youkai can crossbreed with humans. Playable!

  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Race:
  • Appearance:
  • Personality:
  • Abilities:
  • Skills:
  • Equipment:
  • Brief Backstory:
Soon after she had begun reading, Fio swiftly became engrossed in the tome. The information it relayed was vaguely known to her. At least, she knew some of the lesser-known myths of the land and its peoples. But this one was new to her.

"So, the Wings of Dark refer to a dragon? Curious..."

To be honest, while the information was interesting it hardly deepened her understanding of the Fomorian's words. Rather, it gave her further questions. Of course, it was unlikely that the dragon referenced in the myth could possibly rise again. The Sword Witch was quite certain such feats of revival were impossible even for primordial dragons. But the monster's title, the 'Wings of Dark'...

Perhaps, rather then the dragon itself, its role in the myth was the important factor here? Rather then the dragon itself, someone or someones were using the title as a symbol of opposition? Of their role as an enemy of the Queen?

It was more likely then the alternative.

Shutting the book, the small girl rose to her feet.

If nothing else, this information was important to relay to the Queen. On top of that, she felt her own conclusions were of equal importance.

Fio paused for a moment as she turned to leave.

Had that strange maid seriously fallen asleep standing up?!


Perhaps some questions were best left unasked.

The Sword Witch departed from the library, in search of the Queen. The sooner she found her and relayed the information, the better.

Seelay was silent as she took in the surroundings, and the injured fisherman's words. So much ice... she'd never seen anything quite like it. It stretched out into the ocean, a vast plain of whiteness obscuring the sea below. With conditions like this, it was almost impossible to determine just what could be lurking below. On top of that, the fact it was capable of leaving the water indicated that it would not be harmless if brought onto land.

Still, in terms of options for trying to combat it...

She needed to learn more. This much simply wasn't enough information to determine how to go about stopping it. Certainly, she was more versed in hunting terrestrial prey, but she knew how to fish quite well and she could grasp the principles of pursuing a beast such as this.

But without any more information, it was simply impossible to decide how to begin.

The silvery-haired elf considered her next move, arms folded across her chest.

"Has anyone ever gotten a decent look at this creature?" she asked, "Enough to get a sense of how it's shaped, or how long it might be."

Huge was one thing, but if she had something more specific it would be a little easier to think of a plan.

If no-one had gotten a good look at the beast, perhaps she would need to see it for herself.

There was a sound of tearing metal and crumbling concrete as both frame pilots went down, descending to the second level of the facility. It was certainly one way to get in.

Above them, the writhing arms shot over the hole, slamming into something with a loud, metallic thud.

The creature's mass was too large to effectively fit its whole body into the hallway they had entered, but how flexible it was and how capable it was of altering its shape remained to be seen.

At least, though, for the moment, it did not seem aware that they had descended.

In a contrast to the upper floor of the facility, where nature had taken hold, the level they had arrived at seemed to be largely shielded from such degradation. Certainly, a few plants capable of dealing with low light conditions seemed to have found their way in to grow along the walls, and there was a musty, damp scent. But aside from that conditions seemed remarkably better.

However, visibility was quite poor.

At least, for a moment. As if somehow detecting a presence, the lights slowly began to come on, starting from the pilots' location and spreading outwards. The floors were linoleum, the walls fairly plain and featureless, with evenly-spaced lighting fixtures on the ceiling. The featureless walls were occasionally broken by a door that likely did not conceal anything relevant to their mission. Ahead of them was a corner where the hall turned right, and all of this would have seemed relatively mundane aside from what marked the wall at the bend.

Something had cut into the wall. Three lengthy gashes, marked with a dry, red-brown stain.

There was other sign of violence, no discarded body.

When the blue flames struck the immense frog shade in its inflated underside, it did very little in the way of actual damage. It seemed as if the shade's altered body shape provided it a little more resistance against such attacks. But, surprisingly, the attack was enough to slow the massive amphibian-like mass of negative energy's descent.

If Kokoha was going to attack, now would be the time.


"... I see..."

The girl didn't speak for several moments, her gaze returning to the streets. It was as if she was thinking about something, though what was difficult to say. Was it her desire to jump? Was she reconsidering? Or was there something else entirely on her mind, complicating the entire situation even further?

Naturally, without the capacity to read minds, it was impossible to tell.

But there was no denying what followed.

The white-haired girl's gaze returned to Nico. Her expression didn't change, her eyes still looked quite dull and empty, but she stepped away from the edge of the roof as she stretched her right arm out to her side.

"In that case... prepare yourself, magical girl."

The faintest hint of something coiling around the girl's arm was visible for only a moment.


A black light flared across her arm and immediately traveled outwards, coating her entire body and seeming to burn away her clothing. It condensed itself, swirling as it manifested into a white kosode and hakama. The negative feelings emanating from her suddenly grew as her outfit fully formed, practically pouring off of her body in waves. A scale-like pattern had spread across her cheeks and up to her forehead, framing her now-golden eyes.

Thrusting her right hand forward, a yellow light ignited in her palm.

"Curse Essence: Bounty."

A wave of golden shapes, resembling large rice plants, sprouted from her position in an expanding wave, heading right towards Nico!


Even as the attacks were thrown towards it, the orange orb floating above the mantis-like shade's lower half was flaring up, charging another attack, aiming squarely at Ukiko. Even in this state, it seemed as if it was able to detect that one of its potential targets had been weakened by its initial attack.

But when the wisps struck the creature, the orb flashed again, a hairline crack running through its surface even though it appeared to be entirely composed of light and negative energy.

The mighty slash to its back half was the final straw. The shadowy portion of its body seemed to collapse, curling in on itself and spewing orange fluid, as the orb of light cracked and violently shattered.

All that was left, in a few moments, was a dark mist drifting into the air and dissipating into nothingness.


Hisako could only watch for a few moments, in perplexed awe, as Abigail spoke to her dog. She'd never seen anything like it, she'd never known a magical girl that transformed alongside their real-life pet. She'd seen some who summoned a familiar alongside their transformation, but none whose ordinary pet seemingly had their own magical girl transformation.

But she understood the plan well, once the British magical girl told her. Coming at the shade from both sides would make it a lot harder for it to try and escape again!

It was a several tense moments before anything happened.

But then, it appeared. Roughly the size of a large car, it resembled an octopus in some regards. Its main body was a hexagonal shape with points one either end, each face lined with orange lights. At each of its lower corners was a tentacle, each bearing a squared-off tip. Currently, it was using two pairs to stand, the final pair raised in the air, lasing out in the direction of the dog that had been pursuing it.

"There it is!" Hisako immediately raised her broom, at the ready, "Let's finish it off!"

@Raineh Daze

It was clear the person she was dealing with was...

Perhaps abnormal was the best word for it. She couldn't be entirely certain, but going off of her strange, sickly state, the fact she could freely remove her heart and put it back in, and the fact her own blood seemed to dot her outfit all indicated to her that she would absolutely be dead on the spot if not for whatever curse was currently inhabiting her heart. A curse that the inflicted actually found to be beneficial?

If not for how incredibly squeamish the sight of the heart made her feel, Fio would almost have wanted to see it again just to understand. But the fact it made her feel ill just to see it, as well as the embarrassment she felt over her initial panic, made it impossible.

"No," she said, "I most certainly do not need to see that again!"

Fio paused for a moment, trying to gather her thoughts. The assistance from someone who knew the library certainly would be useful, but why did she have to introduce herself like that?

The Sword Witch cleared her throat.

"I have plenty of questions, but first I'm looking for any books you might have relating to Fomorians, specifically any factions formed by them," she brushed her hair back over her shoulder as she spoke, "If you have any related to anything called the 'Wings of Dark' that would be especially useful."

The sewers...?

It would be a lie to say that Hoshiko wasn't apprehensive about going down there. She definitely didn't want to touch the water, or to even spend any more time down there then she could need to. Certainly, this treatment area didn't look gross, but there was no telling what it would be like deeper in.


It was the difference between life and death for plenty of people. Her personal feelings about the sewer being gross didn't matter nearly as much as human lives.

Hoshiko took a deep breath.

"Hinotori, ignite!"

The familiar sensation of light and heat washing over her body struck, her clothing replaced in seconds by the frame's underlayer, then the armor itself, and then finally the most complex portions that made for much of Hinotori's shape.

She took a step towards the sewer entrance.

"Okay, it might be super gross down there, but we've got to make sure everyone's safe!" she declared, steeling herself to lead the way into sewer. If there were Warped down there, she'd do everything she could to clear them out!

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