Avatar of Jackal was here


Recent Statuses

11 mos ago
Current I've returned, and found out what spidersona's are, goofy ahh stuff-
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12 mos ago
Playing doom eternal rn, mancubus' are annoying.
12 mos ago
Also in a different match I managed to quickscope headshot people 2 times, skill issue.
12 mos ago
So I played a match of BFV and we couldn't even set a foot on a beach lol, the japanese were just having a vice grip on it.
12 mos ago
Just feeling like looking out my window with binoculars and just watching lol
1 like


Male, Furry. (Eastern sergal. Head view included.) Unsure of what my tastes are, I got a joke about protogens. So my joke is what diseases would a protogen catch? Protozoa, Tetanus (as in toaster.) A second joke I have is about kiwi birds, what's it called when a kiwi bird eats a kiwi fruit? Cannibalism. Aromantic lol. Fursona employment: Mercenary for hire.

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@Yuki B Welcome to hell more like it. /j lololol jk jk I'm still new here, no time to make that joke yet.
@Vampiretwilight Hmm very well then I suppose.
@Vampiretwilight You seemed bothered to me, why's that?
Hmm yes hello hi I'm a furry, know that.
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