Avatar of RogueFox


Recent Statuses

4 days ago
Current I was pardoned from the Game by Jesus at an anime convention. Mention it all you like.
4 days ago
Like DBZ? Check out my Frieza Force RP! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
8 days ago
What does the mathematic snail eat? Algae, bruh.
9 days ago
Looks like its already been handled, POO. Way to be a day late, lmao
9 days ago
Wet like the docks. I'd rather die, than wear soggy socks. (To the tune of head like a hole)


Yo! I am Fox. I'm a 30 year old guy. I love anime, writing, video games, reading, and all the usual nerd stuff. I also recently came out as pansexual. Probably TMI, but I'm finally ok with admitting that about myself, so why not shout it out occasionally? Anyway! I hope to have fun around here, feel free to message me here or on discord!

Most Recent Posts

Alrighty! I'll put out an ad or two, and we can see about starting next week regardless? I'm just not sure how many more people we'll get. This is pretty niche haha
@Zeroth I didn't think we'd be heading to DB Earth. It's often regarded as a nothing planet that no one cares about so we wouldn't have much reason to go.

So, how long did you both want to wait? I figure we could play with the 3 of us. We could also set a deadline to see if anyone else wants to join. Also, be sure to bring up any questions, comments, or concerns! I try to be really open when I run an rp cuz I want it to be fun for everyone. And, finally, is it okay to keep Rhubari as squad leader for now?
That looks good to me. Approved!
Added a link to a discord server in the first post!
Alternate. That way if our characters want to rebel, the option is there, and it's possible they could win. Just sorta depends on when they would decide to.
Awesome! Looks good to me! His regeneration is slow enough that I'll allow it.

Good questions!
1. Yeah, I had a lot of reasons. One being that I feel like everyone would pick one of those races, and they both have skills that seem a bit too powerful for everyone to have a more equal footing. The Saiyans have the zenkai boost and potential for super saiyan, and Namekians have ultra fast regeneration and the ability to sync with other Namekians, increasing their power several-fold. I just thought it'd be easier to nip it in the bud.

2. I would like our characters to get more powerful fairly quickly. I'm thinking this first planet they have to conquer will be quite the challenge. They'll be dealing with gravity far greater than normal, and though most won't put up too much of a fight, I plan on having a few heavies along the way to really challenge our characters. I figure we can expect a pretty decent jump by the time we finish the first planet, our power levels could climb into the 10k's. In long term, I figure we can just keep getting stronger as long as we play. I guess to answer your question, I think the power levels we see in Frieza saga are about as high as we'll go, since that's when they kind of stop mattering. So I'd say we could see power levels into the low millions maybe.

3. Racial skills are definitely allowed, and even encouraged I'll say. If needs be, I can talk with anyone who wants a specific ability, and as long as it matches with our power levels and our vibe, it'll probably be fine! Like I said, I'm also happy to talk transformations as well, I just think it'd be easier to handle something like that when we have higher power levels.

Feel free to talk to me as much as you want about character building, and even ideas for the rp itself. You can DM me, talk here, or on Discord.

Also, for everyone interested, would you like me to make a discord for us to chat in? And I do have Rhubari as the commander for now, but as we get more characters in, we can always hold it to a vote. I don't want it to feel like I'm trying to be main character
As Aryal spoke, Ellera's lips tightened into something of a grimace. "I had wondered if that were the case. How doth one join thy guild? I wish to take jobs that align with my skills." She reached for her coin purse, assuming that there was some fee for joining the guild. It wouldn't be the worst way to spend her gold. She noticed the young girl asking for a room and jobs, which stood out to her. She seemed young to be adventuring alone. Yet, she knew all too well how annoyed she'd be if someone took it upon themselves to help her, so she gave the youngling her space.
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