Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Fio had finally located the Queen and Luna, only to be hit by the strong scent of alcohol. She most certainly wasn't fond of the odor, given her enmity towards alcohol in general. Her disappointment only increased when she came to understand just what was going on.

There was going to be no serious discussions happening now, and in all honesty the Sword Witch really would prefer not to be around her Highness when she was almost certainly drunk.

Unfortunately, even given the difference of sobriety between them, there was no denying that Fio was inferior in terms of physical capabilities.

No matter how she attempted to flee when she realized that the Queen had spotted her, her fate was a forgone conclusion.

The royal embrace was something that could be thought of fondly, as a show of affection towards the loyal, those who proved themselves as true comrades and knights of royalty.

In this moment, however, Fio could not have wished to be further from it.

The petite girl give a frantic yell of "Stooop!" before she was abruptly restrained, her face buried in the intoxicated Queen's chest.

No matter how she attempted to speak, she knew now there was no way anyone was going to hear anything but muffled cries for help. And perhaps mercy.

Both would be ideal.

No to mention how utterly embarrassing this position was to begin with. Why did Queen Sorcha have to do something like this? Flustered(and perhaps experiencing no small amount of jealousy), the petite witch squirmed frantically in a bid to try and escape.

Alas, there would be no escape.

Luna's words were hardly of any comfort. If anything, they managed to make the situation considerably worse.

After having experienced Kaori's attitude and affections for a considerable length of time now, Tomoko had learned to be prepared for this kind of treatment.

The karakasa wasn't the only friend she brought along today.

Letting her surprised decoy 'enjoy' Kaori's affections, Tomoko stepped to the side and around the clingy jorogumo, ignoring any muffled pleas for help.

"Tea would be lovely, thank you," she said, in response to Homura.

She cast a bright smile around at the assembled students. Yes, she'd done quite an excellent job at putting together various supernatural attendees at Miyama, and it hadn't taken very much effort at all!

"I'm sure you're all curious about our first order of business today, so I won't delay any longer," she continued, retrieving the daily newspaper from her bag. She didn't often read them, but picking up a copy seemed like it was a wise idea for illustrating the task at hand.

"Tada~" Tomoko declared, presenting the paper, or more specifically one of the articles.

The article in question was one that detailed all the publicly-avaliable knowledge on the recent rash of children's disappearances. There wasn't much, but it was enough to establish the fact that there was little to no evidence, and no way of knowing if the disappeared children were alive or dead.

Though given the length of time since the first known disappearance, the outlook was growing considerably more grim.

"Seven children have disappeared this month alone," she continued, "Without any evidence, with no sign of a struggle. Nothing is left behind at all. Even if I didn't have a few friends letting me know they thought something was going on, I think this would be plenty of reason to suspect it's not simply a human kidnapper, isn't it?"

At the very least, it was clear that Tomoko was taking the matter seriously, even if she had presented the newspaper article in such a lighthearted manner.

"I have my suspicions as to what it may be, but I'm curious if anyone else does," continued the girl as she put the newspaper down, waving her real hand idly, "Speculation and conversation are the best path forward!"

Indeed, assembling a plan of action meant discussing that plan of action first.

Tomoko had no intention of allowing another child to disappear, so letting the perpetrator go another night wasn't an option.

Meanwhile, the shapeshifted mujina in Kaori's grip squirmed frantically. She'd altered her usual human form to be identical to the intermediary, but she hadn't been told why this was happening.

Only now did she understand.

@Raineh Daze@Vega7285@Pyromania99@AzureKnight@Rune_Alchemist

Fanilly was surprised to hear a voice behind her.

She was even more surprised to see who it was. But then again, perhaps pursuing a more leisurely activity in comparison to further training was an ideal pastime for the mercenary-turned knight before her. Aggravating that injury would do no good.

For that matter, the sight of his arm in that sling caused a twinge of guilt in the Knight-Captain's heart. In her head, she was already running through scenarios in which her commanding was just a bit better, where she was able to keep any of her knights from being injured. Surely, surely, she could have done better.

But she didn't speak of them.

"Sir Gerard, it's good to see you," Fanilly greeted her knight with a pleasant smile.

Rather then her resplendent silver armor, the slight blonde was dressed in the blue, white, and gold uniform granted to the Captain of the Iron Rose Knights. To be honest, at times she wished she could dress more casually, but it wouldn't to for her to do so among her knights.

"I'm looking for any information we may have on the shards of Angroron," she explained, blue eyes returning to the bookshelf, "Everyone's familiar with the story of Saint Lilianna and the fall of Orodrunn, but the nature and whereabouts of the shards aren't common knowledge."

She let out a small sight. It was for good reason. Few wanted to risk such terrible artifacts being discovered. And those that sought them out were likely precisely the sort of people who should never obtain them.

But that did make it harder to prevent someone who had already found them from doing something terrible.

A few of the books she was examining were labeled with titles such as Theology and History: The Divine Influence on Our Past, Record of the Orodrunn War, and Tools of the Wicked: Know the Enemy.

Somewhat embarrassed, Fanilly awkwardly scratched the back of her head.

"I guess I've never really looked at anything but the library's novels before, so I didn't have a great idea of where to start... I just picked out titles that looked promising."

The young girl paused for a moment.

"How is your arm?"

The girl's hand tensed slightly as Nico spoke. She didn't speak, and indeed she didn't move. Not to attack, nor to lower her guard. Instead, she was simply quiet.

When Nico was finished speaking, bending low and breaking into a sprint, that was when the girl finally responded. Indeed, it seemed she bought into the magical catgirl's feint entirely.

"Curse Essence: Bounty!"

The rippling wave of gold spread across the ground, the 'spikes' flowing as if carried in a breeze as they spread across the rooftop towards the other girl. And yet, Nico's footwork was plenty swift to avoid being struck, allowing her to avoid the wave of magical energy. In spite of its resplendent appearance, the attack felt strange, dark, as if something wicked was lurking in the golden field of rice.

It withered and blackened, as the 'curse girl' turned to follow Nico's movements. At this point, thus far, it appeared that she was not a physically capable fighter, given how little she had moved.

But since she had only used a single attack, there was no way to be certain.

The white-haired girl brought her arms together, hands clasped together with the left stacked upon the right, aiming towards Nico.

Then she opened her hands, as if emulating a gaping maw.

"Curse Serpent: Frog Eater!"

Suddenly, the image of an enormous snake appeared before the magical catgirl. It was pure white, with gleaming, crimson eyes. Beyond its head it simply faded into nothingness, but when it opened its mouth it gaped wide enough to engulf an entire human being, fangs extended as it prepared to bite down...!


There was an almost comical whining sound when Kokoha's sword struck the over-inflated frog in its enormous belly. Rather then the orange, blood-like fluid that usually filled Shades, a rush of air exploded out of the creature's belly and struck the magical girl head on, with enough force to knock the average person off its feet.

All the air it had used to inflate its body to such sizes suddenly rushed out, and it shot in the opposite direction, slamming into the wall with enough force to send cracks spiderwebbing through it.

Its belly now completely deflated, the twitching, amphibian-like shade looked rather hollow now, one large leg trembling in the air for a few moments before the creature went completely still, sagging limply.

Soon enough, it was dissolving, breaking down into a shadowy mist.

@HereComesTheSnow: I'm sorry to hear that. D: I hope it doesn't get too bad.
Chisaki was a good girl. She never disobeyed her parents, she did her best to make sure all her homework was done on time, she tried to make sure her fellow students were on track, and she was always interested in what her teacher had to say.

So even she thought what she was doing now was out of character for herself.

She was a primary school student, at only nine years old, with short black hair and glasses.

And that made the fact that she was out by herself so late all the more unusual. But the fact was...

It wasn't just one of her friends. Two of them, Sakura and Taro, had both disappeared. Up and vanished without a trace. No-one knew what happened to them. Not their parents. Not the police.

There wasn't a single sign of anything. They weren't... they didn't seem to have died, or anything like that... it was just like they'd evaporated into thin air.

Chisaki thought of herself as smart. She thought of herself as mature. And she was worried... she thought, maybe, it would be possible for her to find something out, something she could tell the police. So they could save her friends.

So she'd snuck out at night. She knew her parents would be mad at her, but if it was for her friends' sake that was okay, right?

At least that's what she'd thought at first. She'd originally intended to meet her other friends here... but they couldn't get away from their parents.

So she was alone.

It was dark.

No-one was around.

Chisaki couldn't help but be scared. She couldn't help but worry. But at the same time, if she could find anything, anything at all that would help the police find Sakura and Taro...

It was worth being scared, right?

And then she heard it, from the alleyway...


Sakura! That was Sakura's voice!


Taro too?!

Excitement rose in the young girl's heart as she turned, immediately rushing into the alley. She'd found them! She'd found her friends! She-

The alley was empty. She heard a sound from behind her, a long shadow fell over her, and-

It was a dark, dreary, rainy day.

Naturally, there were few people walking out and about, unless they desperately needed to be somewhere. And even if they did, most of them were taking public transit or personal vehicles. There wasn't anyone in their right mind who would willingly be out for a walk when it was raining heavily enough, and this certainly qualified.

But regardless of that fact, there was one girl who seemed quite content to take a stroll right through the rain to her club's meeting place. Perplexing as this was, it became all the more unusual when she was observed more closely.

She was a petite blonde girl, her age difficult to discern form her youthful features and short height. It was unlikely anyone would place her older then perhaps thirteen, and many would place her a year or so younger.

If one were to ask her how she felt about such comments, it was unlikely they would hear anything particularly happy in response.

In her right hand, she held a black cane. She didn't seem to need it to walk, and yet she was using it all the same. Speaking of her right hand...

Her entire right arm was bandaged. Not a single piece of flesh could be seen underneath, the bandages extending up beneath her sleeve. Exactly why this was would be a complete mystery to most observers, as the range of movement that she exhibited with the limb indicated she was entirely uninjured.

But, perhaps, the strangest thing was the fact that there was an umbrella beside her. No, she was not holding an umbrella. Many observers would simply assume that was the case, as it was impossible that an umbrella would simply float beside someone.

But common sense could override the truth, in some cases. And to be fair, the umbrella was not simply floating beside her.

It was being carried by a girl, taller then the blonde, in a stylized kimono. Only the blonde herself, and others versed in the supernatural, could see this fact. They could also see the lengthy tongue hanging from the umbrella, and its single large eye.

Suzuki Tomoko, the intermediary between humans and youkai, had a club meeting to hold. And given the recent circumstances, it was going to be a particularly important one.

Seven disappearances. Seven children, both boys and girls, had disappeared in the last month in the local area. That wasn't even considering disappearances across the entire city that could be tied to these incidents. Each time, there was absolutely no sign of them.

It was as if they simply vanished into thin air.

As she reached the club's meeting place, the door opened ahead of her courtesy of her companion.

Indeed, she wasn't going to let this carry on any longer. She most certainly couldn't.

What sort of self-respecting intermediary could possibly let children continue to up and disappear? This wasn't a regular human perpetrator, not when the disappearances happened so swiftly and so without any evidence. Tomoko was certain of that.

No, the perpetrator had to be some sort of inhuman entity...

But who? And why?

These questions would have to be answered.

But first...

"Hello, everyone," began the blonde-haired girl brightly, "Today is the third meeting of the Miyama Occult Investigation club!"

@Pyromania99@Vega7285@AzureKnight@Rune_Alchemist@Raineh Daze
So there was no clear picture of this creature's nature. Aside from the fact it was large, that it could come on land, and that it liked fish, no-one had any idea of what it looked like. That made this somewhat more difficult, but Seelay had something in mind. Indeed, she had already spotted something of a weakness the beast had.

But first, they needed to get a good idea of what they were dealing with. There was a chance her further plans simply wouldn't work at all, depending on what the creature was like.

Thus, the Cosain Elf couldn't make any further proposals until she knew what this monster looked like.

"It's obvious to me we don't know enough about this thing yet," she began, folding her arms across her chest, "So, I have an idea that should let us learn more."

Seelay was certain the fishermen wouldn't like it very much, but at the same time she didn't see another option that would allow them to see the creature when it was seemingly so careful to avoid being spotted.

"Its weakness is its appetite," she began, "So, use fish to draw it in. Preferably forcing it to come on land, but if that's not possible then simply trying to delay it long enough to see what it is should be enough. If you're willing to make that sacrifice, then we can move on to the next part of the plan."

It wasn't totally assured that this would work, but given the frequency of the creature's attacks Seelay felt certain that it had a large appetite. And that meant there was no way it could pass up a chance like that.

@AzureKnight: Thinking about it, I probably should make one.

I'll have it done in a bit.
  • Name: Suzuki Tomoko
  • Age: 16
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Human(about 88% human, according to her)
  • Appearance: A petite girl with pale blonde hair and green eyes. Due to her small size, youthful looks, and less mature figure, she is mistaken for younger then she actually is. Her right arm appears to be bandaged, and her left leg is a mundane, albeit very well-made and effective, prosthetic.
  • Personality: Suzuki Tomoko is highly intelligent and capable, to begin with, something she takes a fair amount of pride in. At the same time, she is also incredibly eccentric. She has no doubt in her own capability to solve problems(or create a sufficiently believable explanation for a problem if solving it does not seem like something she can do) for youkai and humans who are involved with youkai. She seems to have little concern for manipulating others in this light, provided it puts their minds at ease if she cannot manage a more concrete solution. Tomoko also has no issue effectively emotionally browbeating others to assist her. She is well aware of danger, and will use the threat of danger to herself in order to get others to assist her. After all, allowing a small girl with only one arm and one leg to walk into danger would be wrong, wouldn't it? At the same time, however, she has an utter lack of concern over danger to herself, cheerfully walking into life-threatening situations with confidence. Perhaps this is because she usually has some kind of plan to tackle a given situation, or perhaps she's just that confident in her ability to think on the fly. Tomoko is fairly energetic and outgoing individual in spite of this manipulative nature, quite friendly to most humans and youkai she comes across. She enjoys being praised, will do things just for the sake of looking cute or what she thinks is impressive(posing like a magical girl when 'summoning' spirits can't possibly be necessary, right? Right?), and is generally rather odd in terms of many of her behaviors. She can also be rather competitive, and clingy if she takes a special liking to someone. She is also rather unconcerned by the loss of her right arm and left leg, deeming it a worthwhile loss for her current position. Finally, Tomoko is also rather blunt when she wants to be, holding back not a single punch when it comes to such matters.
  • Abilities: Tomoko's position as the Intermediary between Humans and Youkai permits her some different capabilities. To begin with, she is capable of touching and perceiving the intangible. Spirits with no form are like physical objects to her, and she is capable of interacting with them as easily as she can any other object. Additionally, youkai can recognize her instantly on sight, effectively so they know who to talk to. She is also capable of onmoyodo, especially in terms of anti-spirit and anti-youkai spells. This extends to things such as exorcisms and spiritual barriers, as well as some basic invocations. She doesn't really need them to contact spirits, given her nature, but she thinks it looks flashy.
  • Skills: Tomoko is highly intelligent, excellent at deduction. She is also very capable of spinning "potential truths" as she calls them, based on what information she has. She is also more capable of fighting then some would expect, largely due to her nature as the Intermediary between Humans and Youkai, though someone truly skilled would likely overcome her effectively.
  • Equipment: Tomoko's right arm no longer exists. The bandages are actually a replacement, inscribed with a variety of spells on the inside. This replacement is far stronger then the rest of her body, capable of harming more powerful youkai much more easily. She cannot feel anything with it, in spite of its supernatural nature. Her left leg, however, is an ordinary prosthetic. It does allow for sufficient movement to walk normally even without a cane, though her family insists she use one. When strained too much, it will come off on its own to avoid Tomoko harming herself. She also carries numerous ofuda in a bag in order to carry out exorcisms when necessary.
  • Brief Backstory: In most respects, Tomoko was an ordinary girl for most of her life. While her family was from an onmyouji bloodline, they were fairly lax and taught mostly the basics. So in terms of her life experiences, there was little that was out of the ordinary. That is, until she reached ten years old in age. On a day out with her family, Tomoko suddenly disappeared. Four years later, she reappeared, having been granted status as the Intermediary between Humans and Youkai in exchange for her right arm and left leg. Concluding this was a worthwhile trade, she has pursued this duty with gusto for the next six years, even recruiting assistants through dubious means in order to increase her effectiveness.
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