Avatar of DestinyStar
  • Last Seen: 25 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: DestinyStar
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 480 (0.13 / day)
  • VMs: 10
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    1. DestinyStar 10 yrs ago
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2 yrs ago
Current It's been a long time, RPGuild. I hope you're all well.



Thank you for visiting my profile!

You can call me Destiny. I am a 26-year-old pansexual woman from the USA who has been roleplaying since 2007. I got my start on a Kingdom Hearts fan-forum, and now here I am! My roleplaying interests include slice-of-life, romance, drama, fantasy, and anime fandom. Did I mention I am a HUGE otaku? :D

I write at a high-casual/advanced level as far as the amount of content I write per-post, but I'm not into flowery language most of the time. My writing is very simple, with a lot of the focus being on the characters and how their thoughts and feelings are developing. Realism is the name of my game! This stems from the fact that, when I am not roleplaying or slaving away for a large technology conglomerate at my day job, I am working on plays and films as a professional actress. With this being my passion, it's quite literally my job to pick apart each character's brain to find the motivation behind their words and actions. I'm just saying, that kind of obsession shows in my writing.

For my partners, I mostly do 1x1 RPs unless a group really catches my eye. I expect 2-3 paragraphs per post and prefer those who can respond at least once a day. Original stories catch my eye more than fandoms, but I don't rule anything out until I've tried it- trust me, if something's not working I'll let you know. I do not write smut, but if it is story-driven I will consider 18+. I'm really not picky; these are just guidelines for how to *guarantee* I will love our RP! I've been surprised before!

A fair warning in advance: I'm also a little crazy. I am diagnosed with Anxiety and Depression, so if I am feeling off I may just stop responding. My mental health does come first. Rest assured, I will pick up the pieces and clear my head enough to reply soon. I use my writing as an outlet, so I can never stay away more than a couple of days. That being said, my Guild partners are my family. Y'all have helped me through the worst times of my life and continue to remind me why I'm still alive on this Earth. So just know that I am here to do the same for any of you, even if we've just met. :)

Anywho, if this sounds like your thing then shoot me a PM! I swear I'm friendly, albeit a little strange, and I don't bite (hard)!

Most Recent Posts

Mari was taken aback by his questions. "W... What? Well, no, she didn't, b-but... um... Rude?" She shrunk back a little when he said that. He did have a point; it would be rude to ask March to make them something when he was so busy with the kitchen. The young girl took a moment to ponder this, a sort of worried look in her eyes as she thought about what would be the best thing to do. What she didn't realize was just how easily Daehyun was taking advantage of her- actually, she legitimately was beginning to feel bad that they might have caused March trouble. Not only that, but she didn't want her new coworker to think ill of her. It was only a small bite to eat, right? It wouldn't hurt anything to stop for a minute...

Before she could even make the decision for herself, her new companion was thrusting the most delicious strawberry crepe into her hands. Her eyes glistened at this most beautiful gift she had been given, before quickly looking back at Daehyun. This was all so overwhelming! He really hadn't needed to use his own money on it, either, since he was buying the milk... "O-Oh! Thank you..." She murmured in reply, her cheeks flushing red. This was the first time anyone had treated her like this, not that she really ever went out with friends much, as timid as she was in busy places. Still, receiving such a cute crepe made her incredibly happy! Then, he said not to eat it and she tilted her head to the side, curiously. Why had he bought it if they shouldn't eat it?

Then he suddenly tried to take a picture. Her mind just couldn't keep up with this guy! Really, they were spending too much time as it was, but he seemed responsible and confident. He had probably done tasks like this many times before! And, though she wasn't sure how, he kept saying something about getting a lot of people to come to the store, though she didn't know how. She trusted him to know what was best. "I, uh... yes, I am... and I-I guess that's okay..." Still, taking a picture like this in such a crowded place was sort of embarrassing, and she instinctively held the crepe in front of her, a bit, her blue eyes peeking out from behind it shyly (and adorably) as he took the picture. As he uploaded the picture, she licked some of the now-melting creme that had dripped down the side and giggled, happily. God, this crepe was delicious! Mari always looked liveliest when eating sweets.

"Can I eat it now?" She asked, excitedly. If she had a tail, it would have been wagging. Once he gave her the go-ahead, she bit into the top of it and happily munched with a bit of whipped cream on the tip of her nose. As she ate though, she noticed his coffee and then looked back at the stand. It seemed like such a waste to leave with just a drink... "Aren't you going to get any food?"She asked curiously, oblivious to the fact that they had only come here as advertising. She was so caught up in her excitement over the dessert that she seemed to have completely forgotten that they were sent to get milk.
She's being used for advertising and has NO idea. How sad. xD

But you fed my little Mari, soooo.... I suppose it's alright. :P

"Ah, okay..." Mari tried to relax when he mentioned she didn't need to be so formal. He was a coworker, after all. They should get along just fine, right? A small smile formed on her lips at the thought. I'm actually on an errand with a coworker...! It still felt too good to be true; if she had a tail, it would have been wagging with happiness. "Hm?" The young woman tilted her head curiously when Daehyun seemed to be troubled by something, and her eyebrows furrowed in concern. What was wrong? Had she said something that made him upset? A slight panic built in her, before he spoke again. Suddenly, she noticed his movements becoming quicker... and quicker... until she was running to keep up with him.

"W-What...? W-W-Wait... D-Daehyun!" She didn't want to get left behind, so without thinking she found herself reaching for his hand. What was happening? One moment they were walking along, on a simple errand, and the next they were darting through crowds and weaving their way toward a waffle house! Brunch? Weren't they working? Amelia had wanted them to get the milk... As they approached the waffle house, he finally released her hand, and she bent over to rest on her knees as she caught her breath. "Where are... W...Wait..." She struggled to form a sentence with how heavily she was breathing. As she caught her breath, she walked after him, only to notice what he was saying. Was he really trying to advertise their cafe at another restaurant? Her cheeks flushed bright red, and little alarms of DANGERDANGER went off in her head.

"H-Huh? Oh, yeah, it... it will be... B-But Daehyun! We are supposed to be getting milk... I-I don't think we're supposed to stop for food..." She tried to be the voice of reason, but her voice was timid as she realized how many people were staring. Nervously, she followed him up the line, only for her voice to trail off at the sight of a strawberry crepe one of the customers was eating. It was so... so adorable! It looked delicious! Mari had an obvious weak spot for sweets, and she practically drooled as her eyes sparkled at the sight of it. Quickly, she shook her head. No, we're going to get in trouble... We have to go...
Sorry, moving this weekend and been trying to prep. I'll reply soon!!
@Yomuu *points to your last post* TROUBLEMAKERRRRR

But... free advertising? At least he's a smart troublemaker. :P

Mari was surprised when Amelia patted her shoulder, but something about the action was oddly soothing. Was she okay? Ah, so her nervousness really was that obvious... The young woman quickly straightened up and nodded quickly in response. "Y-Yes, I'm fine! Sorry! I-I mean thank you!" Her face flushed red yet again - a color that seemed nearly permanent upon her skin- and she tugged once more on the hem of her skirt. Both her and the man next to her were staring! Did she look alright? She, herself, quite liked the outfit, as short as it was, but did it suite her? Did she stand out too much? As if reading her mind, her new boss asked about the outfit and called her adorable. Well, it was a relief... but something about the comment made her feel bashful.

"I-I do like it... a lot, actually... u-um, thank you, ma'am..." She felt so awkward! What was she supposed to say? Well, at least the boss was happy. That was enough for Mari to muster a shy smile toward her. Everyone here really was kind... It didn't seem like she would be left out on her own, which was good! Wait, advertise outside? Just like that, the small one began to panic just a bit. She wanted her to attract customers? How could she do that? She wasn't very good at talking to others... What should she say to get their attention? As more and more questions and concerns swirled in her mind, the owner was already onto her next thought, instead deciding to send her on an errand to get milk with one of their coworkers.

Her first thought was that she would be going out in public in this outfit. Would people stare or think it was weird? Mari wasn't sure she could handle many people staring at her... but this was her job! Minkyu seemed quite upset about the lack of milk, so this would be helping him! And he had been so nice to her! So she should help him, right? "O-O-Okay..." She sputtered in reply as the woman was already thrusting a map into her hands. Amelia really moved quickly, didn't she? Just like that, she was off on her first official task, and Daehyun was cool as could be. He must be experienced here, then... After all, he was so calm!

"I-It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is M-Mari... I look forward to working with you...!" This was the part she had practiced in the mirror several times. A good introduction was important! You should always leave a good first impression (or so she'd read online). She gave him a deep bow, only following him once she saw him head to the door. He was even a gentleman, holding the door for her...! Yeah, this wouldn't be so bad! She had gone grocery shopping before, and they were just needing milk, right? "W-We'll be back, then..."

As they began to walk down the street together, Mari looked at the map Amelia had given her. It was... a bit poorly drawn, to put it politely. She had scribbled it quickly, but hopefully they would be able to follow it! Her eyebrows knit together in slight concern before she glanced up at Daehyun. Of course, she was being very rude! Should she strike up a slight conversation? This was so awkward... At his sudden question she jumped, a little, being taken out of her own thoughts. "H-Huh?" It was a strange question to suddenly ask. "Ah, y-yeah, I ate at home..." There was something in his eye that told her he must have asked for a reason, and it made her tilt her head curiously to the side. "U-Um... h-have you...?" She mentally smacked herself. What a weird way to ask! He probably was just being considerate and trying to make conversation!
@OliveYou Daehyun seems like a troublemaker and Mari doesn't wanna cause trouble! xD

Nah in reality this will be good for her. <3 But THAAAAAT was your scheme, huh? Lol
@OliveYou Ooooh plans for Mari and Daehyun? I'm intrigued. :3
:( We're still going with this one, right...?
Wails of anquish escaped Macy's lips as she cried, on and on, feeling the pain she had inflicted deep down in her core. Despite her interest in the macabre, she never wanted to hurt any of her allies. It did not take her knowing the man personally to know the sort of damage she had done. The worst of it was that she knew he would not be angry at her for losing control. He could not scold her, or think ill of her, as he had offered himself to her. She did not feel that was right. For her to be able to inflict such suffering, without consequence, because of her own stupid decision to use her magic... The young woman had been fully conscious of what would happen if she used her power. Had they really been so cornered that she needed to resort to magic? Really? Was it really worth the delay she had caused, the suffering Arguth was currently going through? Heavy tears streamed down her face, and for the first time in awhile she acted her age. She was still a child, really... and in this moment she reacted how a child should when faced with death and bloodshed. The bright light told her he was regenerating, but she couldn't stop her shoulders from bobbing in despair. He may heal physically, but she knew a deeper damage had been done. He would have the memories of this pain for a long time, just as she had memories of pain. It was worse than killing them, or so she believed.

Her body was numb to Diana's embrace, but she neither fought against it nor reciprocated it. Instead, she simply cried into her chest, like a small child crying to their mother, with her arms limp at her side. Arguth's screams made her flinch, and that was when she finally clung to the dragon-woman. Horrible, heart-aching screams echoed in her mind, and throughout the chambers within which they stood. The sound would haunt her for a long time. Sure, Macy had used her magic several times before... Scar would usually stop her. Why hadn't he, this time? Had he seen her desperate gaze? No, she couldn't blame him... There would have been no stopping this. Still, she had never felt the pain of actually going through with her bloodlust. The euphoric feeling of it had been fleeting, and left behind was only the weight of deep regret. The moments passed slowly, and time seemed to stand still as the young girl just cried and cried... unsure of what else she could possibly do at a time like this.


With no recollection of how she had gotten there, Macy awoke to find herself curled near Diana. One of the twins had woken them with a light tap, and judging by the state of things she figured quite a bit of time had passed. You could hardly call her well-rested, but she knew that there was no time to stay here. As Arguth said, they had no more time to waste. Arguth... Her gaze strayed toward the floor to hide her shame as he spoke. She couldn't look at him- his broken chainmail only served as a reminder of her misdeeds. Instead, she took a breath to focus herself, slowly rebuilding the emotional wall that she had up most of her life. Now was not the time to lose herself. They still had a mission to complete; after the delay she had caused, the last thing she wanted to do was become dead weight. Even so, she couldn't bring herself to eat the rations provided, opting instead to skip the meal and keep to herself in the corner as she "meditated", in a way. By the time they were ready to continue, she would be wearing her usual, monotone expression. Although she appeared mostly back to normal, she really had suppressed her feelings on the matter, deciding she would figure out how to cope with it once she had helped her comrades to safety. The only hint of her thoughts on the matter came in the form of her avoiding Arguth - she took great care not to stand close to him or make eye contact with him.

As they made their way through the prison, she stuck to the back of the group, her rapier- covered in dried blood that she tried to ignore - and her dagger in hand. Fire and ice shot out in front of them, and that was when she truly went on her guard; the fight had begun. Following in her comrade's steps, she lunged forward to slash at the creatures, lacking her previous interest in their grotesque forms. Instead, her movements were like clockwork- slash, stab, push, jump- as she steadily tried to take down enemy after enemy, taking great care to not become overwhelmed by the sheer number of them. And good god, were there a lot. Her movements were methodical, and it was all she could do just to keep the bug creatures at bay.
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