Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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I think I lean towards 1 or 3, personally, since those have the most potential for varied scenarios and stuff I think

Elizabeth is 14 years old.

The bodyguards are likely recruited from various agencies, while the Automatic Dolls are either purchased or already in the family's service.

Seradite is not commonly seen and kept mostly in the engineering sector. While it's not rare in and of itself it's not commong for the average person to have it.

The threats are kept semi-under-wraps, but the high profile nature means there's been some public leaks and speculation.

The trip is about a week and a half in total, accounting for the train ride there and back and the stay. It will only constitute the first part of the RP.
Happy to answer any questions you might have!
The year is 1888.

Near the turn of the century, massive advances in steam technology opened the door for a revolution that swept across the whole world. Originating in the British Isles, these advances brought forth new methods of transportation, of medical care, of industrialization. It even brought forth the creation of 'automatic dolls', self-powered machines that were capable of performing basic tasks without human interference.

Only a few years later, the discovery of Seradite, named for geologist Engel Sera, would propel these technologies to greater heights. A mineral capable of storing and conducting energy in unique and unprecedented ways, Seradite in conjunction with steam technology pushed the world's advancement to even greater heights.

This is particularly true in the case of Automatic Dolls.

Having originated as vaguely human-shaped constructions, the introduction of Seradite allowed Automatic Dolls to become more and more advanced. Soon, the most expensive Automatic Dolls became artisan works, delicate construction allowing them to mimic human beings extremely closely in appearance. Needless to say, only the richest families could afford the services of Automatic Dolls of such quality. But Seradite also allowed for the mass production of more basic dolls.

And, in England, one of the foremost companies responsible for the development of Automatic Dolls is none other then the Danford Mechanarium. Owned by the Danford family, not only do they work heavily in Seradite mining and fund the crafting of high-cost Automatic Dolls, but they also develop many more basic robotics as well as numerous steampowered technologies. Needless to say, anyone who knows anything about technology is well aware of the contributions of the Danford Mechanrium.

And, perhaps, that is the reason for the current situation.

Elizabeth Danford, the young daughter of Archibald Danford, has been the target of threats against her life and wellbeing. At first it seemed there were little teeth behind these threats, but then a small explosive was discovered in mail addressed to her.

At first, the proposed solution was simply to lock Elizabeth away until those responsible could be captured. But the stubborness of the Danford family is legendary, and Elizabeth is no exception.

Having previously intended on taking a train ride across country to meet with another family with close ties to the Danfords, Elizabeth made a bold declaration.

That she would be responsible for the capture of the people threatening her life.

Exactly how she managed to persuade her father to go along with her plan is a mystery. But, somehow, she did just that, and is scheduled to board the train and make her journey as if nothing happened.

But doing so alone would be suicidal.

The finest Automatic Dolls money can buy, and the most suitable bodyguards that would accept the job.

These are the people who will be accompanying Elizabeth Danford at every moment.

And these people are you.

  • Seradite: a remarkable mineral discovered by geologist Engel Sera. Capable of storing and transferring enormous amounts of energy, such as that generated by steam technology, Seradite has become vital to the modern world, a component in many forms of mass transportation and production. Chief among its uses is in the 'heart' of Automatic Dolls, allowing them such a high degree of autonomy with minimal space required. Nearly all modern Automatic Dolls have a Seradite core.
  • Automatic Doll: Robots with clockwork and Seradite inner workings. Automatic Dolls specifically are humanlike, with the most advanced Automatic Dolls being nearly indistinguishable from humans provided their joints are covered. Such expensive automatic dolls are artisan works, representing hundreds of hours of intensive crafstmanship. Of particular note is the life-like eyes, often composed of etched metals and delicate lenses. These advanced Automatic Dolls are highly resistant to small arms fire over much of their body, though the face and parts of the mid-torso are more vulnerable. They are also far stronger then human beings of a similar size and shape. While most Automatic Dolls are possessed of limited intelligence, the artisan works that are these expensive and unique dolls are capable of a high degree of independent intelligent thought, and possess a full range of emotions. In most respects physically identical to humans externally, some question if it is right for these dolls to be treated as purchasable products. The primary methods to disable an Automatic Doll are to destroy the head, which will disable them and effectively cause them to "black out" until it is repaired, or to destroy the Seradite Core, which will permanently end their operations.

  • Name:
  • Gender:
  • Age:
  • Appearance:
  • Personality:
  • History:
  • Equipment:
  • Skills:
  • Character Type: Human or Automatic Doll. Note that only the most human-like Automatic Dolls will be accepted, as only they possess human-like intelligence.
@RBYDark: It would be.

To everyone else, I think I'll be ready to put up the OOC soon!
The year is 1888.

Near the turn of the century, massive advances in steam technology opened the door for a revolution that swept across the whole world. Originating in the British Isles, these advances brought forth new methods of transportation, of medical care, of industrialization. It even brought forth the creation of 'automatic dolls', self-powered machines that were capable of performing basic tasks without human interference.

Only a few years later, the discovery of Seradite, named for geologist Engel Sera, would propel these technologies to greater heights. A mineral capable of storing and conducting energy in unique and unprecedented ways, Seradite in conjunction with steam technology pushed the world's advancement to even greater heights.

This is particularly true in the case of Automatic Dolls.

Having originated as vaguely human-shaped constructions, the introduction of Seradite allowed Automatic Dolls to become more and more advanced. Soon, the most expensive Automatic Dolls became artisan works, delicate construction allowing them to mimic human beings extremely closely in appearance. Needless to say, only the richest families could afford the services of Automatic Dolls of such quality. But Seradite also allowed for the mass production of more basic dolls.

And, in England, one of the foremost companies responsible for the development of Automatic Dolls is none other then the Danford Mechanarium. Owned by the Danford family, not only do they work heavily in Seradite mining and fund the crafting of high-cost Automatic Dolls, but they also develop many more basic robotics as well as numerous steampowered technologies. Needless to say, anyone who knows anything about technology is well aware of the contributions of the Danford Mechanrium.

And, perhaps, that is the reason for the current situation.

Elizabeth Danford, the young daughter of Archibald Danford, has been the target of threats against her life and wellbeing. At first it seemed there were little teeth behind these threats, but then a small explosive was discovered in mail addressed to her.

At first, the proposed solution was simply to lock Elizabeth away until those responsible could be captured. But the stubborness of the Danford family is legendary, and Elizabeth is no exception.

Having previously intended on taking a train ride across country to meet with another family with close ties to the Danfords, Elizabeth made a bold declaration.

That she would be responsible for the capture of the people threatening her life.

Exactly how she managed to persuade her father to go along with her plan is a mystery. But, somehow, she did just that, and is scheduled to board the train and make her journey as if nothing happened.

But doing so alone would be suicidal.

The finest Automatic Dolls money can buy, and the most suitable bodyguards that would accept the job.

These are the people who will be accompanying Elizabeth Danford at every moment.

And these people are you.

  • Seradite: a remarkable mineral discovered by geologist Engel Sera. Capable of storing and transferring enormous amounts of energy, such as that generated by steam technology, Seradite has become vital to the modern world, a component in many forms of mass transportation and production. Chief among its uses is in the 'heart' of Automatic Dolls, allowing them such a high degree of autonomy with minimal space required. Nearly all modern Automatic Dolls have a Seradite core.
  • Automatic Doll: Robots with clockwork and Seradite inner workings. Automatic Dolls specifically are humanlike, with the most advanced Automatic Dolls being nearly indistinguishable from humans provided their joints are covered. Such expensive automatic dolls are artisan works, representing hundreds of hours of intensive crafstmanship. Of particular note is the life-like eyes, often composed of etched metals and delicate lenses. These advanced Automatic Dolls are highly resistant to small arms fire over much of their body, though the face and parts of the mid-torso are more vulnerable. They are also far stronger then human beings of a similar size and shape. While most Automatic Dolls are possessed of limited intelligence, the artisan works that are these expensive and unique dolls are capable of a high degree of independent intelligent thought, and possess a full range of emotions. In most respects physically identical to humans externally, some question if it is right for these dolls to be treated as purchasable products. The primary methods to disable an Automatic Doll are to destroy the head, which will disable them and effectively cause them to "black out" until it is repaired, or to destroy the Seradite Core, which will permanently end their operations.

  • Name:
  • Gender:
  • Age:
  • Appearance:
  • Personality:
  • History:
  • Equipment:
  • Skills:
  • Character Type: Human or Automatic Doll. Note that only the most human-like Automatic Dolls will be accepted, as only they possess human-like intelligence.
"Ummmm..." at the drawing offers, the ghost looked thoughtful for a few moments, "A samurai! A cute ghost girl samurai!"

Given her manner of dress, it was quite possible the ghost was alive when the samurai class still existed. Or, perhaps, she just thought it was a cool idea.

Tomoko considered the information that the ghost had provided thus far. A female apparition that no-one else seemed to see... and yet she didn't anticipate that the perpetrator was a ghost. A wandering ghost was unlikely to possess the power to cause children to simply vanish, something like that would demand far more power then the average disembodied soul without a concrete location to anchor itself would be capable of mustering. Even a ghost like the one they were speaking to now, fully capable of interacting with children, would not have the capability to simply cause those children to vanish.

Kaori, however, had hit upon a line of questioning that Tomoko had wanted to pursue almost from the outset.

"Her height? How she dressed?" the ghost asked, cocking her head as she made no effort to escape from the jororgumo's grip, "Well, if it's for karuta..."

And Homura's elaboration was the exact direction Tomoko would have taken herself.

She was certain now, but she wanted confirmation.

"Oh... how did you know?! That's exactly what she was wearing! ... Is that bad or good?" the ghost immediately seemed uncertain. "She was also really tall, the tallest person I've ever seen!"

"You've confirmed my suspicions, good work!" declared Tomoko brightly, flashing a thumbs up towards the ghost, who seemed surprised for the moment that what she's said was enough to confirm anything.

"I know we were already suspecting we might be dealing with something like this," she said, as she turned to her club members, "But now our suspicions are confirmed. We're not dealing with an ancient mountain hag, a displaced kappa, or anything like that. We're dealing with something quite a bit more urban, but without a penchant for facemasks and giant pairs of shears!"

The blonde girl tapped the tip of her walking stick against the ground.

"Our perpetrator is Hasshaku-sama!"

She paused for a moment, for dramatic effect.

"Oh! I've heard children talk about that, what is it?" asked the ghost. It was only natural she didn't know, having died before the internet existed in its current form.

"She's a ghost, or a yokai depending on who you ask," Tomoko explained, "Who focuses largely on children. She takes them away, in most tellings, which is something I'm counting on. But the important thing to know is this: Hasshaku-sama is entirely fictional."

The ghost stared blankly.

"Eeeh? Then how is she the culprit...?"

Tomoko brushed the question off.

"What we need to do now is figure out how we're going to lure her out!"

Using her stick, she pointed it towards Shuichiro.

"If you can find a trail, that should help too, but I'm sure we're going to need some bait either way."

@Raineh Daze@Vega7285@Pyromania99@AzureKnight@Rune_Alchemist@Octo

Sleeping face? Fio hadn't thought about that, but the Queen had totally gotten to see how she looked while she was asleep! Her cheeks reddened immediately, her small hands clenched into fists at her sides as she silently fumed for a moment, glaring at the Queen.

But it was clear something was a little off. The normally cheerful Sorcha didn't quite seem so upbeat as usual. That wistful stare out into the mountains wasn't like her, and although she'd teased the Sword Witch, at the same time she seemed rather melancholy. It wasn't the useful unbecoming royal she had become familiar with.

She hesitated for a few moments, before inhaling deeply and approaching.

"I joined your court in order to learn, so it's only natural I'd want to hear a story like that," the petite girl replied as she took a seat beside the Queen, brushing her hair back as she did, "It'd be foolish to think I'd pass up such an opportunity."

It simply wasn't something she could ever ignore.

"My, having to use my bare hands like this is so distasteful. I could really use a meal."

One skeleton's arm was caught. Such a slow, crude swing, with a rusty old cleaver. Aleksiya's dainty hand twisted, snapping decrepit bones and redirecting the undead's swing, bringing the edge of the cleaver into the path of the other attacker's skull. With a crunch, worn and yellowed bone crumbled as the cleaver buried itself almost all the way through the undead's head, sending it stumbling backwards.

The diminutive vampire finished off her attackers by swinging the armbones in her hand downwards sharply, crushing through their decrepit structure and sending them crumbling to the floor.

She was hardly among the most physically powerful of the Lords, but at the same time these opponents were old and barely more then dust. It didn't take much to destroy them.

And while she was weakened considerably...

Raising her right hand, Aleksiya focused. She channeled the magical energy to her fingertips, her palm, and the air just in front of her immediately lowered in temperature as a circle of light materialized. At its center, moisture gathered, coalescing and condensing as it was chilled even more, a spinning orb of ice assembling itself. Ah... this wasn't quite as easy as it was before she died, but at the same time it wasn't particularly difficult either.

A solid orb of ice drifted in the air, much the size and shape of a black powder rifle slug. Frigid mist drifted off of it, as it began to spin rapidly, its form blurring.

And then, with a flash of blue light it rocketed from the center of the circle, directly into the head of the next nearest skeleton. The force of the impact from the dense ball of ice was sufficient to shatter the skull on impact, fragments of bone and dust scattering into the air.

The shriek she'd heard was in the back of her mind, but she'd hardly admit to having any concerns.

"I have little interest in remaining here any longer, so let's finish this rabble off, shall we?"

@Rune_Alchemist@Pyromania99@Click This
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