Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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@Rune_Alchemist: Accepted!
It really did come down to a difference in perspective.

Fanilly had been very young when she first learned of her position as a successor to the Iron Rose Knights' leadership. But even as a small child, she was aware something had changed. Her education took a considerably different track. She had gone from a potential candidate to a certain candidate, and one that would be needed as soon as she came of age. Matters of military, of warfare. The way to use a sword. She had gone from a noble's daughter who would never see combat to a knight-in-training incredibly swiftly.

Her perspective from her education was one that had groomed her for a leadership role. Of course she would fight on the battlefield, but she would also command her knights in battle strategy. Thus, it was not the perspective of a single soldier who must execute those commands.

No matter how embarrassing she found her failure to consider all the possible sources of information, it ultimately came down to the gap in their perspectives. And that made Sir Gerard all the more useful as a partner in searching these books for clues, didn't it?

And so...

Places of madness. Locations that could insight sudden violence or loss of sanity. Or perhaps locations afflicted with strange curses, like the withering of plantlife or the avoidance of animals.

It was in the tome that Sir Gerard had just presented, the Thaln's Locales - The Many Faces of the Homeland, that she found something that peaked her curiosity.

"Here, look here..."

Pointing to the passage in question, it read.

Brennan Forest is lush and fertile with life, perfect for the enterprising hunter or the herbalist. But one must be aware of the dangers, and one danger is particularly curious. The remains of an orcish temple, erected to some profane and wicked figure lay long abandoned in the forest's eastern reaches. While the last of its inhabitants were slain long ago, it is still considered a place of evil. It is said that dark thoughts of violence and madness can manifest in those who spend more then a few hours nearby. Of course, this place exists only in the tales of wild adventurers, so it's difficult to verify the truth behind them. But historical records do indicate an orc temple once stood in Brennan, and thus it would be unwise to remain unaware of the potential danger.

@RBYDark: I really don't know. D:

@Athol: Yes.
Immediately brushing aside any of Hina's assertions, Tomoko took a deep breath. Needless to say, asserting that their preptrator was entirely fictional was something that needed at least a little explanation.

"But... fictional things can't do that," the ghost tilted her head, perplexed, holding the drawing lightly in both hands, "Couldn't it be something else...? Maybe it was a living person."

"You're right, Chiba-san," she began, addressing the ghost "There's plenty of other possibilities to consider. Indeed, it's not as if a fictional spirit could be the most likely perpetrator, right? There must be plenty of other potential culprits to consider first."

A smile crossed the girl's lips as she took a deep breath.

This was it.

"Or are there?" she asked, rhetorically, "Certainly, it's possible there's others who might want to kidnap a child. But there's a few things that struck me as odd about this case. The park was packed the day Taro-kun disappeared, wasn't it?"

The ghost nodded swiftly.

"There were a lot of people. It wasn't like there were too many for the kids to have fun, but it would have been hard for anyone to move around without being seen," she replied.

"That's right. We have a kidnapping done in broad daylight, in the middle of a crowded playground, with no witnesses, no signs of a struggle, and not even a cry for help," Tomoko continued, "Taro-kun disappeared without a trace in an instant. Certainly, there's other yokai who exhibit a disturbing interest in children, but there's a reason they're often used as stories to keep children from wandering off alone."

Kappa would attack those who approached water, but there was no water here. And a yamaoba coming down into such a crowded place, in broad daylight...

"They're not known for attacking crowds for a reason. The most likely perpetrator aside from that is a human, which I will admit might seem more likely. However..."

There was no reason to pause like this other than for dramatic effect.

"Would a human kidnapper really be able to make Taro-kun disappear so quickly? Would a human kidnapper then be able to do the same to the other children? Taro-kun isn't the only one who disappeared in broad daylight in a public place. But all of that's simply guesswork. It's not impossible for a human kidnapper, just highly unlikely," she added, "It's Chiba-san's testimony about the tall woman that confirmed my suspicions."

"But... how can a fictional spirit hurt anyone? If she's fictional, she's not real, right?" asked the ghost.

"Just because something is fictional doesn't mean it's not real," Tomoko answered, still smiling as she explained, "We can trace Hasshaku-sama's origins back to a thread on a certain internet discussion board. It was just a ghost story, with no basis in reality. That ghost story has spread, over and over, between more and more people. The idea that 'Hasshaku-sama is a tall woman who causes children to disappear' has been spread far beyond the original readers."

Tomoko paused for a moment.

"It's not even a particularly frightening story, I never got the appeal, so I can't fathom why anyone would start taking it so seriously! It's a little silly, isn't it?" she commented. "But regardless, Hasshaku-sama spread. It spread to the point where there were plenty of people who didn't even know where it originated. Where some people began to believe it could be true. Human belief sustains gods, and human belief can sustain monsters as well."

The blonde girl gestured idly with her walking stick.

"If, as I believe, Hasshaku-sama is our culprit, she's a monster of human belief. A yokai born from the fact that people believed she could exist. She'd hardly be the first. Kuchisake-onna, Aka Manto, Teke-teke, just to name a few. Mythological yokai are born from nature, or magic. But those from urban legends are formed from belief."

Her walking stick tapped against the ground.

"Regardless, we need to set a trap, don't we?" she asked, her smile turning into something of a smirk, "And Hina-chan has kindly volunteered herself for just that purpose! I think I'll let Shimizu-san handle the costuming, I'm sure she'll do a fine job if she's left alone with Hina-chan."

One could almost swear Tomoko's eyes took on a light all their own as she gave an almost aggressively pleasant smile to the zasshiki-warashi.

She clapped her hands together.

"Nishiyama-san, if you can help narrow down her location that would be excellent. Ibaraki-san, you might have to swallow your nerves a little, that arm of yours is about to come quite in handy."

Of course, she didn't mean either of the small oni's physical arms.

@Raineh Daze@Vega7285@Pyromania99@AzureKnight@Rune_Alchemist@Octo
Sorry about the delay will be fixing that soon. ^^;

  • Name: Lisabelle Salwet
  • Codename: Flare
  • Race: Draco
  • Personality: The stalwart blade of Victoria, who will stare death in the face and never back down. Flare carries pride in her heart, for the martial tradition of her family. Even now, after contracting oripathy and leaving her homeland and duties behind, Flare has not forgotten the purpose behind her training. She does not back down, she does not surrender. Of course, she is not a foo who takes battle lightly. Her self-assuredness is not misplaced, nor does it mean she is incapable of self-reflection. Flare is possessed of excellent judgement, and while her attitude can sometimes seem aloof and cold she is in fact quite dedicated to ideals such as protecting the innocent and the safety of her allies. In spite of this, there's more then a few of her fellow Operators who see her has overly harsh and uncompromising. Flare is especially cold towards those who chase personal glory at all costs, and those who do not value their allegiances. But beneath this steely exterior, there is a sense of failure. Of guilt, at having to leave the one she was supposed to protect behind. A longing to at least see her again someday. This guilt is perhaps one of the reasons Flare has a special care for children, especially young girls. It's simply difficult for her no to feel emotional attachment towards those who remind her of the one she was once charged to protect. Regardless, Flare is a dedicated Operator with a strong sense of duty, who will not falter in order to complete her tasks. At times, this may be a danger to her own wellbeing, as she will push her body far beyond its limits in order to complete her task.
  • History: With a legacy of military service both on the frontlines and as guards for nobility, it was only natural that the young daughter of the Salwet family would enter into the same life as her ancestors did. Enrolled in the Victorian Royal Guard Academy, Flare excelled in her lessons, taking to them as naturally as she breathed. While she carried herself with pride, and did not hesitate to mention her own capabilities, it was not in the form of bragging. Rather, it was simply as a statement of fact. To do anything less would be a disservice to the legacy of her ancestors. To the name of the Victorian Royal Guard Academy. It was this matter-of-fact approach to her own combat abilities that ignited anger and jealousy in some of her classmates. The praise Flare received only caused those feelings to burn all the more hotly.

    It was perhaps unsurprising Flare found herself challenged.

    The outcome was obvious, at least in her mind. She claimed victory, leaving her jealous classmate on the ground, floored in seconds.

    The incident was quite a stir, at the time, but eventually things quieted down. After all, it was a simple challenge with no serious injuries.

    Flare had no idea that her words of praise towards her opponent could have ignited even deeper feelings of hatred among those who already nursed envy.

    Flare graduated from the Royal Guard Academy with honors, and soon become a guardian for the young daughter of a high-profile noble family. The girl's mother, a woman whom Flare knew in her youth and considered an elder sister, was overjoyed to know that someone like Flare would be handling the protection of her child. The young girl, named Bethany, was initially shy around Flare but came to be quite friendly towards her. Just as Flare once saw her mother as an older sister, Bethany came to see Flare as an older sister. Albeit one tasked with destroying any threat that the little girl faced.

    It was after a series of threats against Bethany's family that Flare lead an increasingly heightened security detail. Indeed, Flare slew several would-be attackers shortly before the final incident.

    An explosive was detonated at a public park.

    Flare used her own body like a shield, curling herself around Bethany's body.

    The little girl survived. Through some miracle, so did Flare herself.

    Bethany's father did not.

    It was only after medical treatment for her injuries that Flare discovered she had contracted oripathy from the explosive. Soon after, she learned that the woman she once saw as an elder sister could no longer even look at her without being reminded of her husband's death.

    The ultimate perpetrators behind the explosion were never found.

    It is in this state that Flare left Bethany's security detail, and after performing some work as a mercenary and swiftly earning a name for herself in that profession, she found her way to Rhodes Island.
  • State of Infection: Infected. Lesions are largely internal, resulting in occasional coughing fits and minor internal bleeding. Rest is recommended during these periods of weakness. Please do not ignore this recommendation again.

  • Skills: Possessed of exceptional skill in swordplay, her primary method of combat. Flare is swift and precise in battle, utilizing a combination of her arts and her blades to inflict damage rapidly. She excels in conflict on-foot, but is weaker against long-range high-impact attacks.
  • Abilities: Flare's arts allow for the manipulation of the Thermal Energy State. Particularly, this allows her to generate flames by rapidly introducing heat. She can use this for short-range attacks, igniting her weaponry, and even causing small close-range explosions. In particular, she often uses this to armor-piercing effects by penetrating a hard target with one of her blades and then causing flames to erupt inside of it.
  • Equipment: Flare carries two sabres as her primary method of combat. However, stored within a special case she carries during combat is a sword gifted to her by her grandfather, Solais. A straightsword of considerable length, Flare reserves it for serious opponents whom require a further edge in combat. Solais has a constantly burning edge, which can be greater enhanced by Flare's arts. When used in conjunction, it is capable of releasing a wave of searing heat that can melt even sturdy armor and burn away flesh and bone in an instant, though it requires some time unsheathed to build enough heat for this purpose.
Even if the information wasn't entirely groundbreaking, it was only natural for someone who prided herself as a knowledgeable scholar to take great interest in the story the Queen had told. Indeed, Fio listened quietly, taking in every single detail that she could.

It was hardly a tale that was entirely new, and yet some details caught her attention. The influence of the White Dragon, for instance, being so much more direct then she'd previously heard. However, the core ideas of the tale appeared to be the same as many of the others she had heard previously.

"It's difficult to tire of the tales of the King," replied Fio, nodding her head slightly, "So it's fine if you want to share them. I'm willing to listen."

She paused for a moment.

"Not that there's any special reason, it's just that I'm curious," she quickly asserted. The Sword Witch wasn't soft and willing to act as a confident for any painful emotional struggles.

At least, she didn't want to admit to any willingness to do so on her part.

Nor did she think she was particularly good at it.

"... In any case, there's no ignoring that fight must have been painful," she continued, eyes drifting down towards her lap, "Losing people like that..."

Fio's hands clutched slightly at the hem of her skirt.

"The only thing someone can do in a situation like that is to carry on the memory of the people who are gone."

For a few more moments, she didn't say anything. No, the petite girl's thoughts drifted elsewhere, at least for an instant.

"... But, at the same time, I've always felt like stories like that reminded me that the King was a human being," she added, "Not some perfect ruler who never felt anything, who just sought victory for Albion no matter the cost. Even considering how it ended, the King fought for Albion because of his heart, not a lack of it."

She paused for a moment.

"... I... guess what I'm saying is that, er... that you shouldn't..."

Fio trailed off, now far more furiously fiddling with the hem of her skirt. Trying to offer those helpful words, it was way too difficult...

Will be posting today or tomorrow.
My character idea is in progress! You already know what I've got planned.
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