Avatar of Keyblade87
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1756 (0.47 / day)
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    1. Keyblade87 10 yrs ago
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5 yrs ago
Current I'm so dang excited for tonight. been waiting far too long and now have a list of Kingdom Hearts related songs on a freaking loop since midnight! Wait is almost over.
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7 yrs ago
Really in the mood for a Card game/ Anime based RP
9 yrs ago
RP and work hardly ever mix especially when you call a co worker by an RP characters name
9 yrs ago
bored at home as per usual.


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That's fine by me ^_^
Hey there everyone. After a fairly long absence, I have returned. I have an idea that has been circulating in my head due to me re-reading the series. But how would people feel about a House of Night series RP? We would be set in another city shortly after the start of the series of books probably around the time of Betrayed. I'll be limiting elemental affinity to one per player though I would be okay with someone having an elemental affinity and another affinity as well, think Aphrodite when she gained the Earth affinity for those who read the series.

Speaking of, for those who have not read the series fret not. You are more than welcome to join in anyway as we're going to be doing our own thing here thus why it's set so early into the timeline of the setting. The best way I can explain the setting is that it's the modern world, but Vampyres are real, (and yes that's how they spell it) they've been living amongst humans for centuries but they also have been separate too. Now, these vampyres are different from most interpretations in pop culture, They don't burn up in the sun, no fangs, no weird turning into a bat or a cloud of mist. They do still drink blood, they can use magic of a kind, they live in a matriarchal society, and the most distinguishing thing is that they all have a tattoo on their foreheads.

Something like this but each is unique to the vampyre. Also, people are marked by a vampyre tracker at some point during their adolescence. Being marked with an outline of a crescent moon on their forehead, which will become filled and the additional markings added upon completing the 4 year-long change. That is how someone would become a vampyre, but it's dangerous. You see this is where the House of Night schools come into play. Upon being marked that person becomes a vampyre fledgling and must live near an adult vampyre in order to have the best chance at surviving. But even that doesn't always work, not all who are marked complete the change, for others their body rejects the change and they die.

I really do enjoy this series and if you have any questions feel free to ask. I am always willing to help in any way I can. Also, if you're interested in this please feel free to leave that here I have some ideas for a plot I just need to work through it more.
No I could use Discord or be on here either one works for me.
Hey there, I've been gone for quite some time and I really want to get back into the swing of the whole RP thing and I'm looking for someone/ some people to help me do that. If you are interested please feel free to DM me and we can work out story stuff and figure out how we want to do things like civilized folk.

Also the 18+ tag is there because I would much rather be doing these with adults because we all know how 1x1 RPs can get sometimes. I'm okay with most any style of RP its just a matter of figuring out how to go about it again and get that creative spark lit up again.
This here will be a private RP between @ViannaNight and myself set in the House of Night universe. For those interested in reading feel free to.

Heres our Character Sheet
hey everyone im so sorry about this but due to some unforeseen circumstances we're going to have to cancel this rp if that wasn't obvious already. We kinda just lost our mojo for yu-gi-oh! related content
Late response but.

<Snipped quote by Keyblade87>

I did not know you were a parent. :O

yeah father of soon to be three and they take up a lot of time I'm gonna try to sit my roommate down tonight or tomorrow to get everything written and posted for yall
Hey you guys I am so very sorry about how long this is taking. We are working toward getting things going but I have a guest coming in about a week and I've been trying to get the house together for their arrival as well as just me being a parent. I do hope you all will hold out and trust us to get this going again
I’m so sorry everyone I’m going to have to withdraw as well I just have too much on my plate right now and I can’t find time to post consistently
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