I believe Hobgoblins can learn magic naturally, once they become one. From there, I'm sure your character can learn through books, no matter the species. At least, it has happened in canon.
Not a big fan of titan pad I only used it for some rps
@Wasted Ink
Titanpad is bae.
Especially for collabs.
You know, when it's not disconnecting all the time.
You got free rein once I skip us a few days when your strong enough to walk. Survival of the fittest
@Rune_Alchemist Fair enough I have been wanting to ad in a yuki-onna but I can't really think of something they could turn into and it might have the same issues with physical weapons
@Wasted Ink I did consider imps but jangels prefers to have everyone turn into hobgoblins before going different routes and hobgoblin --. imp feels like a step back