Avatar of Garden Gnome
  • Last Seen: 1 mo ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 327 (0.11 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Garden Gnome 8 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Taking a long hiatus from RPing, what with RL and all. Not sure when I'll be back. So long all.
1 like
8 yrs ago
I think I may have been on the guild easy too much at work. It's now banned on the servers and I can no longer access it at work. My posts frequency will drastically lessen.
8 yrs ago
My colleague is on medical leave so I have to cover her shift as well. Well, shit. Screw me.
8 yrs ago
All my RPs are really slow lately. Feeling terribly bored.


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Most Recent Posts

I'm real keen on this. Unconfirmed of a power for my character just yet, but is Magnetism Manipulation considered too OP to choose?

Alternatively, I was also considering something like Metal Manipulation.

I'll show to join if you're still accepting new players?
Oh, this is back! ;)
Hi. This sounds interesting. I would like to show my interest.
Alright, there's been some silence from several writers for a while and I'm about to really propel the RP forward.

@dhawan @Fever Dream @Garden Gnome @Severance

Please let me know if you guys are still interested in the RP. If not, that's fine. But please let me know asap as I am working on a new post and going forward, I need to know how many people I still have in the main cast.

Hi there!

I'm so sorry for the silence. I've been really busy with work lately. I think I'm going to have to drop due to work stress. I apologise for any inconvenience. It is truly regretted.

Location: Court Street, Everbrook Public Library

Ruby was parking her bike at the remaining unoccupied bike stands when she heard her name being mentioned. You would think that being so early in the vacation, the town's only library would be relatively empty, but no, there seemed to be sizeable crowd already gathering at the library, and perhaps, just perhaps, it being the town's only library had something to do with it. That was most probably the reason unless everyone here today had the same thoughts of her. Since when did people come so early in the vacation to the library anyway?

She turned around to find out who the owner of the voice was, and found it to be none other than Astrid Evans. At least that would who she would be, if she managed to get her name right. She didn't exactly know the girl well, but Ruby was at least 85% sure that the dark-haired girl is indeed Astrid Evans. The one with the Funeral home. Yep, the more she thought about it, the more sure she was that she had gotten the other girl's identity right. "Yup. I'm Ruby. You're Astrid right?" Finishing up with parking her bike, she spoke up once more. "Here to return some books? I am." She gestured towards her deformed backpack. "More than some actually."

Not delaying any longer, Ruby entered the library and ended towards the bookdrop area and emptied the contents of her backpack, temporarily freeing herself of the burden she had been carrying. She was just about to head towards the Mystery section of the library when she saw William heading towards the front of the library with what looked like an apprehensive and slightly worried expression on his face.

At least that was what she thought it looked like. He mentioned something about it getting really cold all of a sudden, and then realization dawned onto her. It was definitely a whole lot colder than it usually was. "It most certainly is. Now that you mention it, I don't remember it ever being this cold before." Will wasn't the only one that jumped when the loud slams came from the back of the library. Loud sounds tend to frightened her, and she too jumped, giving her a good fright.

Ruby was singing again. Singing in her room to Michael's Jackson's 'Billie Jean' with her headphones over her ears. Just like every other morning, as soon as she'd finished waking up and washing the sleep from her eyes, the singing would begin. Her father had once made a remark about how he would know she was awake when her voice accompanied the early morning silence of the home. She was just about halfway through when she heard her father's voice yelling at her. "Ruby love, I know you love singing and all, but can't you do that after breakfast? I need to be in early today. We're preparing for an influx of people now that the quarantine is finally over."

Ruby sniggered to herself as she ended her interrupted routine and headed towards the kitchen. Living with just her father had made them really close, and as the better cook among the two, she had accepted the responsibility of cooking meals for the two of them. On days that she wanted to take a break from cooking, her father would then buy takeaways meals from the local diner after work.

Those weren't bad or anything, but they unanimously agreed that between the diner and her cooking, hers was definitely better, even with her lack of any real professional experience as a chef. Retrieving a pack of bacon, she placed them carefully in the microwave to be quickly defrosted while she started to get to work at making scrambled eggs. While she busied herself with cooking, her father saw at dining table nearby drinking his coffee as he read the morning newspaper. As soon as she was done with the cooking, she took off the apron and set down the two plates as the father and daughter pair tucked into the food. Anything that knew Ruby well recognized how much she loved her food. Eating remains unofficially one of her favorite things to do and she could usually be seen munching on something at any time of the day.

Her father left as soon as breakfast was done, and Ruby was alone once again in the house, but singing had to wait. She was done to the last novel in the stack of books she'd borrowed from the library before the quarantine and she was determined to finish it up before she made the trip to replace them with a fresh bunch today. She'd heard about all the mysterious things happening in Everbrook, and the deaths that had happened in the last couple of years. There was something particularly peculiar about the town that she couldn't quite pinpoint.

The circumstances the town was in just seemed like out of a plot of a mystery novel, and just the thought about something so bizarre just sent a tingle up her spine for no reason. Promptly reminding herself to stop overthinking and frightening herself with all these crazy thoughts, she moved to grab her Schwinn bike as she began the cycle towards the town's only library. As she approached the hill, she walked the bike up. She wasn't expecting there to be many people at the library. Their vacation had only just started, and kids her age didn't tend to go the library so early on. Her backpack was filled with the stack of books she was due to return, and of course, an assortment of snacks.

Because well, cycling makes one hungry after all.

Ruby Han

17 Years Old

Place of Residence
152 Applen Avenue

Personality Traits
Ruby has always been more of the introverted sort. She has never been the type to show or express her emotions easily, but when she does, you’ll know that it is absolutely genuine. This also leads into the fact that she is not a talkative chatterbox, but that in turn also makes her a great listener. When she’s quiet, she’s observant. That makes her a great considerate friend to have, as you’ll always know that she’ll be there to listen to your rants and whines without judgement. It’s not exactly that she is always silent, it’s more that she is taking the extra time to acknowledge her thoughts. She recognises what she is thinking and takes the extra time and effort to stop and reflect on it. This can work as a double-edged sword, but it is not something that she can change easily for a matter of fact. Ruby is friendly and easy going, and is not a difficult person to get along with. She is polite and seldom rude, both to her peers and elders.

She pursues an active lifestyle with plenty of energy to spare and likes to pursue anything that catches her interest and attention, and can often be found doing activities of all kinds. She’s in the habit of proving that she’s just as good as boys or better, and has proven herself in more than a few occasions in that enough of the boys have recognised her for the fact. Ruby is also known to be incredibly stubborn and prefers doing things her way. Ruby does have a compassionate side to her though, and likes doing little things to show how she feels about her friends and loved ones where words would fail to describe how she feels for them. The saying actions speak louder than words is very much in tuned with how she behaves as she is not one who is very expressive when it comes to her feelings.

Family History/Backstory
Ruby Han was born on November 22 2002 in Los Angeles to Richard and Rachel Han. She is the couple's only child and was raised with as much love and affection as the couple could provide. When she was six, her mother fell gravely ill and became bedridden with complications from lingering illness she had been combating ever since childbirth. She eventually lose the battle her sickness and passed away two years later when Ruby was just a tender young age of eight. Richard fell into a period of grief as he had loved his wife with all his heart and found it difficult to accept the fact that his childhood sweetheart was no longer in his heart after more than fifteen years of being together. Tired of being in the city he grew up and met his wife in, he made the decision to move to Everbrook to escape the painful memories of remaining in California. The inheritance of his late younger brother's home in the quiet town had remained unsettled for quite some time now, and Richard took the opportunity to settle the matter by moving into the now vacant home.

Ruby did not know much about her uncle George, and she did not see him often. The two of them had only met twice, the most recent being his visit to her mother's funeral. From what she knew, he was a simple and introverted man who did not marry and had no children and mostly kept to himself in his home. Moving into Everbrook seemed to be the right decision as it allowed Richard to start a new and began picking himself up. He raised his daughter with all the love he could give and more and the father-and-daughter pair were very close and shared just about everything with one another. Raising a child as a single parent is never easy, and Ruby does all she can to help her father out with the household chores and working part time jobs to supplement the family's income. She does all sorts of odd jobs for her neighbours and just about anyone in town. Highly active and involved, just about everyone in the neighbourhood knows her well and welcomes her energetic and cheerful smile whenever she greets them while roaming around on her bike.

Other Info

  • She rides her bike everywhere in town, and is her main mode of transport. She ocassionally takes the bus.
  • She is fluent in both English and Korean.
  • Her fathers work as the manager of the local supermarket.
  • She is a part-time pizza chef at the local pizzeria. She has been there for nearly six months now. She also does all kinds of simple odd jobs like cutting grass and delivering milk and newspaper.
  • Loves eating and enjoys most types of cuisine.
  • Loves cooking and singing in her free time.
Sounds interesting. You have my interest.
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