Avatar of King Kindred


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As much as I would love to join this I realized today I wouldn't have the bandwidth.
The fight was fierce. Neither one seemed to have the edge and it honestly kind of scared Caty. How could someone create a clone this similar to her? She had a lot of skill, likely some kind of download of martial arts knowledge, but it was clear that she didn't have the experience. Maybe she could use that to her advantage. She just needed to find an opening.

Her clone was getting frustrated. She should've better than her, stronger than her, faster than her. She may have been a clone, but she was made to be superior. She had no flaws. No inhibitions. She was perfect. So why wasn't she crushing her beneath her fists? She forced her to play to her advantage. Holding back all that she was truly capable of.

Caty noticed that her movements were getting sloppy. That she was getting slow to defend. She wasn't focused. She got her. Caty hit her with a flying side kick and slid on the floor while she was catching her bearings. Once she was below her she kicked upwards with both of her feet, pushing off the ground with one arm. Her weight was nothing to what she could carry or push.

The clone flew into the air and was about to release webs to catch herself, but Caty beat her to it. With her free hand she released a shot of webs sticking her to the ceiling of the House of Mirrors. She struggled in the webs trying to get free.

"I wondered if the webs I made with Stark would be able to hold someone with my strength. Good to know. You'll be able to free yourself soon, but until then I want to talk."

"I have nothing to say to you." The Clone spat. "Why don't you kill me? That's what you are. A killer. Like you killed Liz. Like you wanted to kill that stupid Goblin. Admit it. I know you. I am you. And I know one more thing. That you killed your father's killer. You play hero, but you're a monster."

Her words struck Caty harder than her fists did. She didn't know how she knew about what happened with her father's killer. It didn't matter though. She was right. "You're right. I did kill them. I did want to kill Hobgoblin, but that's not who I am. That's not who I want to be and thats not who my father raised me to be. I slipped. I was angry, but I realized it was never at Goblin or my dad's killer. I was mad at Danny and I because we failed our dad and Liz. That's why I'm dedicating my life to protecting and saving people. Not killing them and you're not a killer either."

"You don't know that."

"I do know that. You could've killed me, but you didn't want to. You've been tracking me. You didn't even use any broken glass here to kill me. You may kill if you feel it's necessary, but you're not a killer. What's your name?"

"I don't have one..."

"Hmm... You look like a Camilla. It means warrior maiden."

"I like warrior, Camilla it is."

"Come find me after all this is over, Cammie." Caty said before heading out the nearest exit.

"I said Camilla!" She said while still trying to escape the webs.
||Location: Sol System
||Time: Unknown

"You're welcome, Kir'ion." He said simply before following her down. He landed on the floor next to her. He nodded when she said it was better for him to hold onto them. He had already resolved himself to. No matter what the symbolism held in his mind or for his own people's struggles, this was still current for her and her people. A whole galaxy where they lived in bondage, servitude to another, and long lives to extend that suffering.

He reached down to pick up the metal bands and said, "Of course. Thankfully it won't be for long." He picked up the blanket as well to wrap the bands in so neither of them had to look at it.

"With this we begin to buy back the freedom of your people and the galaxy. Rather poetic, I think."
Caty led her clone into the House of Mirrors. She got deeper into the maze before changing into her costume. If a fight did happen here it would be better for her to be in-costume. She hoped her clone wouldn't get the same idea so things could be easier. She honestly wasn't even sure if she had one. She thought she saw a webbed design on her hoodie, but she was too focused on not dying to pay attention. She walked through the maze of mirrors to se if she could find herself. For a while the only hers that she saw were genuine reflections of her. She always enjoyed scenes like this in movies, but actually living it was kind of annoying. Especially when the person you were looking for looked like you.

She saw something flash in the corner of her eye and turned around to catch it, but it was gone. This really sucked without her spidey-sense. Spider-Woman sighed and continued forward.

A voice echoed around her. "Look at you. You think you're hunting the hunter, but the game never changed. You're still the prey."

"Oh yeah?" Spider-Woman replied. "How do you know I don't have you exactly where I want you?"

"Because I am you and I know you've gotten used to that little sixth sense of yours. You've become complacent. Even one night with sweet, sweet Elizabeth has you losing your edge. Running away and tricking me instead of fighting me head o---" The clone was cut off by a kick to the face sending her flying across the floor.

"I know you just learned how to talk, but damn, you already do it too much." Spider-Woman said getting in a fighting stance. If it was a hand to hand confrontation she wanted it was a hand to hand confrontation she was going to get.

Clone Caty jumped to her feet and faced Spider-Woman. She was in fact wearing a costume as well. It was black with a red spider and web lining. She also wore a hoodie that was black as well, but once it got to the shoulders it changed. It was instead red with black web lining and completely red on the inside. Her hoodie was a zip-up while Spider-Woman's was a pullover. Arguably the clone's may have been more practical. "Don't get cocky off one surprise kick."

"I was just repaying you back for earlier. You want to prove you're better than me? Fight me. No tricks, no spiders, no sneak attacks. Just straight up martial arts. I win, you give up and you dedicate your life to saving others. If you're me I know you're not evil. We may have darkness inside of us, but who doesn't?"

Clone Caty sent a roundhouse kick flying towards Spider-Woman's face which was promptly blocked. "I guess I get my overly talkative trait from you, but you have a deal. If I win I become Spider-Woman after she kills you."
I haven't read everything yet, but you know I can't turn down a superhuman roleplay and I wanted to announce my presence. Your King is here! But, really, hi everyone! I'll finish reading everything and come up with a character concept later.

Thanks for the invite @Lord Wraith.
||Location: Sol System
||Time: Unknown

"If you're dreaming, I'm dreaming." Harrison said a bit goofier than he intended it to be. This really did seem like a dream come true for him. An adventure like this is something he actually had dreams about. Now he was starting to wonder if they were visions. He knew it were possible. People talked about dreaming of things that later happened in the real world all the time and it even stemmed to childhood.

He listened to Kir list off their shopping list and he hoped they had enough to get what they needed. He didn't have any kind of space currency on him and he knew she didn't have any with her back on Earth. It all made sense when she said that they needed to resell some parts. He wasn't sure how good of an idea that was with the ship barely being functional as it was, but he trusted Kir'ion. He had to. He knew everything about her now and he no longer had anywhere to go except with her.

He followed her to the bunks, but wasn't too close behind her. He averted his eyes as she climbed the ladder so he couldn't look up her dress, but when she found the bands and froze in place. He looked up to see her hands shaking. He floated in the air next to her. Instead of touching her he just grabbed her slave bands and removed them from her hands.

He tossed them to the floor below before turning to look at her. "You don't have to feel those bands ever again. Not even to hold them. I'm here."
Caty and Liz spent the night together. Liz snuck in the house through her bedroom window. They weren't sure how they were going to explain to their parents that Liz was alive or if they even would. At least not until they figured things out with the other clones. If at least one of them was trying to kill her then it was safe to assume that Liz would now be a target now that she betrayed them. Caty wasn't sure how she felt about all of this. She wasn't really concerned about the fights she had coming up. She was used to fighting. She's been a fighter her whole life and she was not going to lose to some cheap imitation of herself. But that was the thing. When she looked at this version of Liz, it was strange. She didn't feel or sound like a clone. It was like she had Liz's soul within her. Could that really be possible? Was this her Elizabeth Allan reincarnated? She honestly hoped so, but there was a part of her telling her that it was just simply too good to be true. That Liz was just going to be taken from her again the moment she got too comfortable.

They snuck out early that morning and decided to go to Luna Park at Coney Island. It was Liz's suggestion. She felt that Caty needed to relax and try and have fun for a while. They had until Christmas until the clones were supposed to attack and if they did attack earlier there was no way they'd do it out in a public place in the daytime. At least she hoped they wouldn't. But these were versions of Caty who didn't have inhibitions.

The two girls were actually having fun for the first time in a long time. Caty actually smiled a few times, but tried to hide the fact whenever she caught Liz looking. They went ice skating, rode the carousel, and an awkward romantic ride on the ferris wheel before doing the Sky Chaser obstacle course. This was Caty's favorite part. That was until she was kicked from behind. Liz was in front of her and turned to catch her before the two looked up to see her clone.

Wow. She really was hot. Caty wanted to get piercings just like those, but knew her mom would kill her if she ever did. And that haircut? She wanted that exact one, because she knew she'd be able to show off her piercings with it. This clone really was her, but did any and everything she wanted to do with no hesitation. No wonder she couldn't wait until Christmas. But Caty could tell from the kick. This wasn't the one that was trying to kill her. She was the one that wanted to prove she was better. Likely the same one tracking her down with spiders.

"Are you insane? We can't fight here!" Caty exclaimed, regaining her composure.

"Says who?" Caty's clone asked before blowing and popping a bubble of gum.

"Hey, no fighting!" One of the attendants said to them.

Caty glanced towards the attendant with an "I told you so" expression. But she knew that wasn't going to stop the Caty in front of her. She broke her harness, releasing herself from its restraint. She jumped down to a level below jumping in front of a black boy. She was startled by how attractive he was. She never thought piercings would look that great on a guy. Her cheeks turned red as she brushed her hair out of her face. "I'm sorry. Kind of running from a psycho." As if on cue her clone dropped down behind her. "See? Excuse me a moment."

Caty turned her head to the right, but swung her body around to the left to catch her with a surprise kick to the side. Her kick landed sending her clone falling down another level, but catching herself before she could hit the ground. Caty guessed right. If her spidey-sense didn't work on her clone then her clone's wouldn't work on her either. She followed her clone and said, "If we're doing this, we're doing it my way." Caty parkoured off the platform to make it appear as if she wasn't a superhuman and was just a talented street gymnast and ran through the crowd.

Her clone grumbled in annoyance and jumped down to follow her not concerned about putting on a show of humanship.

Liz and the boy were both left alone confused on their platforms. Liz decided to get down the attraction the right way and followed the two into the crowd once she was down. She wasn't concerned for Caty. No matter who or what came her way she could and would handle it. She was her hero, after all.

||Location: Sol System
||Time: Unknown

Harrison knew her words to be true. He didn't know if it was a remnant of the mind touch, but he could her hope flowing off her in waves. He never could really describe hope before this moment and even now, feeling it in such a way, it was still indescribable. But the closest thing he could attribute it to is getting embraced in a warm hug by light itself. A hug that let you know that while things may be dark now, you haven't been abandoned by the light. He felt something similar when his father dad and he gained this bracelet. He thought he was cursed or punished by God and almost gave up on his faith. He couldn't see his powers as a gift, not initially. It wasn't until he saved his first life with this armor. He had realized that he was given this to help people and make a difference. He just never imagined it would be on a galactic scale. There was a reason that this bracelet didn't control him like it should have. Why he didn't become a weapon for an empire. Why he didn't hesitate to liberate Kir'ion.

Despite all of this he never believed he'd be the type to inspire people. Let alone a whole galaxy, but her words gave him the courage to at least try. No one had ever talked about him like that before and it made him blush, though it was barely visible.

"I've technically been smuggling artifacts, so I space smuggler shouldn't be too big of a leap. Honestly, I'd love it. It'd give us the chance to see how things are on different planets." He was interested in helping people, but a big part of him was really looking forward to exploring different planets and learning about different species and cultures. I mean, learning about different cultures is what he dedicated his life to. He was finally getting the chance to discover something new and present instead of just dusting off the ruins of a forgotten society.

"How close are we to the outpost?"
||Location: Sol System

||Time: Unknown

Harrison felt a warm feeling when she wiped away his tears. The act reminded him of his mother. Kir'ion was so kind. Despite all that she had been through in space and in Earth she still had the ability to have compassion for others without hesitation. Whatever feelings of regret he had about freeing her and being a fugitive were all gone. She deserved to be free and he was glad he was able to help her be.

He nodded at her words and honesty. She will be and if there was anyway he could help her on this journey, he would. When they pulled back and she asked how he felt he paused to think for a moment. "I'm... okay. Yeah, I'm okay. It was a lot, but I expected it to be. I guess this bracelet helped me process it all. But I'm so sorry for what you went through and I've decided. I still want to learn more about this." He said raising his arm. "But I don't want to get rid of it, not yet. I want to use it against the Empire. A hero of justice using the armor of the enemy to bring them down. Who knows what they've been up to or how far their reach has spread since you've been gone? Someone has to put a stop to them. And I want your help. Who better than a free X'hondrian to rally a rebellion across the stars?"

There was such excitement and determination in Harrison's eyes. Admittedly he was switching franchises and going straight to Star Wars, but ever since he had gotten this thing he knew he had a larger purpose. He helped people before the government came into the picture. Now it was time for him to do it on a much larger scale in a galaxy of people who need help. Who need hope.
||Location: Sol System

||Time: Unknown

Harrison was interested in learning more about the ships where they were headed. This one despite its wear and tear was rather advanced. More advanced than anything they were capable of on Earth. And it was a craft from fifty three years in the past. He wondered how things had developed since then.

Harrison followed Kir'ion into the lounge and sat nervously next to her. He couldn't understand why she made him so nervous. Was it because of the slight mind touch they had earlier? That was a connection that he never experienced with anyone or anything besides the bracelet. He understood her reference. Despite his and his father's exploration of the past his father had a passion for the future and space as well. He always believed humanity truly was headed in the direction of Star Trek. Maybe his dad was right. If that was the future they were headed towards then this first step Harrison took with Kir'ion was on the path to that.

He let her take his hands. He didn't fear this. The intimacy or the possible side effects. He already felt connected to her in a way that he couldn't truly describe. He knew this would be on a completely different level and would be rather invasive. It surprised him how comfortable she seemed with it at all. Harrison felt safe when she squeezed his hand and pressed her forehead against his. Like there was no safer place in the universe.

The memories were overwhelming. Not in the sense of Harrison receiving an overload of information. But how real it felt. Like he was there and these were his memories. It started off so beautifully. The memories and feelings of her childhood on her home planet. The culture and knowledge all in one place. Then in ten years it was all gone. They never stood a chance. A peaceful society destroyed and enslaved. Then Kir'ion's time as a slave. Passed from owner to owner as mere property. His ancestral DNA was reacting to these memories. The way her life resonated so deeply with the history of his family, of his people. He couldn't help, but cry once this was all over.

When she asked him if he was okay he embraced her in a hug. "Are you?" She lived through all of that and once she felt freedom for a brief moment it was snatched away from her once again.
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