Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Tentatively interested, depending on how things go with the way too much stuff I'm running and in already. As long as I can manage it well I'll try and write something up.
  • Name: Chise
  • Age: 18
  • Race: Human
  • Appearance: A petite and frail-looking girl. Perhaps deceptively so. Exceptionally short in height, allowing her to disguise as a child quite easily if required.
  • Personality: It is said that the Shiga Clan's's shinobi are prized for the virtue of loyalty. Once they have pledged their services, they are unwavering in their willingness to carry out assignments for their master. Even the threat of torture cannot dissuade a member of the Shiga. Chise, perhaps, exemplifies this trait. Her loyalty to her master is absolute. Her duties are paramount. A deeply serious girl, she places her assignments before herself, and will do everything she can to accomplish them. It is likely that this behavior is ultimately fueled by gratitude. Gratitude to her clan for raising her, and towards her master for choosing her. However, it is inaccurate to say that she is consumed by duty at all times. Chise has a sarcastic streak, and is more then willing to make dry comments at that which she perceives as foolish or idiotic. While she rarely raises her voice, her displeasure can easily be perceived by the amount of dry insults she uses. She is somewhat awkward in social situations, tending to remain somewhat quiet when she's not being sarcastic, and topics she finds embarrassing will be quick to reduce her to a stuttering, blushing mess. In spite of this, she does all that she can to remain composed. Additionally, Chise is highly proud of her skills. While she is unlikely to openly brag, she is quite swift to use the origins of her training for intimidation purposes when necessary. She is deeply fond of her adoptive father.
  • History: An orphaned girl who was adopted by the leader of the Shiga Clan. Before this point, her memories are rather foggy, aside from recalling death and pain around her. As Chise grew, she was educated in the art of ninjutsu, to become a shinobi who would silently hunt her master's foes and strike from the shadows. Whether this was out of a desire for an adopted child to inherit his techniques, a cynical and manipulative move aimed at producing a skilled shinobi, or some combination of both, is known only to the clan's leader. Regardless, her training was fruitful in producing a shadow willing to take lives, and one who places her loyalty at the forefront of her mind. Chise was eventually selected to serve her current master at a relatively early age due to her promise, and she has continued to serve them ever since. The only thing likely to shake her from her duty is the plight of young children. She will not harm children.
  • Abilities/Skills: A highly capable shinobi, especially given her age. Chise is adept in the art of ninjutsu, exploiting her small statue for the sake of stealth and infiltration. Her small size also deceptively conceals her willingness to kill. Not only capable in stealth, she is also proficient in direct combat. In spite of her small size, her physical capabilities can be considered exceptional, especially her agility. Chise is skilled in swordplay and the use of the tools of a shinobi, possessing a katana as well as a supply of smoke bombs, small hand explosives, kunai, and shuriken. She is also capable of utilizing some shinobi techniques that permit the creation of illusory doppelgangers, vanishing completely into the shadows, and even the use of water-based elemental traps.
  • Other: N/A
I'm interested but you already knew that.
Sir Gerard's knowledge of these mercenary bands was certainly useful. While Fanilly had definitely heard of the Golden Boars and their ruthless nature before, she would not have been able to speak of their training or prior conduct in battle with anywhere near the level of accuracy as someone who had previously met them in combat more then once.

It was good to learn his injuries were mending well without too much further attention being necessary.

"I'm glad to hear you're doing well," she replied, "As for the Boars, I hope we can determine who hired them quickly..."

The imprisoned man would hopefully offer some information that could lead them to the Boars' employer. And if they were directly the one who desired the Angroron shard, then that would be all the better.

The idea of looking for books for treasure hunters for information made a lot of sense! She hadn't even thought about that angle before, but costly treasure was surely a draw towards those with plenty of daring and little common sense. The shard could be transported if insulted fully, as per the note that had originated from Lady Cal. Someone with that knowledge could easily think they would be able to claim it.

"You're right, Sir Gerard," Fanilly began, "I didn't think about it at all, but tomes for treasure hunters and travel guides could have the kind of information we're looking for too."

It hadn't even occurred to her, she'd been so focused on the legendary and historical side of things that the practical side had totally escaped her.

Even if she didn't say it aloud, it was obvious the girl was embarrassed at the fact that she'd failed to even consider a wider breadth of knowledge. Her cheeks had colored somewhat, as she examined the title that Sir Gerard had placed on top of the stack of books.

"There's no need to apologize, I appreciate your assistance," added Fanilly, doing her best to brush aside her awkwardness.

Tomoko listened for a few moments to the various proposals presented from across the room. Some of them were sound, though the less said about the 'chupacabra' the better. Indeed, it was clear that everyone present had done some real thinking! Not that she needed this sort of assistance, but it was sometimes useful to have other people thinking for themselves! She did pause a moment to eye Kaori as she fondled the squirming mujina. After all, given the jorogumo's past, well, noting what she was doing when a cute girl was so close to her was important.

A namahage would torture and terrorize children.

Some legends spoke of yamauba devouring them.

Urban legends spoke of a myriad of phantoms that would target children.

Kappa had an entire legend around them attacking people, most frequently children.

And, of course, a depraved human being could have abducted the children. Murdered them, abused them, or both.

All of these could have been the perpetrator.

And one was more likely then the others.

"There sure are a lot of yokai who like attacking children," mused Tomoko as she leaned back in her seat, "Normally, that might make it challenging to figure out our culprit. But it's not so difficult when you have your wonderful intermediary and club president here, is it?"

She flashed a smile towards the assembled club members as she rose to her feet, the bow in her hair bouncing.

"Since some of your suggestions are logical based on the information we have, it would be a struggle to figure out which one makes the most sense. At least, at first glance," she continued, "But how many of the child-eating yokai are known for their willingness to visit the city? These days, many of your child-hungry youkai aren't too fond of visiting populated areas."

The blonde girl picked up her cane. Indeed, it was possible some creep was the perpetrator as well.

"We could be looking at a human perpetrator, that's true. But if that were the case, I don't think anyone would have spoken to me," she continued. "I'll admit right now it's based on conjecture and hearsay, but I have a strong feeling about this. Those who guessed at urban legends might just have had a little bit of my wisdom rub off on them."

Winking, Tomoko raised one finger beside her head.

"Just a little!"

But the fact was that they still didn't have enough information to go off of.

"But we don't have enough information to come to any conclusions. Dubious conclusions about nurikabe aside, Hina-chan's questions are the right ones. Unfortunately, I don't have any answers. The kidnappings have happened in broad daylight, in the evening, from crowded locations, from lonely ones, even right behind the parents' backs. The only consistency is in the victims, and the lack of evidence."

Even the Intermediary couldn't produce evidence from thin air. But she had a plan to fix that.

"So," continued Tomoko, "We're going on a little field trip to talk to a witness!"

Given Tomoko's nature, it wouldn't take too much difficulty to understand who the 'witnesses' she mentioned were. There were no human beings who saw the crimes or knew anything about them...

At least, there were no living human beings.

"Today's club activity will be spirit invocation~!" declared the short girl brightly.

@Raineh Daze@Vega7285@Pyromania99@AzureKnight@Rune_Alchemist@Octo
Fanilly will make her reply today or tomorrow!
@Octo: Alrighty, that sounds good to me. Accepted.
@Octo: I like the look of her, I just want to know how powerful the curses/blessings can get before I give the okay.
@Octo: There's space for one more.
Moments before the gaping jaws of the serpent could slam down, it was suddenly dissipated, its form twisting around the bolt of starlight before breaking down into scattering white and black mist.

The white-haired girl was taken aback by the sudden disruption of her attack, briefly glancing in the direction the bolt of light had originated from.

This distraction was the perfect window for Nico's blow.

Something was struck.

There was a strange blue-grey flash from the point of the magical girl's impact, and a sound like a ringing bell. While it didn't appear as if the girl took the hit to her right arm directly, she most certainly felt something, gasping and staggering backwards, set off- balance and forced to catch herself.

But for a few moments, it was hard to tell if there were any other effects from the blow, as the girl took a step back and her gaze returned to the feline magical girl.

Then, something suddenly stirred on her arm, the semi-visible coils wrapped around it writhing in a frantic fashion, almost seeming to distort and warp for a moment. She let out small cry, her left arm clutching at the right as she fell onto one knee.


She took another step back as she forced herself back into her feet.

"... We'll meet again."

With that, she threw herself from the rooftop, backwards.

Even if Nico rushed to see where she fell, she would be gone.

@Ammokkx@King Cosmos
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