Avatar of FamishedPants


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Current "Is this a joke? What, you think--You think I can't deal with a CAT?"
3 yrs ago
"You're a slave to history."
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3 yrs ago
"He was infuriated to see Jinguuji-san eating with another man."
5 yrs ago
"When you get to the point where you can laugh at your mistakes, you'll find new things to replace what you lost."
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5 yrs ago
"Damn stupid sun, making it morning whenever it wants even though I'm sleepy. Who does it think it is? Doesn't it know it has me to thank for its continued existence? "


You showed up.

One way or another, you've arrived at my profile. You've taken a wrong turn in an alleyway because you didn't pay enough attention to your map. You've heard of something cool and new and thought maybe you'd see what all the fuss is about? Or maybe it is that you noticed like me updating my status or were lurking through an RP or something I am in and just kinda clicked my profile, that happens too. Regardless, you'll come to learn that your actions have consequences. Not this one since you can always just, like, leave.

I have a few names and I don't mind being called whatever you fancy at that given time. KingofTheSpectrum, FamishedPants, ChadChadlainn. Any derivative of these is fine as well. Most tend to use Pants, however. I'm nearing my thirties and enjoy games, anime, V-tubers, and visual novels. You can find my still-obsolete list here as it contains everything important on it.

As for games particularly, I am a huge fan of Devil May Cry, Metal Gear Solid, Nier and its sequel, FFXIV, and recently, Project Wingman.I tend to lean towards shooters and action games, but I have also wasted 8+ years on League of Legends. I think the only games I tend to avoid are card games and sports games, but there can always be exceptions.

For anime, I tend to watch whatever looks entertaining. It doesn't have to be good. I've seen a lot of the generic, poor-quality isekai harems that are out there. It's difficult to remember what I actually genuinely like, but Chaika the Coffin Princess comes to mind, as well as FMA: Brotherhood. I'm currently enjoying Tokyo Revengers.

I've read my fair share of visual novels, as my list would tell you. I can't recommend going through Muv Luv Extra/Unlimited, then playing Alternative enough! Big fan of Rance, Grisaia no Kajitsu, and Demonbane as well. I could probably go on and on about them, but I'll stop here.

Also, fuck you, Broken.

Most Recent Posts

S a m u e l

"I just wanted to make super sure."

— Sam

Samuel got maybe two steps into his sprint before a sudden compulsion prevented him from moving another inch. He willed his body to struggle against it but his attempts were in vain, much to his consternation. Things really weren't looking great.

That really is a merciless ability...

Then, just as suddenly as it had came, it went. Justin's ability was no longer affecting him, providing the opportunity to escape. Samuel took the chance without a word, not even sparing a glance back to see what had caused Justin pause, barely managing to survive.

But he wasn't out of trouble just yet.

It wasn't until he suddenly felt a pull from behind and a sharp pain around his neck that he understood his scarf had been caught. Worse was that it wasn't just caught... it was being reeled in towards walls meant to crush him, while the newest plague caused painful boils to form all around his body.

With a shortage of time and scarf, Samuel cast a melody on himself at great cost. The blisters erupted in pain that made it hard to think, but it wasn't like Samuel hadn't literally been set on fire before, so he was able to grit through it and successfully cast his melody.

Now intangible, Samuel pulled away from the wall and made some distance between he and it, running behind the ventilation unit. Now, with a bit of breathing room, he was able to confirm that it was Jacqueline and Ashley who helped him, and that they were now being targeted by the vampire.

He moved around the ventilation unit to get a better view of the battle, as the sound hail falling became louder and louder. They really needed to get inside, but they also really needed to kill Justin before he killed Ashley -- something he Jacqueline clearly noticed as she was trailing right behind him as Justin attempted to run Ashley down.

"He doesn't know when to quit..."

Samuel pointed his sword at Justin, a pitch-black viper constricting the entirety of the hilt up to the tip of the blade. It opened its mouth as energy began to build at the tip of its tongue. Knowing the pain that was going to come with the melody, Samuel grit his teeth and used the last of his hamon mana to fire it.
S a m u e l

"If you had just waited one extra second for me to--... ah, no use expecting some dumb vampire to understand comedic timing!"

— Sam

The plan was a success, and Gunther hadn't even been able to voice his final thoughts, whatever they were, before being destroyed. I actually don't know what that strikethrough is referring to. Many souls fled his empty form to what Samuel hoped to be a peaceful afterlife, and yet he remained unsatisfied with this outcome. Gunther suffered too little and Su was a bit too dead for his liking. Maybe if he would stop forgetting there's a sizable cooldown after using melodies, things would turn out better.

This doesn't make things even, but it is a start.

Having removed one of the larger threats they were facing, it seemed somewhat plausible they could get the remaining G.E.M.I.N.I agents through this mess without another casualty. Of course, it wouldn't be easy and things could take a sharp turn for the worse at any moment, but it did seem possible, at least.

To do that, Samuel intended to regroup with Jacqueline and subdue Pac-A-Fist before helping the rest of the agents with their respective foes. Wiping some blood out of his eyes, he started to make his way back toward Jacqueline.

Agent Leroux should be commended for her initiative and bravery. I hope she made it through that without any serious injur---


Suddenly, a fairly loud and familiar sound assaulted his eardrums. His ears began to ring a little bit, but he wasn't given much time to worry about that as an abrupt impact threw him off his feet. He managed to recover in a timely manner, but now he was face-to-face with danger.

Justin...! Damnit, I didn't want to interact with him directly until the rest of his allies were subdued!

The arrogant vampire stood some feet away from Samuel, though he seemed far more vexed than smug, for the moment. A barrier made of blood separated the two of them, and it became even more threatening later when Justin added spikes to it.

He's mad about... the statue? Not even a word about the 'ally' he just lost? What kind of idiot would willingly cooperate with someone like that?

Samuel struggled to keep his composure, and each second he had to spend in this situation only made it harder.

"...I'll pay? For that gaudy sculpture of yours?" Samuel scoffed in an attempt to rile the vampire up, keeping an eye out for the areas the frogs had made hazardous nearby. "The mere implication that that atrocity was sculpted willingly is, frankly, so absurd I could almost forget to be offended by the equally ridiculous belief I would fall for such a blatant lie."

With less than half a tank of magical fuel remaining, Silhouette was certainly playing with fire here. He realized this later than he would have liked, though.

Wait... what am I doing? I need to seriously calm down...

It was one thing to have passion. But it was another to blindly make rash decisions under the influence of a heated mind. As cathartic as it may be to grind Justin's gears, without a plan it ultimately achieved little more than possibly getting Samuel killed that much faster. And he would likely die rather quick if he did nothing while the spiked wall of blood surged forth.

He gripped his blade with all of his strength, and a dark haze started to coil around Justin's feet. Meanwhile, Samuel started a diagonal retreat towards the top side of the ventilation unit behind him, instead of running straight backward, for whatever it was worth. At the present, he was far too focused on Justin to register the recently arrived blur, Jacqueline, or Ashley, and thought himself to be the sole person currently engaged to Justin.
S a m u e l

"The situation has only been made worse with the addition of yet more bugs."

— Sam

Circumstances as they were, Silhouette found himself dreading the next second as much as he had been anticipating it. He was furious, but even still... with Su dead, how could he simply assume things would work out?

He couldn't.

In reality, his spell was probably airborne no longer than a couple of seconds or so. But to him, it had felt like hours since he had ducked back behind his cover. In it, he imagined his failure:

Jacquiline rushing headfirst into battle while under the impression she had someone to rely on, only to die in despair when his lack of talent shone through in the most critical moment, cursing him in her final moments. The only consolation he had was being lucky enough to die before he heard how his failure would eventually affect the others.

But fate(or was it luck?) had something else in store for them. At the very least, their ends wouldn't be so anti-climactic. His spell successful, Silhouette's surroundings shifted as he and the debris swapped places, and almost immediately after, Gunther tossed a few tons of metal towards where Silhouette had just been.

While he had hoped Gunther would mistake his bolt for a missed attack, he certainly couldn't have predicted his Transplace would save his life. Yeah, it had to be luck. Incredible luck, even. Some people consider such luck to even be a skill. Sil wasn't one of them, sadly...

Still, there's a saying about looking a gift horse in the mouth.

Though the flies were impossible to miss, none of the larger ones had landed close enough for Silhouette to worry about. At least yet. Besides, by this point in the fight, what were a few more bugs? He couldn't exactly avoid them anyway, and Jacquiline's situation was only getting worse by the millisecond, so he had something far more important to worry about at the moment.

Gunther wasn't looking at him.

I won't fail anyone else!

Silhouette left any and all doubt at the place he had been mere moments before as it would only hinder him. He held the grip of his sword as hard as his hand would allow him and exploded into action just as soon as he had been able to reorient. Silhouette looked like a rough stroke of crimson paint on a canvas as he moved in for the kill, his form completely drenched in blood, and with a melody-empowered stroke of his sword, he intended to separate Gunther's nebulous form into equal halves, then quarters, then eighths, then hundredths.
S a m u e l

"Oh wow, thanks, Broken. Your post turned me racist."

— Sam

How strange it is, this silence.

Despite the remaining members of G.E.M.I.N.I and Justin's group fighting as hard as ever, all Samuel could hear was the rain. Not the frogs, not the Space Invaders ship positioning to flank them, nor anything else. Just the cursed blood rain.

”I think we’re evened up now, aren’t we?“ Justin closed his eyes with a grin. ”You thought you could fight me without consequence? Think again! You’ll all join Gunther’s spectral army soon enough!“

Until Justin spoke.

Samuel couldn't see the vampire from his position, yet somehow his voice was perfectly audible over everything else. Smug, satisfied, and determined to inflict the same kind of ending upon everyone of them. His delight seemed so genuine and yet his actions were so abhorrent, that Samuel almost couldn't believe what he was seeing.

She was a mother! And... a friend...

How could he want any of this? He realized these were actual people with lives, wants, and children, and family, didn't he? So why, then, did he do all of this? It didn't even seem like he had a goal beyond the carnage and suffering? Could this being simply be incapable of compassion, of humanity?

But of course. That's why they called it 'humanity', after all. It was not for monsters. For all of their boasting, it seemed they simply weren't up to the task of compassion. It was beyond them as beings, even when gifted with the intellect to acknowledge it.

How pathetic, Samuel had thought. Even when given everything, they still failed at something humans could do with ease nowadays, even if it didn't seem that way online or through the lens of media. His grandmother, rough as she was, was a testament to this fact.

Maybe, then, it was pointless the waste compassion on them. If all they were capable of was destruction and suffering, then maybe allowing them to exist in any capacity wasn't a good idea. Perhaps any exceptions were merely biding their time, waiting for a chance to sin.

A thought Samuel had long before this. But now it had become a belief.

In a way, this was a relief. Aside from his music, Samuel couldn't say he had ever felt this passionate about something. Existing for the sake of it, just doing whatever he could to get by and trying to look as presentable as he could while doing it... wasn't a dream or an aspiration. It was merely an excuse to live.

But now he had real purpose.

He was going to get rid of monsters where he could. To make things right with the world with what power he had, in what ways he could. And perhaps this goal was fueled by disgust and contempt, but he would use these feelings for the sake of compassion. Or so he reasoned.

And that would all start with Justin!

“Hey,” she said to him quietly but intently.

"...yes?" Silhouette was pulled back into the more local situation by Jacqueline, and matched her volume. For the first time, there was no smile on his Esper form.

“Look, I’ll go do what I’m good at – a loud frontal charge. You go the other way around, get behind that fucking ghost, and kill it. Good?”

That was right. They were currently engaged in combat with the ghost and the nerd. Justin would have to wait.

Samuel agreed, and then, taking notice of the ship flying around their back, he quickly spoke. "Don't forget that ship behind you while you charge. I will work as quick as possible."

With the frogs, the mech, and the ship behind her, Jacqueline wasn't likely to last particularly long, or at least Samuel decided to work with that assumption. They had relied too much on Breacher, and look what had happened. They needed to be more proactive in the fight, that much was sure. A battle of attrition would spell failure for them, and failure meant death and worse.

Silhouette didn't keep a lingering gaze on the area he wanted to reposition to from behind cover, doing what he could to lessen the risk of their enemies catching on. Waiting for Jacqueline to begin her charge, he quickly popped up from cover and fired a bolt of dark energy towards the mech, before retreating back to cover immediately, lowering his profile as best he could.

The bolt's path would cause it to fly relatively close by the car-mech's arm. Combined with how quickly he peeked and fired it off, it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume this was simply a missed note, and Samuel didn't bother to wait and see if it had hit were he wanted exactly, trusting his aim to nail a chunk of glass behind the mech, closer to the edge that had come from the mech being hit by Jacqueline just moments earlier.

His actions from that point would, of course, depend on whether or not his aim was true and if his spell even activated, but he wasn't liable to give the ghost any more time than it needed to notice him.
S a m u e l

"Nazeebo mains are cringe."

— Sam

I must be letting this affect me more than I should if I'm making mistakes like that...

Silhouette watched as his melody failed to do anything of value. But as frustrating as throwing away mana was, there was another matter to worry about: they were being 'blessed' with a large influx of caustic anura brutally descending from the heavens, and in what felt like no time at all. If only I could simply knock all of these amphibians from the rooftop! But I can't Push nor can I affect multiple targets...

Unfortunate as it was to admit, he didn't have a favorable matchup against multiple smaller targets like this one. Even if he could successfully fling these animals past him with Pull without hitting an ally or himself, he didn't have the time nor mana capacity to do so for each frog. So aside from doing his best altogether to avoid them, which would only be viable for so long, he couldn't do much more than that.

But even that much was difficult when someone was shooting lasers at you. Pac-A-Fist appeared to be using a Nintendo Zapper to attack them while Sil was still in recovery from having cast his last melody, forcing him to do his best to evade without losing his legs.

"Eyes open! Keep track of the frogs!"

Mobile amphibious landmines be damned, Silhouette would at least attempt to fire off a dangerous melody towards the retro gamer girl, hopefully it would be effective.
S a m u e l

"We're all honestly screwed if the Holy Diver decides to T-Pose into our building at hypersonic speed, so lets hope that doesn't happen."

— Sam

The surprise attack by the third party had, unfortunately, failed in unceremoniously ridding the world of the deplorable vampire, Justin. It did, however, mean that G.E.M.I.N.I had another friendly piece of the board, at least for now. But that was hardly a comfort when the Holy Diver itself took to the stage in swift movement Silhouette hadn't even considered the false god capable of.

How fast can it move!?

Silhouette struggled to maintain his footing on the rooftop when battered by the sudden gust the Diver had kicked up from its incredible descent, but pressed on, only to be soaked in blood from the now-tainted skies. The first plague had begun to pour, indicating Silhouette's remaining time had begun to count down. And while it was supposedly true that Oros mentioned Espers being immune to this plague, it was definitely true that Oros' word was about as trustworthy as Justin's as far as Silhouette was concerned.

...Not that trust is our current problem. Somehow, I don't think my mediocre Esper capabilities will be enough to penetrate whatever sort of defenses that collosus has.

The blood-soaked demonic Esper switched his attention off what he could see of the Holy Diver and onto Justin and the others.

We need to start with the weakest and move up. No point in considering how we'll deal with that thing if we end up dying to this crazed vampire, anyway. And to deal with Justin... we should rid ourselves of the other distractions....

In direct response to the charge made by Team Justin, everyone had suddenly began moving into position to deal with threats. Fable had narrowly avoided a large swing of Betty's weapon and was attempting to lure her away. Justin was currently occupied by the random Esper as well as Agent Orion, who had begun to open fire on him. Meanwhile, Silhouette used the cover Su was providing with her shield to avoid what he could of the trash being flung at them by the ghost, while Agent Leroux made to intercept Pac-A-Fist's attack. Silhouette retreated behind Leroux in order to not impede her attempt.

I would have preferred to assist our newest but... well, I can't help how things turned out. And... I suppose the older agents need to prove they are worth respecting every now and then.

"What an irritating apparition. And so very pathetic!" Silhouette focused for a second and in response, a whirling abyss appeared on the edge of the rooftop as close to the car as it could be. "I kindly implore you to cease to be, for the sake of people who still have lives left to lose."
S a m u e l

"I was expecting the smell of oil, not sweat, Fable."

— Sam

Samuel had been eying the impending destruction in the sky when he noticed the newest member of G.E.M.I.N.I (at least that he was personally aware of) had arrived and approached him. In his current, fragile form, Samuel was able to offer the robotic boy a reassuring smile. "I'm confident that you'll play an imperative role in the events to come, as we all will in one way or another." He offered Fable his umbrella and when the boy presumably took it, he retrieved his mask and crushed the middle of it with his hand, prompting his transformation.

Sporting broader shoulders and a similar height to his own human form, it was clear the Silhouette that had emerged from the shadows that suddenly engulfed Samuel was different than the one from prior operations. Yet despite the shorter stature, the strain on one's mental wellbeing only seemed stronger.

"Thank you," he said in a multitude of voices as he took the umbrella back right before the Knight of Tomorrow joined them on the rooftop and prompted them with a rather simple, yet difficult question.

"Admittedly, my experience with beings of such scale is... nonexistent, thanks to that oversized crab appearing at an inopportune time. Perhaps I could've gleamed something useful in such an encounter... but I digress," Samuel rubbed his chin. "I'm sure an answer will come to light when our group is made whole and we can pool our thoughts together."

Not even a minute had passed before the rest of their squad had assembled, though things had unfortunately turned sour before any of them could start an honest discussion on how to deal with their main objective. Samuel didn't attempt to stop the young boy's outburst, but that was the only lenience he could yield to Fable right now. "Keep that fire in your chest, Agent Timekeeper, and wear the coldest expression you can. Denying him the outrage he wants will strike harder than any words."

Of course, Silhouette was more interested in him keeping a firm grip on his emotions so that he didn't compromise the mission. But having seen Arzendale's blatant depravity, Samuel could only imagine Justin as being just as petty. Not unlike a school bully given too much power, only they can change. I wouldn't expect much from a monster like him.

"Precisely," Silhouette loudly agreed with Ashley, striking an offensive stance and ignoring the crimson that started falling from on high. "Keep your composure, work together, and today will end with a past failure being rectified...?"

Completing his rousing words, Silhouette struggled to keep the confusion from what he was witnessing from invading his tone.
S a m u e l

"We're in the endgame now. At least... of this season."

— Sam

A few days ago...


"Yes, you dumbass. Or what, you don't want me to?"

"...I-It's not like that. It's just that now simply isn't the ideal time to-"

"I haven't seen your face in years, Sammy! You're beginning to sound different, too."

"H-huh? What's that mean?"

"It means I miss you and it has been way too long. I don't remember you being such a stick in the mud, at least not this much."

"...Are you forgetting a lot of things? Do you remember what you ate this morning or for lunch?"

"I don't have no stinking diagnosable problem with my memories if that's what you're trying to see! I'm pretty healthy for my age, even. Or so the expensive doctors I have say. Or maybe they said otherwise and I forgot? How many times have I called you today?"

"...just the once. And, okay, I'll take their word for it. I'm glad to hear that."

"And I'm glad to hear you get the stick halfway out of your ass. I was almost worried you were going to take that seriously."


"Anyhoo, I'm not sure you love me anymore. I think I need some concrete evidence. And no, throwing the unwanted inheritance at me does not count. Ok, well maybe it does a little bit, but it's the privilege of the rich to be greedy, so I will be. Been speaking so much about forgetting things already but surely you haven't forgotten what I taught you? The best way to let someone know you love them is....?"

"Huh? What prompted that reaction? O-of course I...love you."

"...is to tell them! But since you did, I'll let that slide. Could've been quicker with it, though."

"I apologize, it's just... different when you're asked to say it."

"How so? You weren't really this stingy with the word back when we used to live together. Maybe say it more often and I won't have to force you."

"...W-well, I'm a grown man and not some affectionate kid like I used to be..."

"Affectionate? Ha! It's even funnier when you roll with it. Guess the stick came all the way out, huh? If it's good enough to keep, I'd wash it before using it."

"...Thank you for the advice. And... I have got to get going. But how about this? Things are a bit chaotic currently, but with any luck they will settle down soon and we can have a nice dinner or something together. It really has been too long, I agree."

"Music to my ears! As vague as that timeframe is, I'm still a bit upset, but you can make it up to me by bringing some of your work buddies along whenever it comes to be."

"...Buddies? Well, I suppose I do have a few..."


"It's complicated, sorry. But I will invite them and see how things go, is that good?"

"Not really, but beggars can't be choosers.... which doesn't apply to me at all. I'm choosing! Or we are going to need a serious discussion if you can't at least hire some people to pretend to be friends for the night. That's all I'm going to say about this and, for now, I'll let you go, Sammy."

"...I'm already searching listings for friends to get an idea on pricing, I'll let you know what comes of it. I'll speak to you later."

After some laughter and a playful, "Dumbass", his grandmother hung up the phone, leaving him to the silent atmosphere that enveloped his apartment.





"Hello agents! Hopefully you've read all the documentation we have on the Holy Diver, because it's finally going to land. Its first spell is going to be a tide of blood. Estimates place the Diver right in front of the historic district, so if you could head to the roof of Precinct #11 that would be swell! Oh, and I doubt this will be a surprise to anyone, but monster activity has really ramped up recently. We expect them to come out in droves while we try and stop this thing. Binky and I will be en route to your location, but we may be a bit late."

Hidden beneath an umbrella, Samuel watched the stormy sky with a tense expression as he walked, not far from the precinct. He had already done his research and the sheer chaos that this thing was about to inflict upon them almost didn't seem real, considering how calm it had been today so far. As the various afflictions came to mind, he pictured how the scene might look not long from now.

Strange was one way to describe it. A bloody landscape painted with frogs, flies, locusts, and magical darkness that deprived one of even seeing the calamity before them. He had come to feel a connection to darkness through his abilities, but it wasn't perfect. A fact he lamented silently.

But that wasn't all. Never minding the special attributes each "plague" also seemed to have, there was the matter of monsters. How numerous would they be? How strong might they be? How big might they be? G.E.M.I.N.I had only just established their foothold in Pax Septimus only a short while ago. They weren't countless bodies to throw at these beasts nor the Holy Diver. Could they handle this?

Well, I suppose that if we can... then beating that nun... 'Blackout', if that's who she really is... I don't think it would seem quite so far-fetched.

With his free hand, he rubbed around his wrist. It technically wasn't the same one that had been severed, but it always seemed to throb in pain when he remembered his close call back at the mansion. Despite this, what really 'pained' him was the feelings of humiliation and despair that accompanied it.

Hmm... no, I can't afford to be selfish right now. Not in front of the newly recruited.

Samuel exhaled and purged most of his distracting thoughts to come to his mind as he entered the precinct. How could he expect Ashley or even their newest member to remain calm if someone like him showed signs of distress? He, of course, couldn't. He had made it a point to always appear composed even in dire situations, after all. If that had been working, then it would likely be no different to them than if Fritzi had suddenly started sweating something to him. And if someone like her showed such concern...

”Fritzi! The bullets do nothing! Help!”

"That's my cue! Here's to a successful operation!"

The end of the message she had just sent repeated in his mind. He couldn't complete the former thought.

It's...odd but I can't even honestly imagine her losing her composure like that. Suppose that means she's a lot better at it than I am. Or she's just insane. She did see it fit to give me that ball for losing...

Well, needless to say, he needed to at least appear composed, even if the situation called for a spare change of pants and a prompt cleanup of spontaneously-generated bricks that led to such a need. And so, he put on a work face and made his way to the top of the precinct, where he would await the beginning of the plagues and the start of what was sure to be the most intense battle of his life up to date.

A Ping Pong ball gifted to him by his boss, Fritzi, in recognition of his failed attempts at beating her in the sport. The absurd tenacity it inspires when hitting friendlies clearly sets it apart from its mundane brethren.

GRADE: Bronze
BACKUP MELODY: [Bronze Projectile][Bounce][Piercing][If Ally][Or][If Self][Stabilize] = 80
SPECIAL: Empowered - The Ping Pong Ball glows a certain color when charged, and leaves a bit of that color on anything it hits. It probably washes out. It is red when it has expended its power.

PR: Umbral Contingencies
An assortment of practical equipment, mainly carried in the potential event Samuel cannot remain transformed, yet hasn't lost consciousness. It includes armor to protect his fragile body, a pair of handcuffs to restrain an individual, some basic medical supplies, and a concealable baton for use in self defense.

GRADE: Bronze
GEAR: Clip light, Kevlar Vest, Self Defense Weapon, x1 Handcuff, x1 Medical Supplies
SPECIAL: Limited Budget, Maximum Style - All of his gear is purchased or altered superficially so as not to conflict, visually, with his suits.

Let me know how you guys feel about the silver Style.
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