Avatar of Xandrya


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7 days ago
Current Unfortunately the social media break didn't last long as the worst outcome was confirmed this evening. 💔💔
7 days ago
I need to heal my heart a little bit from current events right now and take a small break from social media. So, how's everyone doing?
20 days ago
Nothing quite like being slightly under the influence and rushing to the girl's room to pop my Invisalign back on.
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29 days ago
My VA attorney filed for disability on my behalf for a possible bad knee. The next morning I wore stilettos to work because I ain't in crutches just yet.
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1 mo ago
Love driving and suddenly sneezing only to pee myself a little because I birthed a cute little human.


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Unfortunately I come bearing bad news. Keeping it short but I’ve taken on a project and it’s gonna take up quite some time from me. With my other RPs I’m currently engaged in, I’m afraid I won’t have the time to post here. I appreciate being given a chance regardless, and if time permits, I look forward to reading some posts here and there.

9/10 times I will be a happy drunk. 1/10 times I will be a sad and/or angry drunk for the most insignificant reason.

I figured I'd jump on the train before I get left behind. 😁

She gasped herself awake, beads of sweat on her face and neck adorning her skin, making it glisten from the soft glow of the night light. Alana glanced around her space, the gunshots somehow deafening even though the dream from a moment ago was now a thing of the past. She breathed a little slower, looking up at the crease where the ceiling and bulkhead met. Curse her for letting sleep take her unwillingly, though the true culprit was the boring novel which lay on her chest. Just who in their right mind would conjure up such nonsense? But on second thought, she was the one reading it, so maybe that judgment could be tossed aside, at least for the moment being.

Finally getting herself up on her own two feet after tossing the book aside, Alana shuffled on her way to the galley. Her mouth was extremely dry and if she didn’t eat anything soon then it would leave her feeling miserable just as well. She reckoned Abby to be sleeping away the pain and medication in her system, and who could blame her. Hell, Alana didn’t know what it was like to take a bullet, but she wasn’t planning on finding out any time soon, not if she could help it... Even though one could have easily killed her years ago, but that was a thing of the past.

“Sure...” she whispered bitterly to herself, shaking her head in defeat against her own thoughts. Alana continued making her way across what appeared to be a lifeless ship. Well, they were docked, so it wasn’t any surprise there was a lack of bodies through every turn she took. She too could have been out and about, minding her own business by her lonesome self while eavesdropping on those conversing nonsense thanks to the drinks in their systems, but in that moment, the allure wasn’t enough to maker her wish for such freedom. Whether Abby was down or not, staying onboard didn’t bother her any that evening. And even if it did, the sweet girl at the very least required her nearby presence.

A moment later, Alana reached the galley, which was unsurprisingly just as empty and lifeless as the halls. The young woman would go on to prepare herself a quick snack after downing what could nearly pass off as a week’s supply of water. Maybe that evening wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Count me in! I've lived in Miami for the majority of my life though I was born in '87. Still, miss being a kid in the 90s.
OOC: collaborative post with @sail3695

The scan showed the bullet hadn’t penetrated all that deep, thankfully, and Alana reassured Abby removing it would be a quick procedure. Though, from what she’d learn thus far about the young deckhand, Alana didn’t need to pile on the words of encouragement simply for the sake of it. Abby was brave, and she admired her for it. She helped Abby lie belly down for optimal comfortableness, as that’s where she’ll remain for the foreseeable future.

Abby’s layin’ in her least favored spot on any boat...the Doc’s exam table. Her right hip n’ cheek was hung out through an open square of them surgical sheets Alana set down. Things hurt pretty bad, but by far worst had come when she heard the doc cuttin’ off her jeans an’ unders tah git the fix started. Aunt Lupe tole me, she thought all remorseful like, ”never wear yer ‘goin’ tah town’ jeans afore touchdown.” Now, for her foolishness, weren’t just socks she was in need ‘o’ buyin’ this stopover.

“I’m going to administer a local anesthetic, get you nice and relaxed. The extraction will be quick, so I reckon you’ll be alright with that?”

“Yes, ma’am,” the girl answered. “Local? That mean jest somethin’ they use here on New Melbourne?”

She couldn't help but chuckle at the girl's comment. It'd honestly caught her off guard. "No, not at all; it just means you won't go night night before I pull the bullet out..." Her gaze shifted downward accompanied by a slight smile. "Unless you want to? It'd take you a bit longer for you to come to, so you'll be groggy and the likes but nothing some rest can't put a fix on."

Abby shrugged. “Long’s I’m numbed up down there, don’t rightly need tah be put under.”

"Alrighty love, I got you."

Things was warmin’ up well enough under these sheets, ‘cept fer where cool air raised goosebumps on her pi gu. Doc had give her a pillow; Abby tucked arms underneath of it an’ lay her head down. Afore now, she really had no idea of Alana. Met her once, then agin when she come seekin’ dramamine fer him what shot her.

She knew some docs. Ones worked on Mariposa over time was kinda straight up no nonsense types who jabbed needles an’ rushed stitches afore pushin’ her out with a handful ‘o’ pills. But Alana was...diff’rent. Somethin’ ‘bout her voice, an’ the way she touched Abby. Gentle...kind, she conjured. How I reckon a mother would.

For the remainder of the time, Alana worked in silence. Not because she didn't want to engage Abby, but she'd much rather let her simmer down some instead of forcing her into conversation. Alana prepped the gear to have it set up adjacent to her. She double checked to make sure she had what she needed before moving forward.

"This just be me giving you the anesthetic, hold tight," she whispered as to not catch the girl off guard. The minor discomfort from receiving the anesthesia was rather brief, something so quick it barely registered in the moment. Alana then put that down, momentarily waiting for an adverse reaction but thankfully there was none. You never knew with some people...given the job, she'd seen it all at her age. The lights were dimmed, Abby seemed to be alright, and Alana carried on. She shone the overhead light directly into the wound and took a closer look. "Huh..."

Them needles jabbed alright, but how Abby conjured t’was like pokin’ about the edges of a hornets’ nest...not even enough tah raise a flinch. But jest like the doc promised, sting began droppin’...like Penelope’s dialin’ a knob down on her console. Abby liked thinkin’ on it that way...picturin’ tha pilot, that grin bright as the deckhand’s hurt cycled right down tah zero.

Got all quiet in Medbay. Ever’ now and agin she heard a tool clink soft against the tray, or rustlin’ of Alana’s operatin’ gown when she moved. Abby got all relaxed...even took drowsy under tha dim light. Her mind wandered...past him what shot her. There’s jest too much happened last three days tah stick on that sumbitch. She thought on her new boat. It’s kinda weird, everything’ bein’ almost exactly like her home on Mariposa, but still jest a touch diff’rent.

Like a dream.

An’ tha folk. The Cap’n. Penelope. Hook. Ms. Baker...Marisol. Alana. It’s like someone give her a whole shelf of books all at once. New ways ‘tah talk...new ways tah think. Fer all her years, Uncle Bob an’ Aunt Lupe tole her ‘bout tha world she’s in...an’ that become her take on life. Now, layin’ here gettin’ a bullet yanked, Abby commenced tah wonderin’ about tha truth of things…

“Huh.” So caught up was she, that’n almost got by. Doc said “huh” same way Marisol did when she found somethin’ weird. Same way Cap’n did when he seen all them Lucky Cats…

“Huh?” Abby asked. “Yew say somethin’, Doc?”

"I did...because I saw something." Alana regretted her words instantly. She was thinking out loud again, despite her discovery not being all that grave. There was no use in hiding anything from Abby though as she'd gotten around to figuring out something was not all there, and she was right. "The bullet's lodged in there a little deeper than I originally thought. Nothing to worry about on your end, I simply have to be a little more careful, that's all." There was nothing but honesty in Alana's words, and she could only hope some form of reassurance was conveyed to the young girl. "I got you, Abby, you have my word."

“It’s ku,” the girl said. “Long’s tha bullet didn’t hit nothin’ important, it’s all shiny.” Had been moons since she’d looked over pitchers of a woman’s innards. Abby couldn’t conjure up anythin’ major down there…’cept fer mebbe one thing. She reckoned if the bullet did any harm tah that, the doc woulda tole her straight up. Shame tah conjure losin’ somethin’ afore she ever...Abby put it from her mind. Gittin’ way ahead ‘o’ yerself, girl.

Alana wiped her brow with her forearm, and she looked over the tray of instruments off to her left. A moment later she reached for her trusty pair of forceps, the very same one that had gotten her out of one too many binds in the past. Well, not so much her really, but her various patients. Alana let out a slow breath and went in. Her hand was steady, maybe from years of practice or maybe from the fact that despite not knowing Abby for all that long, she truly cared about her. Or in all honesty, a combination of both. As she guided the instrument down, she was met with some resistance. Yes, that would happen more often than not, unfortunately. Alana narrowed her eyes just the slightest. She was nearly there, though she wasn't deep enough just yet, or so she thought. Her eyes widened in surprise when she had the bullet within grasp. She held her breath and shifted the forceps to align with the bullet and a moment later, she had the intruder tightly grasped.

The extraction was successful, that much was evident when a clank interrupted the silence as the bullet landed on the tray. Next up was sewing her up, though that was the easy part.

"See, what did I tell you? Easy as pie."

Abby let out a happy sigh. “Didn’t hurt none,” she agreed, but she felt that tool reachin’ in deep, a feeling tah put a body right off. She looked over her shoulder. “Thanks fer gittin’ it outta me, Doc.” Worst part’s done, she reckoned. Now come the stitchin’. She settled in, her head down on the pillow.

Uncle Bob would talk ‘bout folk meetin’ up with their bullet. “These ain’t mine,” he tole her one time when he unloaded. “Each one’s got a name on it. Name of a man, Chick Pea. I jest carry if fer a spell...til I send it to its’ owner.”

So that’n had my name on it, she pondered. Should I keep it? Don’t much want to. Uncle Bob never had advice fer that. Mebbe, she thought as her eyes got heavy, if I do keep it…. Abby yawned, snuggled into the pillow. ...won’t come ‘round looking’ fer me no more…

Closing her on up didn't bring about any burdens. Alana was fast and efficient while she worked, just as she'd done so in the past many times before.

"Well that just about does it," she whispered, cutting the last bit of thread. She'd noticed Abby had gotten nice and comfortable, and she wouldn't wanna disturb that. "I suggest you stay here for a bit and rest, though it ain't required of you if you so wish to up and go. I can always grab some water for ya too, or anything else you may need. I don't have much going on out there either way."

“Wouldn’t mind,” Abby drowsed, “layin’ here fer a spell…thank yew, Alana.” She closed her eyes. “Yer so nice…” The girl went quiet, but for the sound of deep, even breathing.
The current ruckus had her flying to and fro. On occasions, storms were quite relentless, and combined with the seldom surge of hardheadedness fogging her judgement here and there to get something done, the results were oftentimes...amusing. Alana let out a hushed curse under her breath, despite being by her lonesome self in the infirmary. She supposed it to be habit, not wanting her professionalism to falter any in front of a body or two, but she found her actions worthy of a chuckle nonetheless.

Some of the equipment had fallen to the deck—none that required any fixing later on—and that was the reason as to why the medic wasn't properly strapped down and secured, so to speak. Of course, this latest hiccup in flight had her rush some. She felt a headache coming on, and despite her workplace currently holding the status akin to that of a playroom with kids who'd strewn just about everything they could get their sticky little hands on, she figured she'd save the clean-up for later. Just her luck that the latch on the overhead storage had given out...

Alana took careful steps towards her seat, and some time passed after that point as her mind grew distracted and her body went on autopilot. However, the shot that unexpectedly went off somewhere outside the supposed safety of the infirmary drew her back to the now, and her eyes widened. The images all came flooding back to that cursed evening at supper time back home. She hadn't had time to react, not when her parents were shot dead without so much as the chance for a plea to leave their lips. The blood splatter, the rather brief surprised expression from her mother a split second before her life too was taken from her, more blood spatter... That alone was the sole cause of many sleepless nights to come for Alana. Yet the one thing that always sent her spiraling was the extreme guilt when she thought back to her brother contemplating ending her life, followed by her wishing he had simply gotten the courage to pull the trigger. It wasn't so much that she had bouts of depression or the likes prior to the incident, but having to deal with the aftermath of the double homicide / suicide was something she simply wasn't equipped to handle.

But in that moment, Alana shook it all off. She stood and did her best to maneuver her way to the door without being tossed about like a rag doll. One could say her actions were slightly foolish given the potential danger opposite her, but it didn’t phase her any. She stuck her head out and heard some commotion quite aways, deciding then to further investigate as it seemed to be coming from the cargo bay.

A second shot, her heart just about threatening to burst from her chest but nonetheless she remained concentrated on not losing her balance. An eternity mighta gone by but she finally made it to her destination, the scene before her freezing her in place.

“W-What happened?"
A New Partnership...

A collaborative post between @Chulance & @Xandrya

Floyd was surprised Network was having a better start then he'd hoped for, but things were starting to pan out in a positive manner so to speak. Getting Shade on his side was a major win for him, and one that he'd hoped would have a snowball effect on bringing forth momentum for his organization. But in order to effectively seize the black market & take the company where he wanted to go then he needed help. Not to mention his confrontation with Lori Martinez had left him reeling, people like her needed to go. He felt that both of his primary goals/obstacles would align with the interests of a certain female agent who'd decided to let him go free a few days ago. Fumbling through his materials he found Anya's card, and produced one of his burner cells. Examining the card once more he pushed in the digits and called her. Two more days until the deadline for registration is up, things are about to get hectic.

She was sitting on a barstool leaning on her kitchen counter. Anya was wearing nothing but underwear and a white tank top. Fresh bandages covered her wounds, and despite the medication she was currently prescribed, Anya had a glass of wine in hand. She hadn't left her home much these past few days. While Liberty sent her home until she was fully recovered, the FSS did not have the same expectations. Had her incident been work-related, meaning, she was ordered to take Floyd into custody, they would have been a little more understanding of her situation. But Instead, when she was questioned, she explained to her superiors the she had engaged the Altered on her own account. Anya wasn't formally reprimanded, but there were some closed-door discussions she had had with her superiors, though in the end, all she was left with was some side work to handle that wasn't all that physically demanding.

Since she was lost in thought as she sipped her wine, Anya was startled when her phone went off. She grabbed it and noticed it was a number she didn't have saved.


Floyd was tapping his fingers on his desk when he finally heard a click. "Hey, we need to speak or rather meet it'll be well worth your while. It's Floyd, Floyd Banker, the flying altered from the other day." Floyd added at the end to try to jog Anya's memory of him incase she didn't recall who he was.

"Yes, of course," Anya knew right away who it was. She quickly finished the wine left on the glass by gulping down the last mouthful. She wasn't looking to get drunk, but she didn't want to be completely sober either. "So you want to meet now?" she added, more so talking to herself. "I mean, yeah, I can meet you somewhere, I just need to get dressed. Will you text me the location?”

Floyd was glad Anya recognized him without having to say anything further, it was good to have things going his way after the earlier confrontation with Lori Martinez. "Well now would be good timing." He added and went to his phone to send her a text of the location of a new factory he'd purchased two days ago to replace the warehouse Paige wiped out on the same day he'd finally gotten ownership of Taste of Paradise. "It's a fairly unoccupied factory, meet me there as soon as possible." Floyd added with some urgency in his voice wanting to meet up with her in person as soon as possible.

After getting the details from Floyd, Anya hung up with him and went ahead to get dressed. As she did so, she winced in pain a couple of times. She simply put on shorts and a light jacket, leaving some of the bandage exposed. Anya was not wanting to make the pain worse by wearing tight or restrictive clothing. Besides, she wasn't meeting Floyd in a professional capacity, so dressing down was fine. It could also possibly help her keep the meeting under wraps from her superiors since she wasn't running around town looking official as usual.

A while later, Anya finally arrived at the factory. She didn't see Floyd right away, so she walked around near the entrance.

"Floyd?" Her voice echoed off the walls.

"What the fuck happened to you." Floyd retorted as he became visible walking over to her from her a corner in the room. He was eying her up and down, noticing the bandage but also noticing more of her body with the way she was dressed. She had a nice figure, and the agent was more attractive then he recalled. Of course this meeting was much less tension filled then the last one that started off with him in cuffs. "Anyway I need your help, right now I'm starting my own group of altered humans and I'm trying to take control of the black market. I think being in charge of the american criminal underworld would be a valuable resource as the President's new laws make it harder for the majority of altered to have jobs aside from busines owners & the like. I'm looking to partner with someone in the government, and willing to offer up all manner of criminal enemies in exchange for immunity while in pursuit of this goal." Floyd retorted to Anya getting straight to the point.

She could tell he was checking her out as he didn't make any attempts to be the least bit inconspicuous, but Anya refrained from saying something. She couldn't deny he was attractive as well, but she wouldn't make it obvious. "Did you already forget how that Altered nearly killed me? Unfortunately, I'm not as strong as a lot of you with your abilities, so I've been out from work for little bit.

Floyd then brought up the reason he had called her. And to be honest, Anya had to give some thought to what he had just proposed. She wouldn't be breaking protocol with just one employer, but with both of them...despite the fact that she was not a legitimate Liberty employee in the sense of holding allegiance to the agency. "That's a very tempting offer...but I would have a hell of a lot more to lose than you. How do I know you're not going to screw me over?" she asked.

Floyd rolled his eyes at Anya’s first comment, surely an agent like her wasn’t complaining about being hurt or not being as physically strong as superhumans. Besides not all altered had super strength anyway, hell he didn’t. “Oh come on, what do you have to loose? I’m the one whose a criminal trying to partner with the government. Not only that I’m offering you an unlimited peak into the other side, endless pool of regular criminals & altered criminals for you & your buddies to string up like a Christmas tree whenever you want. You’ll literally be the best agent ever.” Floyd continued trying to focus on the potential benefits of working together while proposing this deal too Anya.

“Anyway how the hell can I screw you over in this partnership. You think in any scenario they’ll believe me over you if something we’re to go left.” Floyd added with a grin, although he wasn’t planning on crossing her if she agreed. Part of the inspiration for this idea came from watching Sons of Anarchy. “Or maybe you don’t have the juice to pull off what I’m asking for huh? Is that it can’t get it up for my request hmm?” Floyd teased but with a hint of seriousness, after all if she wasn’t high ranking enough to help with what he wanted then he needed to be careful because that didn’t mean she might not have enough rank to put an end to it.

“Listen, if I get found out, I might as well start digging my own grave. All they need is any ounce of proof that I’m working with you instead of taking your ass to jail and I’m a dead woman.” Anya was being honest; she wasn’t exaggerating. Her superiors would not take kindly to her going behind their backs. She’d heard the stories of what’d happened to other operatives who just so happened to betray the FSS, and that alone was hhea deterrent on its own. Still, Floyd brought forth a pretty good point. She would be gaining a lot, and to her, it was worth the risk. Anya smirked at his latest statement. “If you didn’t think I had what it takes to offer you an in then you wouldn’t even be here right now, so don’t play that game. But you are right, your offer is a pretty good, one that’s hard to pass up… And with that said, I hope you’re ready to play by my rules.”

"Wellllll I guess you have a point there, if I didn't think you could do it I wouldn't be here, or I'd be pretty screwed considering I can't wipe away memories or anything." Floyd noted jokingly although he was being partially serious, if he had made an incorrect assessment he would be totally screwed right about now. "And okay then what are "YOUR" rules then Agent Donnovan." Floyd asked somewhat sarcastically wondering what he was getting himself into. Still he shoved any potential regrets he had to the side, if he was going to do this then he wanted to be connected with government forces from the start, it would lead to making the Network succesful, plus he was determined to take down Lori Martinez, Reaper & any other similarly threatening forces.

“The rules are simple. Every major job, movement, shipping, and anything else of significance must be previously approved by me. You will not carry out these actions without consulting me first, and if I tell you to pull the plug, you will listen to me.” Anya then stepped closer to Floyd, decreasing the distance between the both of them. Her tone now lowered, she looked him square in the eye. “And last but not least, no one but you knows about me. If I find out you as so much mention my name, you are fucking dead…and that’s a promise I’ll carry out myself.”

"Suit yourself if your into micro managing, although I forsee that particular condition of yours being quite difficult as Network grows in number, fortunately for you the group's not that big right now."Floyd shrugged if she wanted to make her life more difficult and his easy that was fine with him. He could use the management help anyway. thi was not a field he use to being a leader in anynway. As she got closed he clenched his nose a bit. "Jeez you smell you went swimming in a pool of wine, stand back a little your breath is intoxicating." Floyd said to her when she approached and made her final lecturing threatening remarks. "You don't gotta get drunk, to threaten me.”

Anya rolled her eyes in response, shaking her head as she stepped back to turn away from Floyd. "It's not so much a threat as it is a fact. You may get a slap on the wrist compared to the hell that will rain down on me." With her back to the Altered, Anya placed her hands on her waist as she looked up at the sky. She was remembering the footage they had showed her during her training of what they did to operatives who went rogue in one way or another. She initially had turned her eyes away from the screen, but the was warned just once to keep watching or else there'd be consequences. But that was then, and things were much different now, at least in her experience. "But as long as we can work with my rules, we won't have any problems...”

Floyd couldn't help but laugh a little bit at Anya's response, not that he found her particularly funny. "Right you think me, a black man & an altered will get a "slap on the wrist" for what amounts to being the leader of a super powered terrorist group trying to take over the entire criminal underworld." Floyd found that amusing, although maybe Anya's punishment would be more severe. After all she was an agent helping to make it all possible, he didn't have the government connections to fulfill this whole plan which is why he was here seeking her to work together with him in the first place. "I don't see any reason I can't abide by your rules Agent Donnovan, as long as you don't cross me you'll or try round 2 with the handcuffs you'll find me to be particularly loyal. Also your alcohol fueled breath isn't a problem the only real problem is that you didn't invite me to join you? Relaxing and having fun unwinding with good drink all by yourself? Come on now that isn't any way to treat a new partner is it? Floyd added at the end somewhat teasing her.

"Oh, so you're interested," Anya smirked, pausing briefly to contemplate the fun them two could have. "I would have invited you but you never gave me your number...and a man like you goes through burners probably at the same rate I go through bottles. Besides, haven't you heard? Never mix business with pleasure.”

"Hmmmm" Floyd responded allowing his eyes to survey Anya's figure once more before giving his answer. "Okay that settles it I'm 100% interested, and excuses excuses. Excuses are are the tools of incompetence, used to build monuments of nothingness. Also I tend to think the opposite, mix business with pleasure and it hardly even feels like work." Floyd responded.

"I suppose that's another way to look at it... Open invitation, to celebrate this new partnership of ours. If you're interested you can join me back at my place, I have a nice variety for your choice of poison. If not, I'll continue drinking all the same.”

“Why thank you, it's always a good idea to look at things from a variety of perspectives." Floyd shot back at Anya with a mischievous grin plastered onto his face. "Sounds like your gonna enjoy life with or without me one way or another, but I'd be happy to accompany you on this journey back to your place. Would you like to handle transportation I've acquired a more discreet means to go about it." Floyd added with a smirk as he hovered in the air before turning invisible, only to resume being seen by the naked eye with both feet planted firmly on the ground. "Or would you prefer more traditional means of moving around.”

“Preferably the more discreet method as I’d rather avoid being spotted with an altered outside of work. You know how it goes...”

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

Can’t wait to hear all about it. Give me about an hour to get ready and I’ll see you there... Michele picked up the pace, not wanting to look like the hot mess that was currently running around San Francisco. She liked Michael, and she would be lying to herself if she did’t admit that she was trying to impress him later on, whether he considered it to be a date or not.

Some time passed and Michele was setting up a variety of finger food that consisted of a couple of cheeses and hams, some crackers with fig jelly on the side, corn nuts, and mini ham croquettes she had quickly fried up. It had taken her quite a bit to figure out what she wanted to wear, something nice but casual enough to not make her be overdressed in her own home. In the end, Michele decided on a denim dress accentuated at the waist by a red belt and a simple pair of sandals. Once she was done, she looked at the time and realized she had maybe a few minutes until the hour was up. The young woman was relieved, and started to pour some wine on a couple of glasses.

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