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Ed Penior

Location: Mansion - Library

It felt good to talk about the things bothering him. Ed knew what this meant. He had accepted the X-men as his friends. Avery might not have been a given prior to them figuring out their familial relationship. Caroline had always struck Ed as someone who didn't like him. She seemed to be taking that he was unloading his personal problems well. He noticed the small freeze when he mentioned Cardiff.

"I have to prove to my grandfather that what has been said is a lie. If I just showed up at the estate I'd probably get removed. I fear sending letters will get ignored quickly as well. However, most of the younger people have cell phones. If I can get in contact with my mother. Maybe she can speak with him on my behalf. That may be the best avenue for me to return. It will take time though." Ed explained. He hadn't really known what he could do. As he thought of ways to contact his grandfather it had been one of the few options that seemed possible.
Mandy Mason

Location: Vet Office -> Pet Smart
Skills: N/A

Mandy wrote, "Thank you! That's all." It was good she had come here. Now that school was canceled for the time there was no way she could have done the tests and shots there. She made sure she had her stuff and headed over to the pet store in the same little strip mall.

She grabbed a cart and figured she'd best get enough for a month. She remembered how COVID was supposed to be two weeks and then it ended up longer and longer. If it was worse than that, she'd just get stuff delivered like they had before. She went through the cat isle looking for dry and wet food. She also made sure to get a collar, a carrier (she found one of those cool backpack ones), a litter box and all the other random things that were good when you had a new kitten.

Her parents weren't going to be surprised. It wasn't the first time in Mandy's life she had brought home a random pet. It wouldn't be the last either. She smiled as she gathered stuff and remembered the first animal she had rescued. It had been a baby bird. She had hand fed it for weeks before it flew away. For years after it would make its nest in the tree in their yard.

Mandy took a picture of the cart and sent it to her parents, with a picture of the cat. Her message read, "Sorry, not sorry <3"

Location: Sierra Trail
Skills: Short sword

Niah stuck out her tongue at Atlas when he was back under the sky. She no longer needed to fight him. There wasn't anything he could do anymore. So she turned her attention to the cyclopes. There were many. They had hurt Mary. Niah wasn't even certain if Mary had survived. She was certain Jason hadn't and she couldn't think about that right now.

Niah didn't know Mary very well, but she was already so upset with the death and destruction. She hated the gods at the moment. Sure Persephone was helping them and Terminus had always been a sort of family member for her. But in general the gods could suck it. She turned that anger to the cyclopes and started attacking them. She stabbed one and it turned to dust and with a back swing of her hand she killed another. She moved and went after a third but it was ready for her and moved so her swing went short.

Location: Sierra Trail

Andy drew strength with her connection to Stella. Finally they were free from the burden. The gods were able to get Atlas back under the weight of the sky. She breathed a sigh of relief. She wanted to lay down and let her body relax. But she couldn't the fight was still going on. There were cyclopes to deal with.

She picked up the Master Bolt. Even though it was her father's tool it seemed that it was fighting her. She tried to control it but it was difficult. When she finally had it somewhat under control she was able to use it to kill two of the cyclopes. That probably wasn't enough, but the bolt wasn't easy to control.

Ed Penior

Location: Mansion - Library

"Hello, Carolina." Ed placed his bookmark in the book. Then he looked up smiling at Carolina. He knew that prior to the first space trip Carolina and he didn't have the warmest relationship, so he was happy to see her greeting him. Ed knew what that meant. That his attempt at keeping distance from the members of the team had failed. He had known that for a while. In a way, it was nice to see that happening blatantly. Then Avery joined them.

"Ah, Avery." Ed's smile widened a bit at seeing his nibling joining them. Ed had always respected Avery and finding out that his run-away aunt was actually their mother had been... an event. It drove home how important change to the ways of the family was. He wasn't ready to return home. He wanted to make sure everything was going to be alright with Mary, and the others. Before he did. At least now he had some reassurance of time.

"It is a pleasure to see both of you." Ed's voice was soft to match the fact that they were technically in a library, even if it was a school library. "Please make yourselves comfortable." He turned his attention to Carolina and decided to open up.

"I am currently a bit upset with my grandfather. I didn't leave home on the best of terms. I had, unfortunately, burned my bridge some as I left. I am trying to rectify it and my grandfather isn't taking it well. However, I have hopes I can bring him around to my way of thinking. Officially, I'm not banned from the family estate, just strongly encouraged to not return. I fear my cousin." He leaned over slightly toward Avery, "That'd be cousin Lucas, he is actually like thrice removed, but other than me one of the oldest surviving males in the family after the attack on Cardiff." He centered himself again. "Anyway Cousin Lucas might have been telling tales to Grandfather to get him to consider naming him as the family heir. Lucas is an ass, so I can't really abide by that. But when I left I was too upset at the world to care. I honestly figured I'd join the X-men for a bit and die in a fight before having to deal with the repercussions of my actions. It was rather childish of me."
Mandy Mason

Location: Vet Office
Skills: N/A

Mandy frowned reading the CDC website. She was glad it had finally come up. She screenshot the most important information and sent it to her parents, adding that classes had been canceled so she'd be staying home.

It took her a moment to realize the vet tech was back, but they had the kitten. She smiled taking the cat back and gave them a thumbs up, a universal sign for thank you or your welcome. Mandy, being part of the Deaf community, felt it important to share the information she had just learned too. She showed the tech the CDC website. After the tech looked she pointed to the card reader to see if she needed to pay for the kitten's shots or blood panel.

Location: Framework
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (Passive)

Andy felt her body waver and glitch and she looked up. The flash of hearts told her exactly what she needed to know. She had two lives left. It was unlikely this was a fair version of the game where more lives might be found, was that Mario Bros? She hadn't played in so long.

"It'll be alright Mary Sue. Don't worry." She tried to say it reassuringly. She didn't feel confident about it. "Just uh...aim for the enemies. I know Shy Guy's are normally enemies but this one isn't" She cracked a smile. Andy wasn't certain if she liked that Arcade had set her up as one of the most common enemies of the games. At least she wasn't the only one. Dorian and Danny thinking this was just for fun made Andy twitch a little. Did they pay attention? Percy got it though, and that was helpful.

"I'm not super good, but I've played. Platformers were not my favorite. I also haven't played since I was like fourteen." At fourteen Andy had gone into a very different school than Avenger's Academy. She shuddered a bit at the memory. "Zelda seems to have played Mario before. We need to traverse the levels to get to the boss. If I remember right there are flags at the end of each that we'll have to tag. The pipes will take us through shortcuts and to special areas, but they also sometimes have enemies, plants that'll eat you, that pop out." She dug through her memories of the games, and not just the situations around having played. With the materialized block that Mary Sue had set up, they had some protection, but they needed to keep moving.

For now, though she jumped up onto the blocks over their heads. It wasn't easy. The change in dimensions was hard to deal with. Hopefully, she'd get more used to it.

Ed Penior

Location: Mansion - Library

Ed had sent his grandfather a letter after his conversation with Max. His grandfather's response had been a terse one. Trying to get permission to even visit the estate was looking grim. When Ed had left the family he hadn't given himself as good of a retreat back as he had thought. It would take some time to be back in his grandfather's good enough graces to return. Ed had a theory that his cousin was behind some of the issues. He hadn't thought he had said some of the things that his grandfather claimed he had said. They weren't impossible, but it was unlikely.

It was probably a good thing though. It gave Ed time to decide what to do. How to move forward. He made sure he had a Will drafted. There was a line regarding heirs, so while he had none at the moment if he didn't get a chance to update before...Max met him, the daughter would be taken care of. A few other ducks were put into order.

For now, he was taking advantage of the quiet and was reading in the library. He knew things wouldn't stay quiet. They never did at the school. He didn't know if he was imagining tension or it was just because now with all the space refugees gone it felt like something was bound to happen.

Location: Framework
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (Passive), Electrokensis

The shifting world made her a little sick to her stomach. But she knew exactly where she was. The music was familiar and sent her back to a foster home. She could almost feel the plastic-covered couch under her. Hear the laughter of the other kids. One of them she knew was the first person she had ever killed. Andy shivered and looked around among the group. She frowned. They were short more than just Ed, the asshole. Zari wasn't there.

Andy's stomach twisted. "Zari?" She asked the group, hoping maybe she was wrong. What had Ed done? Where the hell was her girlfriend? Andy didn't even take in what she was wearing, baggy blue pants, an oversized red hoody, and a white mask.

Andy drew her attention down the long 'hallway.' She remembered a video about what happened to those who fell off the map. She shook her head and focused. Getting out was important. She had to make sure Zari was okay. Andy started running and jumped, she missed the first goomba and almost fell over, but she was able to keep her balance. She jumped again, and at the same time, she tried to get her electricity to flow. It didn't work, but she did land on the goomba. It disappeared off to the side, dying.

"I don't know if you guys have played this, so if you haven't these guys," She gestures to the goombas. "Aren't the most powerful enemies in the game. But they are dangerous if you let them touch you. To take them out jump on them. Or throw a Koopa shell." She wonders if they have inventory, but takes another jump landing on the next Goomba. This time lighting does spark from her legs. Andy sighs a little relieved. Her powers work, at least this one does. That'll give her an advantage that a plain Mario character wouldn't have.

Location: Sierra Trail
Skills: Short sword

Breath was knocked out of Niah when Atlas shoved her grabbing the Master Bolt. Her vision blurred a bit, but she stood back up. She adjusted her grip on her sword. Atlas attacked Jason. She knew he was down, probably forever. Niah had grown fond of him over the last few days. She wouldn't cry for him, but as the Greeks had gone he had been alright. Anger boiled within her.

She drove forward pressing an attack on Atlas. With Persephone and Terminus helping they could drive him back she knew it. He parried her attack. The Cyclops had become completely secondary to Niah. She was determined to drive the Titan back into his place. Her next attack forced him to take a step back. Close to the two young girls who held the sky up. She didn't allow her attention to waiver, just drove another attack into Atlas. He took another step. It was incremental, but it was something. One more step was one more step closer.

Location: Sierra Trail

Andy trembled under the weight. Sweat prickled the back of her neck but she persevered. Jason going down caused her to wince. She knew a dead body when she saw one. She had seen too many of them for her age. Andy closed her eyes against it.

She held out her fingers, questing to find Stella's. To gain and give comfort and support. They both needed strength to keep this up. It would kill them if they didn't keep their will strong.

Chocolate knew that the fight was going badly. Niah was distracted, as were both the gods. The two children were pinned under the sky, literally. Jason was down, and Mary was being beaten up alone by the Cyclops. He darted in trying to bite the heels of the Cyclops but he couldn't get a good bite.

The Original Edus Penior

Location: Purgatory
Skills: N/A

Ed had been looking at Mads. She was the last thing he saw. But she hadn't been the only thing in the room he had cared about. He had to protect her though. He knew why now.

His lungs ached. He couldn't breathe. Ed knows this sensation. He had once almost drowned when he was a kid. His twin sister had saved his life. Helplessness. Pain. Everything he did to try to escape the suffering just made it worse.

He held the image of Mads' face just before his death trying to keep his sanity about him. It took him a while, through the building agony to realize the person looking down on him had her face. Something was off. His daughter had a soul, she was part human, but this being looking at him was not part human. She was fully his daughter, fully demon.

Anger started to build and bury everything else. His family had held him back. He knew that. He could have ended fights faster. He could have saved lives if he had been allowed to bring people back from the dead. His sister could have saved the world. Those laws had made all of that impossible. Even now the laws restrict him. He tried to reach for his magic to end his suffering but it was gone. The magic was outside his reach.

This was on purpose.

His life started to fade away. They say when you die your life flashes before your eyes. This may have been true, but as images of people came to him he knew who they were. He knew their names. Then the names were gone. The relationship was gone. He tried to hold on, but the more he tried the faster it flowed away.

He was empty. Only pain and anger echoed through him.

Who was he?

That didn't matter, because she was still there.
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