Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Even if it was Kaori's praise, being praised always felt like it was the most correct action to Tomoko. At least, when it was directed at her.

While her club member's squabbles and interactions were amusing, they indeed had a job to do.

"You're coming too," the Intermediary commented without even glancing towards Akari as she approached the door.

As the door opened, the shape of the girl Tomoko had arrived with in the first place shimmered into view, holding her umbrella over the petite blonde girl, the single eye upon it glancing at the others, the tongue waving back and forth.

"Let's go!"

The trip there was a wet one, though as they reached the scene of the crime the rain appeared to be dying down. Tomoko, with her hands-free umbrella, had of course remained completely dry during the whole walk.

Why she had elected to walk there rather then any other method of transport was perhaps mysterious, or perhaps simply because she felt like it. Regardless of the case, by this point in the day there were few people in this area of town.

The most recent disappearance had happened at night, and no-one was certain where it had actually occurred. Therefore, Tomoko had decided to travel to the site of the second-to-last disappearance. Not only was it a shorter walk, but it was also one of the most baffling: It had happened right behind the child's parent's backs.

Makishima Taro's disappearance was among the strangest of them, for certain.

The site of the disappearance was a playground. It seemed as if Tomoko had deliberately targeted both a fairly late point in the day, and a day where there would be very few people in the area, to begin her investigation.

"And now... let's get started!"

The talisman she drew and tossed into the air was one-hundred-percent necessary, one of many invocation spells she had prepared prior to her arrival.

The pose she struck, drawing the five-pointed star of Abe no Seimei in the air with her cane around it, was almost invariably not. As the shimmering sign faded, the talisman began to glow...

Tomoko straightened.

For a few moments, nothing in particular seemed to happen... And then...

Lurching out of the shadows, was the gaunt, grey-faced figure of a girl in her teens. She appeared like a dry corpse, her kimono in tatters with the colors faded away, eyes rolled back, hands grasping at the air, fingers curled like claws. Her mouth hung open, a death rattle escaping her throat, dried blood caked over one empty eye socket, a ragged gash across her throat.

When she spoke, her voice was like a whisper.

"Who... dares to-"

The ghost stopped for a moment.

When she spoke again, her voice was completely different.

"Oh, it's you, ojou-sama!"

Almost immediately, her eyes seemed to reappear in the sockets. Her hair neatened considerably, skin fading to a pale, but much less grey flesh tone. Her wounds sealed, her cheeks filled out... in moments, aside from a certain ethereal nature...

The girl who stood before them wasn't threatening at all.

"And some other people! What are all of you here for?" she questioned, tilting her head. "Fufu, if you're here to play karuta again, I won't lose this time!"

@Raineh Daze@Vega7285@Pyromania99@AzureKnight@Rune_Alchemist@Octo
Decided to change up Aleksiya's powerset so she's not just using even more blood magic like my original intent.
Once I settled on a basic concept, my whole idea was she just goes crazy with making weapons from blood magic and I didn't realize everyone else would also focus on it. ^^;
@GingerBoi123: Yep, definitely!
@Raineh Daze: The Dragon's name was Volkstraad the Red.
"Your suggestion was to use your non-existent charm to lure it ashore."

No matter how she was dedicated to her purpose as a Guardian of Fae lands, Seelay would never cease to be irritated by her companion's antics. Especially given the fact having her hair tugged on didn't exactly feel painless. Reaching up, she poked the fairy's belly in annoyance before attempting to focus on the task at hand.

"As for handling this beast, I'd like to try and learn more about it before trying to kill it, but it's unlikely that we have the time," she said, "Nor do I have faith in it falling for the same trick multiple times."

The elven hunter put her hands on her hips, allowing herself a smug smile.

"I might not be as familiar with hunting on the sea, but I think I have a plan to take it down. I'll need to see what your equipment is like."

But first, she was going to have to see how many harpoons they had.

  • Name: Chise
  • Age: 18
  • Race: Human
  • Appearance: A petite and frail-looking girl. Perhaps deceptively so. Exceptionally short in height, allowing her to disguise as a child quite easily if required.
  • Personality: It is said that the Shiga Clan's's shinobi are prized for the virtue of loyalty. Once they have pledged their services, they are unwavering in their willingness to carry out assignments for their master. Even the threat of torture cannot dissuade a member of the Shiga. Chise, perhaps, exemplifies this trait. Her loyalty to her master is absolute. Her duties are paramount. A deeply serious girl, she places her assignments before herself, and will do everything she can to accomplish them. It is likely that this behavior is ultimately fueled by gratitude. Gratitude to her clan for raising her, and towards her master for choosing her. However, it is inaccurate to say that she is consumed by duty at all times. Chise has a sarcastic streak, and is more then willing to make dry comments at that which she perceives as foolish or idiotic. While she rarely raises her voice, her displeasure can easily be perceived by the amount of dry insults she uses. She is somewhat awkward in social situations, tending to remain somewhat quiet when she's not being sarcastic, and topics she finds embarrassing will be quick to reduce her to a stuttering, blushing mess. In spite of this, she does all that she can to remain composed. Additionally, Chise is highly proud of her skills. While she is unlikely to openly brag, she is quite swift to use the origins of her training for intimidation purposes when necessary. She is deeply fond of her adoptive father.
  • History: An orphaned girl who was adopted by the leader of the Shiga Clan. Before this point, her memories are rather foggy, aside from recalling death and pain around her. As Chise grew, she was educated in the art of ninjutsu, to become a shinobi who would silently hunt her master's foes and strike from the shadows. Whether this was out of a desire for an adopted child to inherit his techniques, a cynical and manipulative move aimed at producing a skilled shinobi, or some combination of both, is known only to the clan's leader. Regardless, her training was fruitful in producing a shadow willing to take lives, and one who places her loyalty at the forefront of her mind. Chise was eventually selected to serve her current master at a relatively early age due to her promise, and she has continued to serve them ever since. The only thing likely to shake her from her duty is the plight of young children. She will not harm children.
  • Abilities/Skills: A highly capable shinobi, especially given her age. Chise is adept in the art of ninjutsu, exploiting her small statue for the sake of stealth and infiltration. Her small size also deceptively conceals her willingness to kill. Not only capable in stealth, she is also proficient in direct combat. In spite of her small size, her physical capabilities can be considered exceptional, especially her agility. Chise is skilled in swordplay and the use of the tools of a shinobi, possessing a katana as well as a supply of smoke bombs, small hand explosives, kunai, and shuriken. She is also capable of utilizing some shinobi techniques that permit the creation of illusory doppelgangers, vanishing completely into the shadows, and even the use of water-based elemental traps.
  • Other: N/A
  • Name: Aleksiya Ravennart, also known as Ice Princess Aleksiya, or the Rime-Winged Vermilion Angel
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "... Don't ask." With the appearance of a child no older then 10, Aleksiya can still put off a surprising amount of menace.
  • Abilities: Aleksiya is known as the Ice Princess for a reason. In addition to a high capacity with blood magic, Aleksiya specializes in magic that permits the manipulation and creation of ice. Ice created by Aleksiya is extremely cold, enough to produce a burning sensation on contact with unprotected skin and prolonged contact causing tissue damage. She can rapidly form ice in different shapes, commonly in the form of spears and spikes to be used as projectiles. Given sufficient time, she can even freeze a target solid. Before her death and revival, she could freeze targets much more rapidly. But her signature technique is the combination of Blood and Ice magic. By freezing blood, she can enhance blood projectiles to fly further and penetrate more deeply, raining shards of frozen ichor upon her foes or creating exotic patterns of crimson frost to use as a barrier. Her second title was earned due to the use of her favorite weapon, a scythe composed entirely of frozen blood that she can create at will as long as she has sufficient blood to manipulate. She does not need physical contact with her own blood, or disembodied blood, in order to freeze it and alter its shape. Therefore, an enemy who gets her blood on them could easily be unaware of the danger until too late.

    When given enough excess blood, she is capable of manipulating the blood in her body to force herself to operate at a higher degree of strength and speed. This technique is known as Rime-Winged Vermilion Angel, and is the origin of one of her titles. Excess Blood forms in icy veins stretching from her back, twisting together to resemble a pair of wings, where it can be stored for use to maintain this form. It is crucial that she maintains the 'wings' and does not overuse this technique, as the strain from the manipulation of her own bloodflow can cause her veins and many internal organs to rupture. While this may not kill her outright, it would be catastrophic in battle.

    Her most powerful technique, Endless Crimson Crystal Prison, is currently too complex and requires far too much power and blood for her to activate. On activation, ice rapidly encases the target, who is then skewered by numerous spears of ice before being frozen completely solid. The target is left a permanent ice sculpture, a bizarre art piece filled with gleaming spears. An overkill technique intended to be used against large or particularly stubborn foes, it has slipped from her grasp due to the lengthy period of time she spent dead.
  • Personality: Arrogant and cruel. Sadistic and capricious. These are words that describe the demeanor of the Ice Princess Aleksiya. High-handed, judging those around her by if they offer value only in how much they amuse her, this is the Crimson Reaper's attitude. But, while describing her in this manner is not necessarily incorrect, it perhaps does not capture the whole picture.

    It's impossible to deny Aleksiya's sadistic streak, and she is cruel to her enemies and will often speak in a callous and unforgiving manner. Her smug attitude is no exaggeration either. But, in spite of this behavior, she shows favor to the weak and downtrodden, those who suffer under the thumb of the kind of people who recklessly abuse their own power. Human or vampire, those who prey upon the helpless are viewed scornfully by Aleksiya, who reserves her cruelest acts for those who show such cruelness themselves. She is especially sensitive to the plights of children. She will at times exaggerate her more cruel and villainous streak specifically to grow her reputation, but it isn't uncommon for her softer side to show through. In some respect, her willingness to serve Ichor is likely due for the sake of providing further structure to the world's current state, in hopes of punishing those who exploit the weak.

    Regardless of her softer side, Aleksiya's arrogance cannot be overstated. She has nothing but confidence in herself, and her abilities, and will mock and belittle any that she sees as beneath her.
  • Bio: Aleksiya was born to a noble family, long ago. As nobility went, they were quite fair-handed, and loved their daughter, showering her with affection and spending as much time as they were able to with her. The Ravennarts were also friends of another neighboring family, the Mierret, and Aleksiya frequently played with their youngest daughter, a girl of her age named Brigette. Aleksiya and Brigette rapidly became close friends, and spent many days together playing in and around the grounds of her family's mansion. Unfortunately, these days were not to last.

    Tollivor Burian, head of the Burian family, had long held a rivalry with the Ravennarts and the Mierret.
    Manipulating minor nobles, he was able to stage a surprise attack on the Ravennarts' mansion during a celebration where much of the Mierret family, including Brigette, were present. In spite of their best efforts, their defenses eventually crumbled, and Aleksiya and Brigette's families were slaughtered. Given no time to mourn, they were snatched away by Lord Burian, who claimed their lands and intended to use the young girls as trophies, enslaving them for the sake of a spiteful vengeance against his slaughtered rivals. Subjected to Lord Burian's cruel whims, the girls were frequently beaten and subjected to starvation, as the wicked lord subjected the common folk to monstrous acts for his own amusement. Aleksiya witnessed horrific tortures and cruel games carried out in Lord Burian's court, and was sometimes subjected to them herself. But she felt far worse pain when Brigette was targeted, as the other girl's health steadily wore down.

    One morning, she awoke to learn that Brigette had apparently died in the night, her body tossed away like trash.
    From that point onwards, Aleksiya did not care what else happened.

    She would take revenge on Lord Burian, and make him suffer for his crimes.

    But her young body could only take so much cruel treatment, and soon she too was cast out, starved and beaten, to die in the cold one winter's night.

    And yet, it was not to be. A figure she thought she recognized as a noble she had once met prior to Lord Burian's attack made her an offer of survival, and power, and she found herself accepting without a second thought.

    The next morning, Lord Burian was dead, his skinned corpse hanging from his bedroom window.

    Aleksiya Ravennart, now a vampire, claimed ownership of the land that once belonged to her family, as well as the lands of the Mierret and Burian families. The nobles who participated in her family's slaughter were killed, their heads displayed on pikes and their properties absorbed into Aleksiya's territory. From this point on, the girl's life was one filled with that which brought her pleasure. Finery, sweet blood, and punishment for the wicked. As time went on, she became more and more active in moving against those who had earned her ire, and her reputation as the Ice Princess grew. Her manipulation of ice grew to become quite famous.

    Unfortunately for Aleksiya, not even her considerable magical capabilities were enough to save her from the surprise attack of the Hundred Paladins, and she was killed. In her last moments, her thoughts drifted to Brigette, and the smallest hope that she would see her once again...
  • Anything else: Carries a stuffed rabbit that belonged to Brigette. It is quite weathered by this point, but somehow mostly intact.
And so the drinking contest began.

One would assume that the two taller women, with their size advantage and the fact they drank more frequently, would have an easy win in this situation.

And yet perhaps that assumption would be mistaken.

For, no matter how much she drank, Fio did not seem in the least bit intoxicated. Indeed, even after polishing off several mugs of alcohol, there wasn't the faintest flush on her face. She didn't sway or slur her words. No, she seemed quite comfortable, and composed, simply watching the Queen and Luna silently.

It should be common knowledge that the Sword Witch rejected alcohol for a reason. And yet, in this case, she was drinking mug after mug without the slightest bit of concern.

The drunker her opponents got, the more smug Fio's expression became. By the time they had each drank a considerable amount, she was practically radiating arrogance.

At with the final drink, the Sword Witch slammed her mug down, hopping to her feet with a grin.

"Wahahahahaha!" she couldn't contain herself. There was no doubt, her plan had went off without a hitch!

"You said this was a drinking contest, right?" she asked, cocking her head towards the Queen, then Luna in turn, "But, you never specified what we had to drink! Didn't you know? Water purification spells are common knowledge for any self-respecting mage!"

Certainly, if she'd been asked to purify any large amount of liquid at once, it would have been far beyond her reach. But purifying just what was in the mug, one at a time?

It was child's play for an accomplished practioner of magic like herself!

This was their punishment, to drink themselves into the world's worst hangover the next morning, when they never had a chance of beating her in the first place!

The sound that left Fio's lips when she felt the Queen's hand find her chest was difficult to describe. The sheer and utter anger was eclipsed by the even more pronounced embarrassment, as the diminutive witch's cheeks began to burn. Indeed, the Sword Witch was practically glowing from the particular location where the Queen's hand had ended up.

This was too much. She couldn't deal with this. Not only was the Queen groping at her chest(what little of it there was, not that Fio would appreciate that comment), but it was somewhere where others could see it happening

Royalty was not exempt from retaliation. Not even royalty she served.


There was the dull sound of metal striking someone's head.

The flat of Fio's sword had come into direct contact with Queen Sorcha's head.

The small girl immediately took the opportunity to pull away, blushing furiously as she put the entire table between herself and the Queen's grasping fingers as her sword disappeared once more.

"What were you thinking!?" Fio cried, "Doing th... th... th-that sort of thing here!? A-asking me to drink? Of course I wo-"

She paused for a moment.

Indeed, there was no denying it. The Sword Witch was incapable of holding her alcohol. No sooner then she began to drink, she'd swiftly become intoxicated. She was perfectly aware of this, and it was one of the primary reasons she refused to drink alcohol.


This time, she had a plan.

"...Hmph. Fine. I'll participate in this stupid little game."

Little did her opponents know, this was not going to go as expected.

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